Friday, April 22, 2011

Little things are hard

I slept in today! It was nice but I bet I pay the price tonight when I try to go to sleep. I am actually being extraordinarily lazy today. Since I am on vacation, I really don't care about doing anything but I have a lot of loose ends to finish on some projects I did this week.

I have one electrical cover to put on and haven't since Tuesday. Curtains to rehang and haven't since Tuesday. The little things can nag you to death too. Dad came over and we did a repair project to the kitchen wainscotting and repainted.  Why is it so tough to completely finish?

I then cleaned out my garage neater than it's been since I lived here, I think. Yet, instead of opening the attic and really sprucing it up... I stopped short. Then there an entire laundry basket full of doggie toys that need to be washed. Why again is it so tough to completely finish?

One project that did get done completely was the repainting and repairing of a bench that goes outside. Dad did all the sanding, repairing and painting. I helped to re-assemble it.

Once I got my computer back I did kind of clean off my desk but not really. I just stuffed bills into the drawer instead of scanning and shredding them, so another half project done.

There is one job that I really want to complete today and that is installing new batteries into everything need them. I swear every battery operated clock in my house has stopped.

Enough for now...

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