For a graphics employee not having a computer all day is rather maddening. I spent the entire day cleaning paper files, trashing files no longer needed, and scanned files I need to keep. I plan to no longer keep paper files, so I can get rid of that giant file cabinet for a little cabinet.
Today, Co-worker Linda was on the verge of ... something ... don't know what nor did I want to find out. Then we found out that today was an astrological wonder which I cannot find on the net but it's supposed to be a day of accidents, fights and all around badness. Yeah right, I am a skeptic but when the waiter knocks over my ranch dressing and it flies on the table and seat. I begin to wonder then I realize how very lucky we are as none of the dressing got on me or Linda.
I made it home without wrecking. Baby is fine so I am a saying "Phooey" on astronomical wonders messing with my day. I plan to have a great night!
Enough for now...
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
If I Must Fish, I Would Fish This Way
At least they don't have to bait the hook or cast out without getting snagged on anything. Just drive the boat down the river. On to the bigger question why would I ever being fishing because I absolutely hate meat out of the water.
Enough for now...
Saturday, June 25, 2011
I need a slap to the back of the head
I remember when Tim was chubby. |
It's too hot to do anything productive today (that's my story and I am sticking to it). Since I got my house picked up, I choose not to clean as it almost feels clean. Even Baby won't venture out and has resigned himself to laying on the couch.
Some days you just need do-nothing days and today is one such day. However, I do need to have a few uber motivated days to finish projects already in the works. I have the photo project going where I am scanning family photos and I am half way through. I have a web job in process that I can do a few things but I am waiting for content to really get going. I have an Afghan half made. So too many do-nothing days can get me in trouble.
Mr. Callen is fine but Mr. Deeks is not too bad either. |
Until I get motivated again I will be watching Jethro, Tony, Zeva, Tim, Abby and Ducky.
(Mom, no naked people in this post you can look at the pictures.)
Enough for now...
Friday, June 24, 2011
My Eyes! My Eyes!
This is way too funny! That little boy's face says it all! We live in a demented world when nobody but an innocent child notices that this dirty OLD man is gross! That boy will need therapy for a long time!
There is not enough brain bleach to wipe this picture from the wee one's mind. Hey ugly old people keep your clothes on!
Enough for now...
Thursday, June 23, 2011
You look Beautiful!
After surgery...
We would tease Dad about beating Mom about the face but he'd just shrug and not find the humor in it. My Mom inherited lazy eye lids from her mother. So after she had cataract surgery last month, the doctors wanted to remove the access skin from above her eyes. We were very pleased about that because we've always talked about her getting it done. The doctor made the decision for her.
Now, I wonder if we will still be able to tell if she is tired. Mom's eyes would tell you how she felt, if she was tired her right eye would almost close shut. I would ask if she could see and she said yes but it really didn't look like it.
It's all done and she seems to be doing okay. I did have to laugh at her when I first saw the black eyes. Its amazing how if you know the person is okay or going to be okay it's alright to laugh at them. If you are a Facebook friend of hers, feel free to send your good vibrations her way.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Hit the Brakes! Hit the Brakes!
You know sometimes you can wollar around in your own self pity but when you watch the following video it just might make you think "my day wasn't so bad." There are days that I feel as though I am driving through life without a wheel. However, if I were in this guy's place I would have been wigging out completely! This dude was way to calm.
Enough for now...
Enough for now...
Monday, June 20, 2011
Let the Sun Go Down!
If I could run away and start fresh, I would but all the crap that bugs me here would be were I ran away to. So running away is not an option, my mortgage also makes running away a non-starter.
You know, if we still had the pagan rituals of dancing naked around a bonfire while getting royally wasted maybe I would look forward to tomorrow. But at the same time I would probably be paralyzed at the thought of (one) dancing and (two) getting naked. Nobody wants to seen a middle aged woman dancing naked while drunk dialing some ex-boyfriend (Eeewww). All I'd need to see it the two ugly boys such those in the picture and I would have to renounce my pagan ways. Yeah, I can't even be pagan. Crap.
So if I cannot run away or dance naked while getting totally blitzed, I guess I will just have to endure tomorrow. But I will not like it!
Enough for now...
