Thursday, June 12, 2008

Dazed and Confused

This has not been one of my better weeks. On Wednesday, my blood sugar dropped big time and my head was spinning and the nausea was intense. I quickly ate my apple. When I didn't feel better, I then ate the lunch I had brought and when that didn't work and the dizziness got worse I called Mom to come pick me up.

Six o'clock that night I am still feeling like crap and we all agree that it was not my blood sugar that was the problem. What was it? Don't know and I don't like the fact at when I have that low blood sugar sick feeling I was always able to stop it with a coke or a piece of fruit. Now, I don't know if that will work.

My boss thinks I might have an inner problem and I agree that could be it. The next episode I have like this, I am heading straight to the doctor's, I don't like not knowing what's wrong with me. That was the worse feeling and today, I felt hung over. I wanna feel good!

Enough for now.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Will I ever be free of FROGS?

Saturday night, I was all tucked in bed reading my book and little man kept looking up as if there was an intruder in the house. So I got up to investigate and Winston followed but stopped at the bedroom door. He was smelling something and didn't want to move on, so I turned on the hallway light and low and behold a FROG in my house.

I was not pleased with this late night development but deal with it I must! So I ended up getting a paper cup and a paper plate and placed the cup over the frog. I then slid the paper plate under the cup. In my over sized tee shirt, I go out to my front porch and set that bugger free! Mooning my neighbors at the same time, but do I care? Nopey, that darn frog is out of my house.

Now, the question is how did a frog get in the house and all the way to my bedroom? I believe we can thank Winston for that.

On a side note, have you guys tried the mixed berry green tea? F A B U L O U S! I am addicted to this stuff. Are there any harmful side effects on drinking tons and tons of it, if so I am in trouble.

Enough for now...

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Bored with Politics

Well its a lazy Sunday afternoon and I don't really have much to say. I could blog about the mess Howard Dean made of the Democratic Process and how the election will always be tainted by his want to disenfranchise two whole states due to his arrogance. Had they done Florida and Michigan right where would Hillary be today? I am rather tired of the entire political process thanks to the never ending Democratic Debacle and unexciting and poor choice of the RNC.

I am a raging Republican but I am also an independent thinker. If my party make a bad choice as they have with McCain, I do not feel bound to vote for him. Where is Ross Perot? He gets my vote!

Enough for now!