Monday, December 20, 2010
So Bad You Have to Laugh (really hard)
I guess sexy is a cultural thing. This video made me laugh so hard. The poor guy is trying so hard to be sexy and fails hysterically! Be sure to watch enough to get to hear her sing. Totally uninspired to blog tonight so here this tidbit from the weird.
Enough for now...
Sunday, December 19, 2010
A Manly Pasey is Better!
Before there was Edward and Jacob, there was Dawson and Pasey! I was team Pasey and now, I am team Peter.
As all of you know, I love Sci-Fi. And Fringe is awesome. This year, however, I haven't been able to watch the show regularly. So I watched five episodes on the web and I am now ready for the rest.
The problem was that I discovered Hulu (warning, many hours will be lost watching shows that no longer exist). After catching up on all things "Fringe," I then watched the entire first season of "Journeyman" 13 shows!
I was a totally unproductive human being this weekend - I liked it! Plus, getting to watch a grown up Pasey ain't bad either.
Enough for now...
As all of you know, I love Sci-Fi. And Fringe is awesome. This year, however, I haven't been able to watch the show regularly. So I watched five episodes on the web and I am now ready for the rest.
The problem was that I discovered Hulu (warning, many hours will be lost watching shows that no longer exist). After catching up on all things "Fringe," I then watched the entire first season of "Journeyman" 13 shows!
I was a totally unproductive human being this weekend - I liked it! Plus, getting to watch a grown up Pasey ain't bad either.
Enough for now...
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Attitude Adjustors!
I don't know which one I am more excited about. I love the minions in Despicable Me but I love all things Liam Neeson. I am planning to watch movies, play with doggies and do absolutely nothing productive this weekend. I hope that by Monday, my attitude will be in check. I am struggling with a "I hate everything" attitude and really need to snap out of it. The biggest contributors to this icky attitude is partly because I am trying to get sick AND I DON'T WANT TO BE SICK! Do you have any sure fire attitude adjusting tricks?
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
It's Not Christmas Until...
I hear this. Little Drummer Boy is one of my favorite Christmas song but this blend of Drummer Boy and Peace on Earth just brings the goose bumps. What song that brings an emotion or memory forward? What song is Christmas for you?
Enough for now...
Monday, December 13, 2010
Mind Melding
If any of you are crazy trekkies like me you will know what Mr. Spock discovers when he mind melds with this rock. For those who don't, get with the picture! Star Trek old, new, spin off is the most awesome ever.
However, back to my original thought, the only thought I have had all day, "pain, pain so much pain."
I think I mind melded with the rock sometime in the night last night and haven't been able to even sit up. I hate the change of seasons as it always screws with my allergies.
Gonna take more drugs and go to bed - does anyone know how to break the connection of a mind meld gone bad?
Enough for now...
However, back to my original thought, the only thought I have had all day, "pain, pain so much pain."
I think I mind melded with the rock sometime in the night last night and haven't been able to even sit up. I hate the change of seasons as it always screws with my allergies.
Gonna take more drugs and go to bed - does anyone know how to break the connection of a mind meld gone bad?
Enough for now...
Friday, December 10, 2010
The Cats Can Go AWAY
Opening the front door and yelling "Rent A Room" does not work when your yelling at cats. Trust me, Winston yelled enough to shame the two into going elsewhere but no they had to hang out on my porch. Finally, Winston got tired of yelling but would not leave the bay window without a bribe.
It's never boring with a beagle.
Enough for now...
It's never boring with a beagle.
Enough for now...
Thursday, December 09, 2010
Grandma's Spoiling Him
Mom has not been in the mood to work this week and since she works part time whenever she wants, she has been laying around the house being lazy. Not only has she been lazy, she's been lazy with my beagle - making him lazy too! The big problem with this is when a beagle has been lazy all day, I get to bring home a spastic bundle of energy.
Today, he wanted to play, which means he brings me a baby and I throw it. I did this about three or four times and then I noticed he didn't go get it and fly back to the couch. His baby has gotten stuck and he's pulling it very gently. I am amazed that he didn't pull the clock down.
Seamus, the famous, would have pulled the clock down and dragged over to me - very glad I was playing with Winston! Check out the video.
Enough for now...
Today, he wanted to play, which means he brings me a baby and I throw it. I did this about three or four times and then I noticed he didn't go get it and fly back to the couch. His baby has gotten stuck and he's pulling it very gently. I am amazed that he didn't pull the clock down.
Seamus, the famous, would have pulled the clock down and dragged over to me - very glad I was playing with Winston! Check out the video.
Enough for now...
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Ring! Ring! Telephone!
My poor dad is having to endure this season's Sing Off in an way that I don't think any dad should. After every performance, I call mom and we discuss the fine points of each group. Well there were eight groups competing and last year's champion. So their telephone rang nine times in a two hour period because we don't say on the phone during the performances.
I fully expect that he will force us to be in the same room when the show airs before the season is up.
I have to admit that on Monday when the judges sent Pitch Slapped home I was tickled pink. I always hate when arrogance wins (see video for arrogance).
If you haven't watched it yet, I recommend it [especially, since the only good show on Mondays was cancelled - bring back Heroes].
Enough for now...
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Declaration of Independence - We Need to Re-declar
Here is the complete text of the Declaration of Independence. The original spelling and capitalization have been retained. Read without my edits.
(Adopted by Congress on July 4, 1776)
The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America
When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
He has affected to render the military independent of and superior to civil power.
He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation:
For transporting us beyond seas to be tried for pretended offenses:
For suspending our own legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.
He has abdicated government here, by declaring us out of his protection and waging war against us.
He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burned our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.
Enough for now...
(Adopted by Congress on July 4, 1776)
The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America
When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
The Tea Parties that sprang up had no choice - it becomes necessary for one people to ... it was neccessary.We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Unless you have the audacity to earn more that 250K and then you are not equal and must be taxed outrageously, and kill your pursuit of happiness.That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.
Imagine what would happen if the government thought it derived it's power from the consent of the governed - would we have Obama Care right now if they remotely believed this?Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
Prudence, I think Congress needs to looks up the definition of this.But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. --Such has been the patient sufferance of these colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former systems of government.
The election of 2010 and forsight into 2012.The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.
President Obama and his CongressHe has refused his assent to laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
Arizona's Immigration Law.He has forbidden his governors to pass laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
Passage of retaining the current tax structure, also known as Brush's Tax Cuts.He has refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of representation in the legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.
Does Card Check sound familiar?He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.
Closed doore meetings that were supposed to be transparent?He has dissolved representative houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.
General Stanley McChrystalHe has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the legislative powers, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the people at large for their exercise; the state remaining in the meantime exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.
Rep. Al FrankenHe has endeavored to prevent the population of these states; for that purpose obstructing the laws for naturalization of foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migration hither, and raising the conditions of new appropriations of lands.
I guess he's not guilty of this. The problem is that the migration is of the criminal sort and there lies the problem.He has obstructed the administration of justice, by refusing his assent to laws for establishing judiciary powers.
Voter Intimidation in PhillyHe has made judges dependent on his will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.