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Smoking Hot
Where this cart path leads nobody knows. |
Actually, the tournament went real well and we managed to raise money for the scholarship fund. I managed to bring home a migraine from the heat and wind burn. But I also brought home some funny memories of my golf cart driver Melinda who struggled with the lack of cart paths on the golf course. But hey, we drove all over the greens and more than likely over some areas the course managers didn't want us to go.
Another hysterical thing was that Theresa and I both wore white Capri's in an area of flying red dirt. I have never gotten so dirty taking photographs. I came home filthy. It looked like I rolled all over the course. It didn't help when I walked into Theresa's SUV tire - giant black mark on white Capri's. Yeah.
So in an effort to recover, I went to the casino on Saturday - you know indoor activities, staying out of the heat. I took the amount of money what I was prepared to lose and still be able to eat during the month and off to the slot machines. Now I don't think I want to go gambling ever again!
I will never ever do that do good again and I don't want to spoil the memory. I won so much on one machine that I moved up from the $1.50 bet to the $3 bet. Now that was really scary but the machine was paying and gave me a big jackpot to the point that I didn't think it would pay anymore at $3 bet so, ahem, I hit the $6 bet and low and behold it paid -- repeatedly!
I had a ball. I felt like a big spender! Only thing is that I won't spend MY money that way - the casino's yep but not mine. I managed to profit a cool $600 bucks that is now in my savings account. I needed a little silliness and that's just what I got.
Enough for now...
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Roll Baby Roll
This video gave me the best laugh I have had in a long time. Why you ask? Because this last month has made me feel just like this puppy. No matter how hard I try, I just rock and rock and rock and I just can't get over! It only 59 seconds, watch the video - then click on an ad to the left so that next month I might actually make it over!
Enough for now...
Enough for now...
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Porn for Chicks and No One's the Wiser
Former Co-worker Ed would say that novels were porn for chicks and when I accidentally got a romance novel I have to agree that he's probably right! Now, I love the Sci-Fi books with elves, dwarfs and all things magic or the Jane Austin's prim and proper - why such diverse genre? I have no idea. I like what I like. The Three Musketeers was the absolute best!
Now, I just read an article on Fox News website that backs up what Ed had said, "The Real Force Behind Ebook Sales: Heaving Bosoms" [Read the article]. Heaving Bosoms? Really? Why is always Heaving Bosoms? I do find it funny that now women can openly read their romance novel at the coffee shop and no one is the wiser. All they have to do is have a copy of Walt Whitman's "Leaves of Grass" and pop over to it if anyone comes up and nonchalantly set the e-reader down on the table. Now your not a silly woman but an enlightened and refined woman.
I am conflicted right now. I was going to buy a Kindle but I have slew of unread books in my possession and I knew if I bought a Kindle I would not read what I have because I would want to use my new toy. So I decided not buy the Kindle for now. I am not sure that I will ever look at a woman reading an e-reader without wondering what she is really reading. Hey, if I only liked romance novel I might have purchase brown paper bag e-reader but I really don't have to worry about someone seeing me read Fiest, Dumas, Austin or Tolkien.
Do you have an e-reader? Do you buy chick porn?
Enough for now...
Monday, June 13, 2011
A fever in 101 degree weather???
I feel as though a Mac Truck ran me down and threw it into reserves just to make sure I was down - smashed really. The allergy / summer cold that I came down with last Thursday really did a number on me! First, I flirted with a fever, then I grew agonizing headaches, not to be outdone by the chest congestion. The one thing though that really wore me out was all the snot! I never thought I would get that stopped.
I was down Friday, Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday, I took a nap during the day, and that caused me not to sleep one wink that night. When my alarm went off this morning, I had yet to fall asleep. That made for a very difficult Monday. I was so exhausted but managed to survive the day. Now I just have to stay awake till night [must not nap, must not nap].
What I want to know is why do I always get sick in the summer? It is not the time to be sick. I am cranky and tired. Sorry no creative juices tonight, they've been all dried up with the anti-histamine.
Enough for now...
I was down Friday, Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday, I took a nap during the day, and that caused me not to sleep one wink that night. When my alarm went off this morning, I had yet to fall asleep. That made for a very difficult Monday. I was so exhausted but managed to survive the day. Now I just have to stay awake till night [must not nap, must not nap].
What I want to know is why do I always get sick in the summer? It is not the time to be sick. I am cranky and tired. Sorry no creative juices tonight, they've been all dried up with the anti-histamine.
