Friday, May 13, 2011

The elixir of the gods

I am trying to give up Coke. Now Coke is my favorite thing in the whole wide world. A large Coke will derail my diet before a pizza or some chocolate.

I am working on Coke Zero. While it is not horrible, like Diet Coke, it reminds me of vanilla coke right now. I am hoping to not notice that taste soon and forget how glorious Real Coke is. I am worried that I will learn to like Coke Zero as much as real Coke and it won't be in the restaurants.

Thank goodness it's the weekend. I need to retreat into myself and regroup.  I need to hit the tub with a good book, sleep late, annoy Winston. I need normal.

What I don't need is to clean my dirty house but I have let it go so long that it has actually become embarrassing. What is killing me is that this year Summer is here and I have yet to work in my yard. My planters have been left to their own devices. My trees have been free to do their own thing and the grass needs a hair cut.

None of these things sound fun but at the same time its beginning to be stressful not doing what I should. If I had a real Coke all of those things would be easy.

Enough for now...

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