Sonia Sotomayor.He has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.
Tsars anyone?He has kept among us, in times of peace, standing armies without the consent of our legislature.
He has affected to render the military independent of and superior to civil power.
He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation:
Does sharia law scare you now?For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:
The illegal immigrant drug armies.For protecting them, by mock trial, from punishment for any murders which they should commit on the inhabitants of these states:
The Case of Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani: A Terrorist Let Off EasyFor cutting off our trade with all parts of the world:
for the bombing of the USS Cole.
Do we trade anymore or do we just buy other countries stuff and they take our money? There's no trade cause they don't buy our stuff!For imposing taxes on us without our consent:
Just try to buy Coke in the near future with out taking out a loan, do to junk food tax.For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of trial by jury:
For transporting us beyond seas to be tried for pretended offenses:
It's a good thing we're gun toting, bible thumpers to protect ourselves from being transported.For abolishing the free system of English laws in a neighboring province, establishing therein an arbitrary government, and enlarging its boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule in these colonies:
Arizona's Immigration Law suit?For taking away our charters, abolishing our most valuable laws, and altering fundamentally the forms of our governments:
For suspending our own legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.
He has abdicated government here, by declaring us out of his protection and waging war against us.
He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burned our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.
Gulf oil spill clean up and Obama's recovery.He is at this time transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries to complete the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of cruelty and perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the head of a civilized nation.
President Obama goes over seas and apologies for American encouraging foreign mercenaries to complete the works of death...He has constrained our fellow citizens taken captive on the high seas to bear arms against their country, to become the executioners of their friends and brethren, or to fall themselves by their hands.
Our high seas is the intranet and our arms are the words we can type and read. We must fight Republic versus Democrat and execute political careers.He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian savages, whose known rule of warfare, is undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.
Domestic Insurrection, if that doesn't sum up 2009 and 2010 I don't know what does.In every stage of these oppressions we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms: our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.
We have emailed. We have called. We have voted.Nor have we been wanting in attention to our British brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, enemies in war, in peace friends.
Did you not notice all the rallies held across the nation? Or the townhall meetings?We, therefore, the representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress, assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name, and by the authority of the good people of these colonies, solemnly publish and declare, that these united colonies are, and of right ought to be free and independent states; that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the state of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as free and independent states, they have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which independent states may of right do. And for the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.
Enough for now...
Monday, December 06, 2010
Fun On the Rocks
Just saw these guys on Sing Off and laughed my, well let's just say, I laughed! The guys really sell it, I believe the lead is channeling Lady Gaga. Mom called me and totally did not understand why they were dancing so strangely. Of course, this made me laugh even more. She did not get it because she had never seen the video and warpness that ensues - the hairless cat freaks me out. Sorry guys, I've grown up enough to know that I really don't want to embed Lady Gaga on my blog.
Wednesday, a group of men in their 60s sing Duffy's "Mercy" - I can't wait!
Enough for now...
Friday, December 03, 2010
I think they may bar me from the group!
Would it be wrong to run away to some place where no humans lived? Some days are just not worth living and it's not always life shattering bad. Sometimes its just one piece of crap at time to where you're gonna yell really loud or something.
Today an email went out to our State Web Group that a person who was from an non-profit group wanted to join and a major discussion ensued. One email sent me into orbit. Basically it said that yeah we should allow them in the group but deny them the ability to vote. How rude is that? You can come but don't you dare vote to approve the minutes! Not to mention that the room holds 50 to 60 people and we fill it with 20 to 25 each month.
I have a tenancy to go against the grain with this group sometimes, so I really try to keep my mouth shut when something seems risky. On this I couldn't. I sent the following email.
I hope I wasn't too snarky! Then when I got home, I went out back with two rather excited dogs who wanted to play. So I take Winston's porcupine and threw it - my aim was bad and it went in the tree only to get stuck. If you want to really mess with a beagle's head throw his favorite toy in the tree. For a second, I almost thought I had a coon hound! So I get his rope toy and try to knock the porcupine out of the tree and that proceeded to also get stuck.
Beagle is plum crazy at this point not sure what he is supposed to do. Alas the broom worked and porcupine came down. Winston proceed to grab him and run to the other end of the yard. I doubt if he will ever allow me to touch his baby again.
Click on an ad when you exit as I think I will have to form my own web group as I will surely be banned from this one.
Enough for now...
Today an email went out to our State Web Group that a person who was from an non-profit group wanted to join and a major discussion ensued. One email sent me into orbit. Basically it said that yeah we should allow them in the group but deny them the ability to vote. How rude is that? You can come but don't you dare vote to approve the minutes! Not to mention that the room holds 50 to 60 people and we fill it with 20 to 25 each month.
I have a tenancy to go against the grain with this group sometimes, so I really try to keep my mouth shut when something seems risky. On this I couldn't. I sent the following email.
"Why complicate it so much? Allow anyone willing to come and be an active part – even vote or serve an office. We have a ton of official members who don’t come. If a non-profit organization web manger joined the group, where is the reason in not allowing them to be full members? I don’t see a ton of corporate webmasters beating our doors down. I am in favor of welcoming anyone willing to participate."Well yes, I got a response from the guy wanting to allow them to only have limited access and that really wasn't what I was shooting for - I just want the group to be nice to people who want to join and be open to new things. Often the main thing we get from the group is that no you can't take advantage of the newest and greatest free things - today we didn't have to say no, today we could say yes.
I hope I wasn't too snarky! Then when I got home, I went out back with two rather excited dogs who wanted to play. So I take Winston's porcupine and threw it - my aim was bad and it went in the tree only to get stuck. If you want to really mess with a beagle's head throw his favorite toy in the tree. For a second, I almost thought I had a coon hound! So I get his rope toy and try to knock the porcupine out of the tree and that proceeded to also get stuck.
Beagle is plum crazy at this point not sure what he is supposed to do. Alas the broom worked and porcupine came down. Winston proceed to grab him and run to the other end of the yard. I doubt if he will ever allow me to touch his baby again.
Click on an ad when you exit as I think I will have to form my own web group as I will surely be banned from this one.
Enough for now...
Monday, November 29, 2010
ABC County Christmas? It's Still Frigging November!
Where is the Grinch when you need him? Why can't we just cancel Christmas this year?
I guess that would be silly now that I have all the presents bought. What I swear I hate the most is that you cannot escape it no matter where you go or what you watch on tv.
It is not yet December and Kelly Pickler is on the tube singing Santa Baby. Ughhh, I didn't like it when Eartha did it and Eartha is, well, Eartha!
It's gonna be a very long season! Call me Grinchana!
Be sure to click on an ad as I need all the moola I can get to pay off all the Christmas presents.
Enough for now...
I guess that would be silly now that I have all the presents bought. What I swear I hate the most is that you cannot escape it no matter where you go or what you watch on tv.
It is not yet December and Kelly Pickler is on the tube singing Santa Baby. Ughhh, I didn't like it when Eartha did it and Eartha is, well, Eartha!
