Monday, February 13, 2012

It's only Monday and I am this exhausted??

HTML5 logo Today was a whirl wind of projects that I didn't want to work on but required my attention. Since we got three to four inches of snow last night, the Commission meeting was cancelled. I was relieved that I didn't have to video tape our Director, edit the tape, and caption the video. I was going to be able to work on other time sensitive projects.

Nope! The Director called and said "I want to tape the report I would have given to the Commission." Then in his message there were many time references that really dictated that I get the video out today. To make matters worse, my assistant is out this week and I had to transcribe the audio for the captioning. At 5:30 pm, I was sending the email to the director all done!

Then to top everything off, Mom and Dad had to be picked up at the airport. Because of the chaos of the day, they had to wait at the airport until I could get the reporters out of the building - oh, did I fail to mention that I media.

I am cannot believe that I am this exhausted already. Tomorrow (whimper), I have to give my hour long presentation to the web group that I am a member of. What in the world was I thinking when I agree to present on HTML5. Shoot me now!

Enough for now...

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