Enough for now...
Tuesday, June 07, 2011
Zip IT!
Well, I think we now know why the Democrats despise the Right's stand on moral issues. They don't have morals period! If Weiner had been a Republican they would have called for his head and the media would have crucified him. Since he is not a Republican, they are reluctantly covering it because it is so salacious. At least his co-workers are calling for an "investigation."
We all know what that means, we saw it with Charlie Rangle and he cheated on his taxes! Pull your winkie out, take a photo of it and tweet it -- no big deal! How freaking hard is it to be a normal person who is loyal to your wife?
The Democrats of American have much to be proud of, Jack Kennedy, Gary Hart, Bill Clinton, Gary Condit, John Edwards and Anthony Weiner. I have no faith in our country's leadership - "HEY WASHINGTON, You Suck!"
Enough for now...
Saturday, June 04, 2011
Working on the Weekend
What happened to my day of leeeesure? I thought I would do some minor straightening of my computer cabinet to get my computer cords in some semblance of an order. So I borrowed Dad and bought some cup hooks. We started out with putting in the cup hooks on the inside side panel and I ran the monitor cable through three cup hooks then on the row below I ran the printer cable, etc.
Then Dad remember I had some cable hider things that have sticky tape on the back. Well, it would have been great if the sticky tape would have held. Plan B! Dad notched out the top of the bracket thingy so we could screw them in. After much grunts, gasping, banging of the head we got one screwed in and it worked but we abandoned that idea for any other cables.
Now though I can grab whatever cable I need and everything is neater in there and all the electrical plugs are securely in and inspected. Oh, did I fail to tell you why I wanted neat cables? I got shocked the other day and need to find out who was the culprit and I think I did.
Okay it's the weekend and you are supposed to do projects like this but it's been not stop work! Last night, I created a calendar for my mom with many of the photos that I have been scanning and archiving. That took all night to create and print out. I then went to Staples and had them add some pocket sleeves, plastic covers and spiral binding. I think she really liked it (warm fuzzy).
Then worked on my freelance website today. If my contact doesn't give me content soon that site is going to be decked out with all the latest bells and whistles and I am making everyone of those bells accessible! I am rather addicted to this site (creative juices on overload).
Tomorrow's plan includes bathing Seamus??? And I am vacuuming as I blog this (does it count when you sit on the couch watching the Roomba vacuum? After all I did have to push the button on). When will my leeeeesure time come?
Enough for now...
Then Dad remember I had some cable hider things that have sticky tape on the back. Well, it would have been great if the sticky tape would have held. Plan B! Dad notched out the top of the bracket thingy so we could screw them in. After much grunts, gasping, banging of the head we got one screwed in and it worked but we abandoned that idea for any other cables.
Now though I can grab whatever cable I need and everything is neater in there and all the electrical plugs are securely in and inspected. Oh, did I fail to tell you why I wanted neat cables? I got shocked the other day and need to find out who was the culprit and I think I did.
Okay it's the weekend and you are supposed to do projects like this but it's been not stop work! Last night, I created a calendar for my mom with many of the photos that I have been scanning and archiving. That took all night to create and print out. I then went to Staples and had them add some pocket sleeves, plastic covers and spiral binding. I think she really liked it (warm fuzzy).
Then worked on my freelance website today. If my contact doesn't give me content soon that site is going to be decked out with all the latest bells and whistles and I am making everyone of those bells accessible! I am rather addicted to this site (creative juices on overload).
Tomorrow's plan includes bathing Seamus??? And I am vacuuming as I blog this (does it count when you sit on the couch watching the Roomba vacuum? After all I did have to push the button on). When will my leeeeesure time come?
Enough for now...
Wednesday, June 01, 2011
X-Men: First Class
I was extremely skeptical of this movie when I say the first commercial. I really like movies in order and the prequel effect doesn't trip my trigger. That being said, this one looks good.
Since I have watched all the X-men movies, there is no doubt that I will watch this one too. I will tell you that if I was playing a character I would not like playing a younger version of Patrick Stuart or Ian McKellen. Way too intimidating!
Enough for now...
Since I have watched all the X-men movies, there is no doubt that I will watch this one too. I will tell you that if I was playing a character I would not like playing a younger version of Patrick Stuart or Ian McKellen. Way too intimidating!
Enough for now...
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