Tuesday, April 20, 2004

It's 1:30 in the afternoon and I call mom to let her know that something I had planned on at work and truly hoped for, fell through. The reason? My boss delayed acting on it. Normally rational and calm mothers can get quit funny about things such as this. By 4:00 p.m. she has an appointment with the bank for tomorrow morning to sign paper work and get a loan for me to pay off that freaking Student Loan and my credit card. She then informs me that I will buy a house now so that I can begin looking for a new job!

I know finding a new job won't be easy but as soon as soon I sign the mortgage papers I will begin looking in earnest. I would like to obtain a federal job for the benefits and security plus I already understand bureaucracies!

Gracious! It's been eons since I have been spastic and silly that I fear I have forgotten how. Maybe it was the paint fumes from trying to paint mom's bedroom cranberry (BAD IDEA - IT TOOK FIVE COATS TO GET TO THE TRUE COLOR EVEN WITH A PRIMER). Maybe it was that Seamus zapped all the silly out of me by trying to play ball all night long when I babysat him. Maybe it was the planets. I don't know but I feel good (insert James Brown's OOOOUUUWWW) and don't have a darn thing to say! Shoot!

Enough for now!

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