It's gonna be a very long season! Call me Grinchana!
Be sure to click on an ad as I need all the moola I can get to pay off all the Christmas presents.
Enough for now...
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Vacation projects
My living room was very brown/bronze so I added some color. The red on the couch is also in my chair and my tiles don't look that orange in person. The reds are actually the same family.
Enough for now...
Thursday, November 25, 2010
I guess I will keep my day job!
That's it.
The only thing that went right in my Thanksgiving Day meal - the cranberry sauce.
The dressing was too dry and mom and dad only ate the courtesy helping - trashed the pan. The sweet potatoes didn't candy and became sweet potato soup. The potato salad worked after I wasted a dozen eggs by under cooking them and had to start over. Even the store bought desert went wrong when I realize that the small cheesecake sampler didn't have plain cheesecake in it, which is only mom's favorite.
I didn't know you could work so hard making a really bad dinner.
Enough for now...
The only thing that went right in my Thanksgiving Day meal - the cranberry sauce.
The dressing was too dry and mom and dad only ate the courtesy helping - trashed the pan. The sweet potatoes didn't candy and became sweet potato soup. The potato salad worked after I wasted a dozen eggs by under cooking them and had to start over. Even the store bought desert went wrong when I realize that the small cheesecake sampler didn't have plain cheesecake in it, which is only mom's favorite.
I didn't know you could work so hard making a really bad dinner.
Enough for now...
Monday, November 22, 2010
5:30 a.m. - get up feed baby dog food, go back to bed
7:00 a.m. - get up feed baby green beans, go back to bed
9:00 a.m. - get up
11:30 a.m. - mani-pedi
1:00 p.m. - sit around a talk with mom and dad about nothing, comfortable
2:30 p.m. - nap
5:30 p.m. - get up feed baby dog food
7: 00 p.m. - couch potato
Life is good...
Click on the ad as you exit as I would love to get a mani-pedi every weeks or so.
Enough for now...
7:00 a.m. - get up feed baby green beans, go back to bed
9:00 a.m. - get up
11:30 a.m. - mani-pedi
1:00 p.m. - sit around a talk with mom and dad about nothing, comfortable
2:30 p.m. - nap
5:30 p.m. - get up feed baby dog food
7: 00 p.m. - couch potato
Life is good...
Click on the ad as you exit as I would love to get a mani-pedi every weeks or so.
Enough for now...
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Are teeth really important?
With all the juicers and chopper like things, do we really need to worry about our teeth so much? So what if I grind my teeth when I sleep, it really doesn't bother me that much. What does bother me is that stupid mouth guard that hurts!
How can something so small be so painful? It only covers the front five or six bottom teeth but it is rather tight and make my gums sore by the morning. Not to mention the uncomfortable super dried out lips when you wake up.
If I grind off all my bottom teeth would that be such a big deal? Okay, I know - yes that would be bad. I am using the stupid guard but I am not happy about it. I will also use that stupid thing because I have never experienced such grossness as I did when the dental assistant made that freaking mold! I will tell you this, I will never do that again! NEVER! (Gag, cough, Gag)
Click on the ads when you exit as I need to pay for the dental work because grinding your teeth is not cover in your dental insurance. I am still trying to figure out what that insurance covers but that a whole other blog entry!
Enough for now...
How can something so small be so painful? It only covers the front five or six bottom teeth but it is rather tight and make my gums sore by the morning. Not to mention the uncomfortable super dried out lips when you wake up.
If I grind off all my bottom teeth would that be such a big deal? Okay, I know - yes that would be bad. I am using the stupid guard but I am not happy about it. I will also use that stupid thing because I have never experienced such grossness as I did when the dental assistant made that freaking mold! I will tell you this, I will never do that again! NEVER! (Gag, cough, Gag)
Click on the ads when you exit as I need to pay for the dental work because grinding your teeth is not cover in your dental insurance. I am still trying to figure out what that insurance covers but that a whole other blog entry!
Enough for now...
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Where am I?
Tomorrow I head back to Muskogee for a photo shoot for my agency's annual report. I plan on being there by 10 a.m. and I will be gone by 11 a.m. While it is necessary to go, I am not looking forward to the two and half hour drive. I have so much to do and I would rather be in the office.
What is cool is that I am getting out and getting to know people in the field. I have been with my agency for four years this february and don't feel like I have met one-fourth of the staff. So it is good that I am getting out but the driving all over the place is exhausting.
One bonus is that the car Co-Worker Daniel always assigns me is the same make as my own. I hate driving the other cars and trying to find the a/c buttons or the lights - I know where every thing is on the car he gives me. Okay you can stop laughing at me, little things really tork me up these days!
Click on an ad before you exit, so I can afford to do something while I am on vacation next week.
Enough for now...
What is cool is that I am getting out and getting to know people in the field. I have been with my agency for four years this february and don't feel like I have met one-fourth of the staff. So it is good that I am getting out but the driving all over the place is exhausting.
One bonus is that the car Co-Worker Daniel always assigns me is the same make as my own. I hate driving the other cars and trying to find the a/c buttons or the lights - I know where every thing is on the car he gives me. Okay you can stop laughing at me, little things really tork me up these days!
Click on an ad before you exit, so I can afford to do something while I am on vacation next week.
Enough for now...
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Everyone's covered it, Bill does it best
Enough for now...
Friday, November 12, 2010
I Created a Super Model
You know, my beagle looks perfect, just as any toned, show dog would. I am rather proud of how good I have been with keeping Winston on his diet. He went from 38 lbs chunky monkey to a 27 lbs lean mean frog torturing machine.
I have decided I need someone to regulate my food like I do Winston's. It's amazing how well a diet works when your committed to it. I am committed to Winston's diet but not my own.
I think I am a hypocrite. When the boy never (well never as in all the times he's nowhere near grandpa - grandpa cheats) gets anything that not on his diet plan. It's the diet dog food, green beans twice a day and as many baby carrots I choose to give him.
Be sure and click on an ad when you exit so that I can keep buying Winston his baby carrots.
Enough for now...
I have decided I need someone to regulate my food like I do Winston's. It's amazing how well a diet works when your committed to it. I am committed to Winston's diet but not my own.
I think I am a hypocrite. When the boy never (well never as in all the times he's nowhere near grandpa - grandpa cheats) gets anything that not on his diet plan. It's the diet dog food, green beans twice a day and as many baby carrots I choose to give him.
Be sure and click on an ad when you exit so that I can keep buying Winston his baby carrots.
Enough for now...
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Hey All You Vets, THANK YOU!
Winston wanted to personally thank all the guys and gals who defend our freedom, but panicked when the camera came on. I, on the other hand, have a big mouth that gets even louder in writing.
I am able to blog this very entry because of the sacrifices and hard fought battles past and present and for that I am thankful.
Solders, Marines, Airmen, Sailors, - I thank you all.
God Bless America, today and forever more.
Enough for now...
