Tuesday, June 08, 2004

I've Blogged Down and I Can't Get Up

Here's the problem with blogging, when you first start out your excited about this then you develop a routine of jotting down all those brilliant thoughts in your head that others must know. Then life happens and you get busy and miss a day here or there, when you do finally sit down to dump a few quips into this cyber world you go blank. How was it possible that I used to blog daily and enjoyed it? Now that I am out of the groove and I feel guilty for not blogging but I am not blogging because I am blank of anything relevant to say. How do you get back that creative spastic one once you've ignored her? I need my spastic mojo back!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Maybe you need to take a "REAL" vacation, go to the beach or veg at home, then you will be rested and the creative juices may flow again! I think that is what we all need!