Sunday, February 12, 2012

Rock 'em, Shock 'em Robots

Hugh Jackman in a boxing ring with his robot boxer and he is point with both hands to his eyes and the robot is mimicking him.I am trying my best to be super mellow this weekend and for the most part, I have succeed. I have only worked on my side job, which is fresh and I enjoy it. My full time job is so exhausting that even thinking about working causes a heaviness to fall all about me.

Yesterday, I watched movies all day. First it was road kill - you know, the one you don't want to look but you do any way. Twilight, Breaking Dawn, oh my stars, do the books get as ridiculous as the movies? The wedding scenes where beautiful but the way Kristen Stewart plays Bella just wears you smooth. The best way I can explain it is "Awkward." There was one scene where she was telling off Edward and was actually realistic. The way she acts where she can't breath or can't say what she thinking just bugs the crap out of me.

Jacob's temper tantrums bug me too. Storming off into the woods to brood as a wolf is plan silly. Like I said this movie is road kill for me. I don't want to look, yet I do.

The other movie that I watched was Reel Steel. It was slow getting started but got better as toward the end. I am not a fan of people who are verbally rough on kids and so I really didn't like the lead character. But that predictably came to an end when he got to know his son.

Today won't be as mellow as yesterday. I have to clean my house company clean and I am so not in the mood. My Uncle Bill will be visiting my dad for a couple of weeks and it is bad form for show off all my dad's hard work with dirty clothes and dishes every where.

However, it's only 9 a.m. I think I will read for a little bit.

Enough for now...

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