Monday, November 08, 2010
I'm Hungry
Okay, you can stop laughing now. Where is my motivation to keep food in my cupboards - drive thru is my pantry. Actually, this is worse than it normally is. Last night, out of sheer desperation (or laziness not sure which), I ate a can of red kidney beans for dinner. I said stop laughing. I am amazed I went to Target last weekend and got the mandatory Coca-Cola but I didn't think to grab a few TV dinners.
The reason I snapped a photo of cupboard is because the freezer has a frozen turkey (don't ask but it's not mine), frozen chicken strips that are so nasty that I can't eat them and coffee.
You'd better click on an ad to the right so I might go to the store and stock up.
Enough for now...
Sunday, November 07, 2010
You Can Find ANYTHING on You Tube!!!
In college, I had this cassette, giggle, yes, cassette and wore it out! I was into alternative music at that time and this had such a wonderful beat to dance around your crappy little apartment while waiting for the mac and cheese to boil.
I thought I was the only one who knew this song...Thank you You Tube for giving me a flash back to when ahem younger.
Enough for now...
Saturday, November 06, 2010
Burr, I'm Not Ready!
I turn on the heater this morning. I was hoping to make it a week or two more but when you have an all tile house and it drops to 62 degrees even the beagle wants under the covers. I had to turn on the heat and crawl back in bed before I could move around the house.
When the temperature rose to an acceptable level, I gathered up stinky beagle and gave him a bath. Not the way he envisioned his Saturday starting but was a real trooper. Especially when he got to go to Grandma's and rub his slightly damp coat all over her king sized comforter.
Since my electric blanket also went kaput, I decided to use my Kohl's cash on that. My survival of the winter highly depends on electric blankets and long hot baths. After a leisurely lunch, mom and I ran over to Kohl's to get the blanket. Lovely, they don't carry electric blankets. I then proceed to the shoe department and bought two more pairs of shoes. And yes, I really had to have them!
After the impromptu shopping spree, I dropped mom off at home and ran to Target. I had to have a new electric blanket. I get in there and find some bath salts and bath oils, yes, I had to have them. Then over and got some Coke and Brussels - no question here had to! Then over to the blankets. I found XL Twin blankets on sale and was able to purchase three for our blanket drive at work but ironically no electric blankets! I did however find an electric mattress pad - that'll do!
Winter survival gear - check!
Don't forget to click on an ad as the Brussels will have to be replenished real soon.
Enough for now...
When the temperature rose to an acceptable level, I gathered up stinky beagle and gave him a bath. Not the way he envisioned his Saturday starting but was a real trooper. Especially when he got to go to Grandma's and rub his slightly damp coat all over her king sized comforter.
Since my electric blanket also went kaput, I decided to use my Kohl's cash on that. My survival of the winter highly depends on electric blankets and long hot baths. After a leisurely lunch, mom and I ran over to Kohl's to get the blanket. Lovely, they don't carry electric blankets. I then proceed to the shoe department and bought two more pairs of shoes. And yes, I really had to have them!
After the impromptu shopping spree, I dropped mom off at home and ran to Target. I had to have a new electric blanket. I get in there and find some bath salts and bath oils, yes, I had to have them. Then over and got some Coke and Brussels - no question here had to! Then over to the blankets. I found XL Twin blankets on sale and was able to purchase three for our blanket drive at work but ironically no electric blankets! I did however find an electric mattress pad - that'll do!
Winter survival gear - check!
Don't forget to click on an ad as the Brussels will have to be replenished real soon.
Enough for now...
Wednesday, November 03, 2010
Into the Sea of Red
Last night was a good night but we didn't get that weasel Harry Reed out nor that crappy woman in Alaska. That was the only disappointment. I really don't even care that we didn't get the Senate as long as we have the house to counter the lunacy from the oval office.
We had quite a few state questions that left me scratching my head but I was very glad that English only passed and Voter Id passed. If I have to show an ID to board an airplane, I think that casting a vote is ten times more important and require proof of citizenship. Plus that will keep all the dead democrats from casting votes in our current elections.
Click on an ad, so that I can afford to donate to the GOP in the 2012 Elections.
Enough for now...
We had quite a few state questions that left me scratching my head but I was very glad that English only passed and Voter Id passed. If I have to show an ID to board an airplane, I think that casting a vote is ten times more important and require proof of citizenship. Plus that will keep all the dead democrats from casting votes in our current elections.
Click on an ad, so that I can afford to donate to the GOP in the 2012 Elections.
Enough for now...
Monday, November 01, 2010
I am a Writer for a Reason
Thursday, I head to the Oklahoma School for the Blind to be one of many guest speakers for their annual event, Future Shock. I am totally and completely scared to death - high school kids can smell fear and will eat me alive! Even though I knew I was agreeing to be "fresh meat," I could not refuse.
I love Future Shock. I have covered the event three of the four years I have worked for the agency. I believe in exposing the kids to what they might expect in life outside of high school. So I will pass on my experiences good and bad and hope they don't shred me limb for limb.
Actually, the break out groups are small and I hope to be in a class room as that won't be as intimidating as the auditorium. Even though I went to school to be writer, I will push aside my fears and nerves and have a good time. Gulp.
Click on an ad before you leave as I may need money for the Toast Masters club I may need to join.
Enough for now...
I love Future Shock. I have covered the event three of the four years I have worked for the agency. I believe in exposing the kids to what they might expect in life outside of high school. So I will pass on my experiences good and bad and hope they don't shred me limb for limb.
Actually, the break out groups are small and I hope to be in a class room as that won't be as intimidating as the auditorium. Even though I went to school to be writer, I will push aside my fears and nerves and have a good time. Gulp.
Click on an ad before you leave as I may need money for the Toast Masters club I may need to join.
Enough for now...
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Boomer Sooner!
When you have a bad day, its great to come home to the boys playing dress up. Well actually, I think my father has a little too much time on his hands.
Season tickets are much too expensive to take the boys, be sure to click on an ad and help us get tickets.
Enough for now...
Season tickets are much too expensive to take the boys, be sure to click on an ad and help us get tickets.
Enough for now...
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
I am famous!
Actually the right word for would be honored beyond belief. Today, I received the Public Personnel Employee Award from the Oklahoma City Mayor's Committee on Disability Concerns. I am totally blown away.
What is that? Well the groovy plaque says: "The Public Personnel Employee of the Year Award recognizes an employee in the public sector who does outstanding work on behalf of Oklahomans with disabilities. The public servant helps person with disabilities live full and productive lives."
It was such a good day, the luncheon was very nice but my two favorite friends at work went with me, which made it even more special. I was so terrified before they gave out the awards that I would be expected to say a few words - I am a writer for a reason! Once they gave out the first award and it was just go up and shake hands with the Mayor and Committee Chair, I was much better.
From what I understand, I was nominated by the head of United Cerebral Palsy of Oklahoma and that made it even more special.
Today was a good day.
Enough for now...
What is that? Well the groovy plaque says: "The Public Personnel Employee of the Year Award recognizes an employee in the public sector who does outstanding work on behalf of Oklahomans with disabilities. The public servant helps person with disabilities live full and productive lives."
