Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Today many of things that I put my hopes in all fell apart. ALL FELL APART. It feels like I ran a marathon. Why does emotional stress exhaust you so much?

I am still trusting God to fix my world but for the life of me I don't see how. But all in all, that's not required - I don't have to "see it" for things to get better. I have one option left and its the best one yet - trust God.

Even though I do trust, it doesn't mean the tears won't come or fear won't creep in. Life sucks right now, so while I wait for everything to be fix - I implore each an everyone who reads this blog upon exiting please click on an ad in the left side bar. For every click I earn .25 cents, I am trying to escape my work hell with each entry.

Click me out of my horrible job!

Enough for now...

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