Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Porn for Chicks and No One's the Wiser

Former Co-worker Ed would say that novels were porn for chicks and when I accidentally got a romance novel I have to agree that he's probably right! Now, I love the Sci-Fi books with elves, dwarfs and all things magic or the Jane Austin's prim and proper - why such diverse genre? I have no idea. I like what I like. The Three Musketeers was the absolute best!

Now, I just read an article on Fox News website that backs up what Ed had said, "The Real Force Behind Ebook Sales: Heaving Bosoms" [Read the article]. Heaving Bosoms? Really? Why is always Heaving Bosoms? I do find it funny that now women can openly read their romance novel at the coffee shop and no one is the wiser. All they have to do is have a copy of Walt Whitman's "Leaves of Grass" and pop over to it if anyone comes up and nonchalantly set the e-reader down on the table. Now your not a silly woman but an enlightened and refined woman. 

I am conflicted right now. I was going to buy a Kindle but I have slew of unread books in my possession and I knew if I bought a Kindle I would not read what I have because I would want to use my new toy.  So I decided not buy the Kindle for now. I am not sure that I will ever look at a woman reading an e-reader without wondering what she is really reading. Hey, if I only liked romance novel I might have purchase brown paper bag e-reader but  I really don't have to worry about someone seeing me read Fiest, Dumas, Austin or Tolkien.

Do you have an e-reader? Do you buy chick porn?

Enough for now...

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