It was such a good day, the luncheon was very nice but my two favorite friends at work went with me, which made it even more special. I was so terrified before they gave out the awards that I would be expected to say a few words - I am a writer for a reason! Once they gave out the first award and it was just go up and shake hands with the Mayor and Committee Chair, I was much better.
From what I understand, I was nominated by the head of United Cerebral Palsy of Oklahoma and that made it even more special.
Today was a good day.
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From Left: Dana, Mayor Mick Cornett, Pam Henry, committee chair, Council Member Sam Bowman at the 20th Annual Oklahoma City Mayor's Committee on Disabilities Concerns Luncheon |
Enough for now...
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Shop Till You Drop - Day Two
More pain, more charging, more fun. I think I have a shoe and purse problem.
I also have a black problem, black cape with pockets (so cool it has pockets), black turtle neck, black sweater, black and grey dress shirt and cardigan, black pants, brown poncho and multi-color dress shirt and a purple turtle neck.
Four pairs of shoes and two purses...Garden Ridge tomorrow??? Yes, I am nuts.
This doesn't count the black vest and wind chime I bought at the Affair of the Heart. Wait there's more, I bought mom and Kim's birthday outfit at Affair of the Heart and mom's Christmas at Kirkland's today.
Didn't Obama make it better for us idiots who charge like money grows on trees?
Just in case you'd better click on an ad to make sure I can pay for all of this. Support the Kim's Come to Town fund.
Enough for now...
Friday, October 22, 2010
Shop Till You Drop - Day One
When my sister comes in for the annual Shop-Athon we do it up big but usually don't go to the Affair of the Hearts Mega Event. I don't think I have hurt this bad in a long time. I was shocked that there wasn't more one of kind stuff but hey, I bought Kim's birthday present and Mom's birthday present so that's done.
Tomorrow, Kohl's, Garden Ridge, Burlington, Hobby Lobby, who knows. I hope my feet hold out.
Please I beg you click on the ads to the side as I will be very broke by the time Kim goes home. I must have new winter shoes - click people click!
Enough for now...
Tomorrow, Kohl's, Garden Ridge, Burlington, Hobby Lobby, who knows. I hope my feet hold out.
Please I beg you click on the ads to the side as I will be very broke by the time Kim goes home. I must have new winter shoes - click people click!
Enough for now...
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Politics, Curse Words and Chinese Food - yep it's Tuesday
I have to admit as political as I can be, I would ban all political ads, if they would let me! Make it where if you want to know who you are voting for - go get the pamphlet. I am slightly "irked" (mom scolded me over using a certan word that's not a curse word but means angry, so I have to get creative with other words that mean angry) over the Democrat Kenneth Corn's ad that accuses Republican Todd Lamb saying he's a crooked and then Lamb's commercials saying he's not. What do you believe? I had to go to Lamb's website to get the following:
Tangent Tuesday Alert: Has anyone been to the Grand House China Bistro? Oh my, oh my, oh my! It's really good and it's really cheap. I got a meal big enough for two for $6 and there was ambiance to boot. Check it out.
Be sure to click on an ad before you leave as I can't eat Chinese food every day.
Enough for now...
“The facts are Todd Lamb has never been a part of any investigation by my office or related to this matter. The advertisement’s implications and innuendo are completely false,” Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater stated.I almost wish that politicians couldn't talk about their opponents at all in commercials. I wish their commercials could only focus on themselves and what they would do for us, the tax payer. Novel idea huh?
Tangent Tuesday Alert: Has anyone been to the Grand House China Bistro? Oh my, oh my, oh my! It's really good and it's really cheap. I got a meal big enough for two for $6 and there was ambiance to boot. Check it out.
Be sure to click on an ad before you leave as I can't eat Chinese food every day.
Enough for now...
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Another One Bites the Dust
Alas another weekend comes and Dana is sick! I am getting really tired of having this weekend disease. This weekend it was that wonderful ringing in the ears and slight dizziness not to mention the everyday headache/allergies.
Why do I push all week long and fall a part on the weekend? The first one of you who says because I am old, I will just slap you upside the head. As I do not feel old, therefore I am not! I refuse to be ... OLD.
If I had not inherited my father's extremely low blood pressure, I would claim to have hyper-tension and that would be responsible for the ear ringing and maybe the dizziness. The odds are better that this crappyness is diabetes as that runs rampant in my mother's family and I fully expect to get it but not right now, please.
Work has been stressful and my teenage years migraines that I totally out grew in my twenties, have come back. When I launched the redesign on the agency website a couple of years ago, it was a migraine a day. Do I now add ear ringing and dizziness to list? Aaarrrggg.
Must think happy thoughts, must think happy thoughts, must think - hmmmpphh!
Okay, I know go to the doctor and find out what it is. I just don't want to! My doctor is great but I always get these things that one, we either monitor for a while and it goes away or the answer is basically "yeah, that happens as 'WE' age." I love it when they talk to us in the we terms.
I already have this weirdo thing where my voice just quits and I strain to talk and sound sick. The doc thought it could be allergies and put on Allegra every day - yeah, that didn't work as my sinus' were screaming mad over being dried out so much. I don't really want to experiment with meds to find out what this is or isn't.
I just want to feel good and I am a little whiny today!
Enough for now...
Why do I push all week long and fall a part on the weekend? The first one of you who says because I am old, I will just slap you upside the head. As I do not feel old, therefore I am not! I refuse to be ... OLD.
If I had not inherited my father's extremely low blood pressure, I would claim to have hyper-tension and that would be responsible for the ear ringing and maybe the dizziness. The odds are better that this crappyness is diabetes as that runs rampant in my mother's family and I fully expect to get it but not right now, please.
Work has been stressful and my teenage years migraines that I totally out grew in my twenties, have come back. When I launched the redesign on the agency website a couple of years ago, it was a migraine a day. Do I now add ear ringing and dizziness to list? Aaarrrggg.
Must think happy thoughts, must think happy thoughts, must think - hmmmpphh!
Okay, I know go to the doctor and find out what it is. I just don't want to! My doctor is great but I always get these things that one, we either monitor for a while and it goes away or the answer is basically "yeah, that happens as 'WE' age." I love it when they talk to us in the we terms.
I already have this weirdo thing where my voice just quits and I strain to talk and sound sick. The doc thought it could be allergies and put on Allegra every day - yeah, that didn't work as my sinus' were screaming mad over being dried out so much. I don't really want to experiment with meds to find out what this is or isn't.
I just want to feel good and I am a little whiny today!
Enough for now...
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Another Spastic Day
I always feel sorry for the three people who read this blog on the days when I got nothing! I am so sick of the crooked or stupid politics, work was mundane and Winston doesn't want to pose for the camera.
So I grab a video clip of Seamus and began editing. I just wish I had a better video camera as I never get high quality if the lighting is not just perfect.
This is another example that you can do anything or say anything to Seamus and he is fine with it. One day, my boys are going retaliate and no more videos until then enjoy!
Click on an ad so that Seamus no longer has to suffer these indignities.
Enough for now...
So I grab a video clip of Seamus and began editing. I just wish I had a better video camera as I never get high quality if the lighting is not just perfect.
