Saturday, August 06, 2011

The bliss of the mundane

I am quite proud of myself today. I got up and picked up the entire house by 9 a.m. Then I went to breakfast with the fokes and worked on the family's photo project. Now, I sitting back watching a movie.

I haven't had one of these weekends where I feel like my house is in order and I have time to rest. It feels good. Isn't it weird that just cleaning your house, weeding your planter and working on a project actually makes you feel good.

It's the kind of weird I will take any day over the bad weird. As my reward, God has sent a little rain this way. I am so thankful. I have two mature Maple trees that have more brown leaves then green. I am praying that they will come out of it when the rains come back.

Oddly, my baby Red buds are doing rather well. I really thought I had lost them last fall but then they came out of the winter with happy green leaves.

I feel calm... I like it.

Enough for now...

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