Monday, July 25, 2011

Sign of the times

This photo, provided by Jodi Burr, shows the sign supporting their
sign's military service. The Burr family says their homeowner's
association is suing them for their refusal to take down the
banner from their front yard.  Read more: Fox News Story
 For all you who live in housing editions with homeowners association that won't allow American Flags or patriotic signs for our sons and daughter deployed to war zones - revolt now. I challenge everyone who pays dues to hang out the biggest flag you can get your hands on  or post signs and yellow ribbons for the safe return of our military and say "bite me, HA".

I am absolutely floored by the lengths that some of these associations will go to. Suing people to remove the flags and signs are beyond the pale.

When did we become so hung up on showing our patriotism? When did supporting our Country become passe?

Shame on you, homeowners association, that frown on such signs of patriotism.

Enough for now...

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