Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Zip IT!

Well, I think we now know why the Democrats despise the Right's stand on moral issues. They don't have morals period!  If Weiner had been a Republican they would have called for his head and the media would have crucified him. Since he is not a Republican, they are reluctantly covering it because it is so salacious. At least his co-workers are calling for an "investigation."

We all know what that means, we saw it with Charlie Rangle and he cheated on his taxes! Pull your winkie out, take a photo of it and tweet it -- no big deal! How freaking hard is it to be a normal person who is loyal to your wife?
The Democrats of American have much to be proud of, Jack Kennedy, Gary Hart, Bill Clinton, Gary Condit, John Edwards and Anthony Weiner. I have no faith in our country's leadership - "HEY WASHINGTON, You Suck!"

Enough for now...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell us how you really feel LOL momI'm afraid morals are gone so sad