Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Butterflies on steroids

Okay major project, check! Finally, I am beginning to knock a dent in all the many projects stressing me out. I didn't know if I was going to make it a 45 minute presentation without really embarrassing myself but I managed to survive. I don't think I will volunteer for another presentation for a very long time.

It's 7:45 pm and I am still very wired. I do feel like it is good to push yourself in tough situations to experience and improve. However, I also feel that moderation is a good thing. The next time I will challenge myself will be around the year 2020.

The biggest problem I had today was with my PowerPoint. Somehow the slides where set on a timer, yet I didn't set a time limit on them.

I have thought about joining Toastmasters but not today. I will let you know if I start breathing normally tomorrow.

Enough for now...

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