Monday, March 22, 2004

That silly meme on free association I found.
  1. Wife:: Husband
  2. Criminal:: Jail
  3. Campaign:: Whiners
  4. Infection:: Ouchy
  5. Portland:: Rain
  6. NASCAR:: Boring
  7. IMAX:: Big
  8. Martian:: Bugs Bunny
  9. Nike:: Running
  10. Trial:: Scott Peterson

Now for giggles - try using those words in a paragraph.

The WIFE visits her CRIMINAL HUSBAND in JAIL. The WHINERS in his CAMPAIGN headquarters created such an INFECTION that the feds had to step in. His TRIAL stirred up a storm close to the magnitude of SCOTT PETERSON's that there was no RUNNING away from it (even with the best pair of NIKE's on!).

After returning home, his wife sat in the house listening to the PORTLAND RAIN beating on her windows. Their newly purchased BIG IMAX tv screen with a NASCAR race on. She didn't notice the BORING routine her life had taken since her husband's conviction.

Her daughter rocked her out of her self-pity with shrill scream "Mommy! OUCHY!" She snatched up her daughter soothing the scraped knee with a band aide and a kiss. "Why don't I put in your favorite video - the one with the MARTIAN and BUGS BUNNY?"

Not bad for free association? Quite fun! Okay, I survived today but felt I was somewhat on display. Everyone was really nice about the new "DO" but I could have done without "Oh, you frosted it too?" "No," I replied. "That's your gray then?" Swell!

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