Monday, October 04, 2010

I Need a Hero!

Who was the idiot that thought cancelling "Heroes" before finishing the freaking story was a good idea? Even "Lost" got to finish the story (albeit very very badly) before pulling the plug. With "Heroes" you're left wondering what happens.

Can you image if Tolkien cancelled writing the Lord of the Rings? Froedo and Sam stuck in Mordor, Merry and Pipen on their way with Striker and Gandolf still dead!

I don't care if ratings were not what they wanted, you bring it back if nothing else than to finish the story and not vex your viewers! I am very vexed! Especially when that was the only show on your freaking channel that I watch. Stupid TV executives bring back "Heroes"! Now Mondays are crappy again!

Okay, I am going to need you to click on an ad before you exit as I am going to have to buy the dvd of the never ending story!

Enough for now...

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