This is another example that you can do anything or say anything to Seamus and he is fine with it. One day, my boys are going retaliate and no more videos until then enjoy!
Click on an ad so that Seamus no longer has to suffer these indignities.
Enough for now...
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The Johnny Cash Project - INTENSE
This is so cool. It is set to Johnny Cash's "Aint No Grave" and many frames are artistically recreated from his video be sure to play around on the projects website, [It takes a minute for the video to load]. The frame above is my favorite - simple but good.
The Man in Black worked for tips, I am just trying to follow suit. Click on an ad before you leave if you liked this post!
Enough for now...
Monday, October 11, 2010
What's in a Name? Liam is good
Army Nephew Patrick and his wife Stacey are expecting their baby any day now. They have chosen to name him William and call him Liam for short. So just for kicks I went to see what his name meant.
Then I went looking:
Dad's name:
Sister's name:
Nephew Patrick:
Niece Stacey:
Nephew Jason
- William - English - Resolute protector; will.
- William - French - Determined protector.
- William - German - Resolute protector; will.
- William -Teutonic - Strong helmet.
- Liam - Gaelic - Helmeted.
- Liam - German - Variant of William: Will-helmet. Famous Bearers: poet and playwright William Shakespeare (1564-1616) and William Wordsworth (1770-1850).
- Liam - Irish - The Irish diminutive of the name William.
- Liam - Teutonic - Resolute defender.
Then I went looking:
- Dana - Celtic - From Denmark. Dana was the Celtic goddess of fertility.
- Dana - Danish - From Denmark.
- Dana - English - A feminine form of the Hebrew Daniel, meaning God has judged, God is judge, or God will judge. Also used as a derivative of the surname Dane, meaning From Denmark.
- Dana - Hebrew - Feminine form of Daniel: God has judged, or God is judge. The Old Testament Daniel was a 6th century BC prophet who miraculously survived the den of lions.
- Dana - Irish - A Dane.
Mom's name:
- Wanda - German Family; Wanderer.
- Wanda - Teutonic - Wander.
Dad's name:
- Tom - English - Derives from Thomas 'Twin.'.
Sister's name:
- Kimberly - English - From the wood of the royal forest. From the royal fortress meadow. A surname and place name that can be used for both genders, although it is more commonly used as a girl's name.
- Rick - English - Abbreviation of Richard 'powerful; strong ruler.' Also a diminutive of Derek, meaning gifted ruler, people ruler, a variant of the Old German Theodoric.
- Rick - German - Diminutive of Richard: Hard ruler.
Nephew Patrick:
- Patrick - Irish - Patrician; noble. Romans society was divided into plebeians: (commoners) and patricians: (aristocrats). Saint Patrick - patron saint of Ireland.
- Patrick - Latin - Regal; noble. St. Patrick introduced Christianity to Ireland, and later became Ireland's patron saint.
Niece Stacey:
- Stacey - English - Diminutive of Anastasia: resurrection; or of Eustace: fruitful.
- Stacey - Greek - Feminine form of Eustace: Fruitful, productive. Diminutive of Anastasia: Resurrection. One who will be reborn.
Nephew Jason
- Jason - Biblical - He that cures
- Jason - Greek - A healing. In Greek mythology, the leader of the group of warrior heroes called the Argonauts.
Depends on what he may be curing, this one scares me. Warrior hero I can see, he who cures not so much.
Friday, October 08, 2010
Green Beans! I need GREEN BEANS!
My little chunky monkey was put on diet a year or so ago and the vet's food was killing my puppy or so he thought. Winston was so hungry that food consumed every waking thought and I wasn't going to be able to do it becasue he would stay in the kitchen and sit by his bowl. When I expressed my distress at seeing Winston so hungry Dr. Hicks said that he could have green beans.
He didn't tell me that greens beans to dogs is the same as black tar heroine - once you give that dog a can of green beans life is measured from one green bean dish to another. Yes, Seamus too eats green beans and we now buy green beans by the case. Walmart loves mom and me!
Winston knows when it is 7 p.m. and comes to where ever I am and says "feed me now!" as any junkie would. Who knew?
Click on an ad so I can keep enabling Winston's habit!
Enough for now...
Thursday, October 07, 2010
My Blue Hippo
Why do we have to grow up and lose the pure joy that a springy hippo can bring? I want to simply throw my head back and squeal like a sissy girl while driving my new Dodge Charger.
But alas that joy will only live in my mind for at least two more years. I want my next car to be bought on my terms with a reasonable down payment.
I am currently paying off the second mortgage I got to buy my new A/C and siding. When I buy my new Charger I want leather heated seats, power windows, power side mirrors and power locks. I want to be spoiled with all luxuries out there? Can you get Roccaro seats with the little knee rest in a Dodge Charger? I had that once and really, really liked them!
I will have tinted windows and a vanity plate that read BLUH1PO. When that day comes, life will be sweet. You know, I hate being a grown up who does the responsible thing! In my 20s I would have bought the car and ate soup for five years.
The whole problem with this dream is that I don't think I can get all my luxuries... Still its a sweet looking car oh, and by the way no more stick shift I want an automatic. Sigh, dreams.
Click on an ad get me closer to my dream car, Dodge Charger!
Enough for now...
But alas that joy will only live in my mind for at least two more years. I want my next car to be bought on my terms with a reasonable down payment.
I am currently paying off the second mortgage I got to buy my new A/C and siding. When I buy my new Charger I want leather heated seats, power windows, power side mirrors and power locks. I want to be spoiled with all luxuries out there? Can you get Roccaro seats with the little knee rest in a Dodge Charger? I had that once and really, really liked them!
I will have tinted windows and a vanity plate that read BLUH1PO. When that day comes, life will be sweet. You know, I hate being a grown up who does the responsible thing! In my 20s I would have bought the car and ate soup for five years.
The whole problem with this dream is that I don't think I can get all my luxuries... Still its a sweet looking car oh, and by the way no more stick shift I want an automatic. Sigh, dreams.
Click on an ad get me closer to my dream car, Dodge Charger!
Enough for now...
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Training a dragon has to be easier than a Winston
I cannot wait for this one! "How to Train a Dragon" looks like so much fun. I plan on owning this one just like all my other Disney movies, the majority of which happen to be VHS but I own them none the less.
Now they've come up with Blue Ray, which of course I don't have and probably need to switch over but I was kind of hoping it would go by the way of Beta Max so I didn't have try convert my entire collection over to a new system AGAIN!!!
Enough for now...
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
The tragic life of a daughter of a donut shop cult member
Did you know that the world will come to an end if my father does not go to the donut shop every single day! Yes, every day! End I SAY!
There is some kind of magic that happens and he must go to Daylight Donuts and get his coffee and cake donuts. Even on the days, that we are going to IHOP to have breakfast, Dad will get back from the donut shop and go to IHOP with us???
Have you ever notice who goes to the donut shop? Who goes and gets the donuts and leaves and who goes gets donuts and sits down? It's only men who eat in the restaurant. I think there's some sort of voodoo that only effects people with testosterone. It causes them to sit and swap WILD tales with each other and forces them to return the next day.
