I am somewhat panicked about how to use all my vacation days. I current hold 44 vacation days and will earn another six before the new fiscal year (June 30). That means I have to burn the six days I earn or lose them. After April 15th, I will be swamped at work and won't be able to take any days until at least May 15th due to all the high school graduation programs I will have to create. I refuse to take vacation at the same time as my boss (call me a double dipper) but I want my vacation from her and her vacation from me - two weeks versus one! So that means I have about 7 weeks to burn this time but since the graduation information has already started coming in there is no way to take a week off until after May 15th. I also hate people who run to their boss and beg for the last two weeks of the fiscal year off because they didn't manage their time.
Tonight I will spend the entire night doing laundry (making good use of mom and dad's washer and dryer). My last night there - hopeful I get some sleep!
I need to travel more to the places I haven't been but tend to revisit my favorite places over and over again (New Orleans and Vegas).
create your own personalized map of the USA
or write about it on the open travel guide
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