Monday, August 01, 2011

Friends Don't Let Friends Dance Old

My brain hurts today. It was a weird day spent with reading, reading and more reading. If I wasn't trying to learn the new HTML5, I was proofing one of the longest newsletters we had in a long while.

I think I looked at my computer maybe 45 minutes out of the entire day. It felt like I was back in college. That flashback I did not need.

It's odd, I don't like the fact that my life is flying by but I don't think I would want to repeat my 20s. I like the fact that I know my future now. I like the fact that I am independent and taking care of myself. My brain works better now, why is that 20 year figure wasted on a 20 year brain?

I do miss dancing. I wish 40s didn't mean you look funny dancing now. They need to open some 40s plus clubs where we could go get our grove on without being comedy relief for the 20s crowd.

The video below is living proof middle aged people need to think long and hard about dancing publicly. Do you really think these women would have ever convinced that dude to go out to the dance asphalt if he remotely thought he was being videoed? Dance all you want in the privacy of your own home!

Enough for now...

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