I believe this to be the "Donut Shop Cult" where members will all go out to the desert to commit mass suicide with the poisoned sticky bun when the President's Fat Tsar declares war on donuts with the "Just Say No to Dough" campaign. Until that happens, a requirement to being in the cult is that you must walk out of the shop with a cup full of coffee and leave the half drank cup in your daughters house.
Every Sunday, when mom and dad drop off Seamus before church, Dad will leave the cult's calling card somewhere in the house - sometimes on the coffee table, in my office, on the kitchen bar half a foot from the trash can and I've even found one in the garage on a shelf with the tools.
You've got to click on an ad as I hear that "Donut Shop Cult" rehab is rather expensive. If you've ever known a cult member click on an ad, let me know I am not alone.
Enough for now I've gone spastic...
There is some kind of magic that happens and he must go to Daylight Donuts and get his coffee and cake donuts. Even on the days, that we are going to IHOP to have breakfast, Dad will get back from the donut shop and go to IHOP with us???
Have you ever notice who goes to the donut shop? Who goes and gets the donuts and leaves and who goes gets donuts and sits down? It's only men who eat in the restaurant. I think there's some sort of voodoo that only effects people with testosterone. It causes them to sit and swap WILD tales with each other and forces them to return the next day.
I believe this to be the "Donut Shop Cult" where members will all go out to the desert to commit mass suicide with the poisoned sticky bun when the President's Fat Tsar declares war on donuts with the "Just Say No to Dough" campaign. Until that happens, a requirement to being in the cult is that you must walk out of the shop with a cup full of coffee and leave the half drank cup in your daughters house.
Every Sunday, when mom and dad drop off Seamus before church, Dad will leave the cult's calling card somewhere in the house - sometimes on the coffee table, in my office, on the kitchen bar half a foot from the trash can and I've even found one in the garage on a shelf with the tools.
You've got to click on an ad as I hear that "Donut Shop Cult" rehab is rather expensive. If you've ever known a cult member click on an ad, let me know I am not alone.
Enough for now I've gone spastic...
Monday, October 04, 2010
I Need a Hero!
Who was the idiot that thought cancelling "Heroes" before finishing the freaking story was a good idea? Even "Lost" got to finish the story (albeit very very badly) before pulling the plug. With "Heroes" you're left wondering what happens.
Can you image if Tolkien cancelled writing the Lord of the Rings? Froedo and Sam stuck in Mordor, Merry and Pipen on their way with Striker and Gandolf still dead!
I don't care if ratings were not what they wanted, you bring it back if nothing else than to finish the story and not vex your viewers! I am very vexed! Especially when that was the only show on your freaking channel that I watch. Stupid TV executives bring back "Heroes"! Now Mondays are crappy again!
Okay, I am going to need you to click on an ad before you exit as I am going to have to buy the dvd of the never ending story!
Enough for now...
Sunday, October 03, 2010
Call me geeky
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After Photoshop Elements |
This afternoon I found Photoshop Elements for $80 and I love it! I am able to scan in faded and deteriorating photos and correct them. Elements has all the "elements" that I frequently use. I am currently using the trial but fully expect to buy it in thirty days.
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Before Photoshop Elements |
To bad it can't correct my mother's bad habit of cutting off everyone's head.
Click on an ad on the sidebar, so I can afford the $80 to buy Photoshop Elements.
Saturday, October 02, 2010
28-20 Whew!

This year with the fake punt, Landry dropped ball at the end and Texas dropping the kick, I think my heart stopped each one of these times.
I am thoroughly exhausted now, I think I'll go take a nap.
By the way, I have to say I will always pull out this photo when we win as it says it all.
If I am going to attend next years game in person, your going to have to click on an ad on my sidebar, how else will I afford the ticket or just click on the add if your an OU fan.
Enough for now...
Buy Dodge Charger
Friday, October 01, 2010
Dial Me In!
I love the fact that many of the cable channels are comming out with their own original programming. The problem is that you get into a show and after six weeks it's season is over! I barely get the scheduled locked into my brain and its off for six months! I absolutely love "Stargate Universe." I think I am in love with Col. Young, sigh, (toss up between Young and Michael on "Burn Notice").
The reason for my complaint is that I missed the season opener because I didn't think to channel check for it! I now have to watch it on the internet [thank you, internet for "view full episode] but watching my shows in my office chair is not so relaxing and I have a really nice large screen tv I like to watch my shows on.
My next complaint is six shows do not make a season - I want more, MORE, MORE! So tomorrow should be a good day, Col. Young and OU/Texas. In case you don't know the show here's a commerical for you.
Don't forget to click on an ad - my reservation to the Universe is on hold till I can afford an upgrade - I am no longer flying Stand By! I official have $7.82 toward my First Class Ticket.
Enough for now...
Buy Dodge Charger
The reason for my complaint is that I missed the season opener because I didn't think to channel check for it! I now have to watch it on the internet [thank you, internet for "view full episode] but watching my shows in my office chair is not so relaxing and I have a really nice large screen tv I like to watch my shows on.
My next complaint is six shows do not make a season - I want more, MORE, MORE! So tomorrow should be a good day, Col. Young and OU/Texas. In case you don't know the show here's a commerical for you.
Don't forget to click on an ad - my reservation to the Universe is on hold till I can afford an upgrade - I am no longer flying Stand By! I official have $7.82 toward my First Class Ticket.
Enough for now...
Buy Dodge Charger
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Wouldn't that Chafe? Ewww!
Surfing the web, I was looking for a graphic to illustrate the agony I have been experiencing riding my exercise bike 14 miles per day an this popped up and all I can think is "my eyes! my eyes!"
Would you really want to be the person who gets on the bikes after these two? I don't think the disinfectant would be strong enough for me to want to go to this gym! I don't care how carefully they place their towels.
Not to mention, since I've notice at my gym only half the people cleaned the equipment when they get off of it.
Some days it was all I could to do to keep from yelling "hey, you idiot, get back here and kindly remove your stinking sweaty palm prints from that stair master." Instead I said nothing but watched them in total disgust as they moved from machine to machine leaving their gross DNA every where.
Thank goodness I don't have OCD or anything. Today I am totally uninspired to write and Winston is not interested in being the subject of my post. Call it one of mine Weird Wednesday, similar to my Tangent Tuesdays only on Wednesday. So the question of the day, would you ever go to a nudist gym?
If its not evident that I need to get out a little more. this post should do it! Click on an ad and help support a much needed vacation. The $7.15 I've earned so far might get me a bus ticket to Midwest City, who wants to go to Midwest City? Click people, click!
Enough for now...
Would you really want to be the person who gets on the bikes after these two? I don't think the disinfectant would be strong enough for me to want to go to this gym! I don't care how carefully they place their towels.
Not to mention, since I've notice at my gym only half the people cleaned the equipment when they get off of it.
Some days it was all I could to do to keep from yelling "hey, you idiot, get back here and kindly remove your stinking sweaty palm prints from that stair master." Instead I said nothing but watched them in total disgust as they moved from machine to machine leaving their gross DNA every where.
