Monday, February 14, 2011

I hate Mondays

What is with Mondays that make time pass so slowly? Time warps making every second two, every minute two and every hour an eternity. Making this Monday even longer is that I had to go to our commission meeting and take photos for employee recognition. If you have to attend boring commission meetings then the ones that have food and are mini parties are the best ones to attend.

I only had to spend an hour and a half down there, yet I didn't feel like I got anything accomplished. When I look back on the day, I did manage to get quite a bit done. It was just a lot of little items. When you complete a big project there's that relief and ego boost. Nothing of the sort today.

Today's jobs included sending reminder emails, to do list, time sheet, break down the photo backdrop, download photos and color corrected and cropped, nothing spectacular.

However, it did get better, kind of, I received my gigantic automatic dog feeder and my new electronic kettles. It's always wonderful when the gods send gifts. The problem was that Dana does not keep D size batteries in my home, so I had to get back in the car and get batteries.

I am somewhat floored at the size of feeder.  Winston is somewhat afraid of the thing but will risk life and limb for a carrot.

[Special Monday Treat]
I agree with Bob Geldof's "I don't like Mondays" in searching for this video I did have a short dash down memory lane - I had such a crush on Bob, sigh (with eyebrows for all you Wall fans that totally freaked me out, I digress, that's a whole post on its own).

Enough for now...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such a nice looking the way when you have intelligence like you posses being happy at doing anything is tough...Reason.....It doesnt challenge you..