Thank goodness I don't have OCD or anything. Today I am totally uninspired to write and Winston is not interested in being the subject of my post. Call it one of mine Weird Wednesday, similar to my Tangent Tuesdays only on Wednesday. So the question of the day, would you ever go to a nudist gym?
If its not evident that I need to get out a little more. this post should do it! Click on an ad and help support a much needed vacation. The $7.15 I've earned so far might get me a bus ticket to Midwest City, who wants to go to Midwest City? Click people, click!
Enough for now...
Monday, September 27, 2010
Why Do Trees Grow
The problem with a large yard with trees is that they keep growing! Every year we have to trim what equals a whole tree. I don't know what one bush/tree is but it keeps growing bigger and bigger. It grows off shoots from the bottom, which means that it was getting wider and thicker. It got so big that it was growing into the house and blocking access to the large gate we put in so that Dad, A.K.A. the lawn guy, could get his riding lawn mower out to the front yard.
So I started trimming the side of the monster bush tree. Originally, mom and I started with trimming so that it would grow away from the house. Then we decided that we really like what it was looking like on that side and decided to do it all the way around. A hour later and much cut out, I ended up with this beauty that blooms weird little white flowers a couple times a year. I think I will keep it now.
Dad and I trimmed my Hackberry tree that keeps trying to grow into my Redbud tree. What's really amazing to me is that when you trim out quite a bit, everything still looks good but you really can't tell a major difference because so much is hidden by growing into each other.
The biggest problem of all is that I guess I am so old that now I when I get ambitious and work vigorously in my yard, I have to pay for it severely that night. I was so sore that I could barely walk. Pitiful, just pitiful.
I have decide that before we tackle this again next year, I am going to buy that miniature wood chipper we saw at Lowe's. Bundling tree branches is for the birds, give me power tools!
Enough for now...
So I started trimming the side of the monster bush tree. Originally, mom and I started with trimming so that it would grow away from the house. Then we decided that we really like what it was looking like on that side and decided to do it all the way around. A hour later and much cut out, I ended up with this beauty that blooms weird little white flowers a couple times a year. I think I will keep it now.
Dad and I trimmed my Hackberry tree that keeps trying to grow into my Redbud tree. What's really amazing to me is that when you trim out quite a bit, everything still looks good but you really can't tell a major difference because so much is hidden by growing into each other.
The biggest problem of all is that I guess I am so old that now I when I get ambitious and work vigorously in my yard, I have to pay for it severely that night. I was so sore that I could barely walk. Pitiful, just pitiful.
I have decide that before we tackle this again next year, I am going to buy that miniature wood chipper we saw at Lowe's. Bundling tree branches is for the birds, give me power tools!
Enough for now...
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Embarrassing, Just Plain Embarrassing
Have our lawmakers in Washington, DC lost their freaking minds? Is the chairwoman of the House subcommittee on Immigration, Zoe Lofgren, delusional?
Stephen Colbert is funny acting like a newsman, but really? Wasting taxpayers time to have him come and give stupid testimony just proves that the wrong people are in positions of power!
When someone so crudely delivers his speech that includes a "Chilean giving him a Brazilian," I have to admit I'd rather our congress behave like the Asian governments and get in fist fights with each other rather that have embarrassing stunts such as what happened on Friday. Logfren made of mockery of herself and her government, shame on you. Kudos to John Conyers for recognizing how this was reducing his committee to the realm of the ridiculous. We can't blame Colbert for doing what he does - we blame Logfren for giving him the forum!
On occasion I call Winston, Porthos the Idiot, I am going to have stop calling him that as my dog is smarter than most of our Congressional leaders.
Proud to be an American but today thoroughly embarrassed!
Thanks for the support and clicking on my ads. As of today, I've earned $5.97 but the idiots in Washington will require $1.50 - taxes for stunts! I think I need to find an isolated island to buy!
Enough for now...
Buy Dodge Charger.
Stephen Colbert is funny acting like a newsman, but really? Wasting taxpayers time to have him come and give stupid testimony just proves that the wrong people are in positions of power!
When someone so crudely delivers his speech that includes a "Chilean giving him a Brazilian," I have to admit I'd rather our congress behave like the Asian governments and get in fist fights with each other rather that have embarrassing stunts such as what happened on Friday. Logfren made of mockery of herself and her government, shame on you. Kudos to John Conyers for recognizing how this was reducing his committee to the realm of the ridiculous. We can't blame Colbert for doing what he does - we blame Logfren for giving him the forum!
On occasion I call Winston, Porthos the Idiot, I am going to have stop calling him that as my dog is smarter than most of our Congressional leaders.
Proud to be an American but today thoroughly embarrassed!
Thanks for the support and clicking on my ads. As of today, I've earned $5.97 but the idiots in Washington will require $1.50 - taxes for stunts! I think I need to find an isolated island to buy!
Enough for now...
Buy Dodge Charger.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
The Three Musketeers and the Idiot!
When I am totally uninspired to write, spastic nonsense usually abounds and Winston is usually the focus of that spastic nonsense. But today, he was having non of it.
There were strangers to watch and yell at, strangers on the other street he can see through my neighbor's front yard. Strangers nowhere near our house!
I like my little solders, they remind me of my favorite, favorite, favorite book, "The Three Musketeers." The problem with naming them the three musketeers means that Winston would play the role of D'Artagnan. He's my favorite musketeer and trust me Winston is no D'Artagnan! Porthos maybe with his loud personality but not D'Artagnan.
Enough for now...
There were strangers to watch and yell at, strangers on the other street he can see through my neighbor's front yard. Strangers nowhere near our house!
I like my little solders, they remind me of my favorite, favorite, favorite book, "The Three Musketeers." The problem with naming them the three musketeers means that Winston would play the role of D'Artagnan. He's my favorite musketeer and trust me Winston is no D'Artagnan! Porthos maybe with his loud personality but not D'Artagnan.
I got bored decided to make a movie.
$5.46, keep clicking! Ad revenue rising, help click my way to financial independence.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Should I fire the lawn guy?
The problem with firing my lawn guy is that I've known him my whole life and he does my yard for free - he's my Dad! But when your Dad scalps half your yard, you get to make fun of him publicly.
My new trees, well "almost trees," were delivered today. I bought two Oklahoma Red buds and one Oklahoma White buds. The evil electric company, OG&E, arrived one day this last Spring and announced that they were going to chop down all my pretty trees and leave me with a really ugly sun drenched yard.
Thanks to sun reaching my monkey grass like it never had before all the tips are burned this year. You don't yank out nine matured trees and the yard survive. So for the next few years my little back yard is going to look pretty weak. But at least I got the new trees in, oh I failed to mention, trees that only the property owner can remove. We were told that the state tree can only be removed by the property owner! Also, they don't grow real tall and should stay under the power lines.
Since I had Precur Nursery deliver and plant my little trees I spent a pretty penny. I need more than $250 to pay for this and my ad revenue is only up to $4.97. Click on an ad when you exit.
My "Almost Trees" in a couple of years they can be called trees |
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