Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Living it up!

I think I wanted to work in my yard this weekend, now I doubt that will happen. My back is killing me and I don't think a bunch of raking and pruning will help it any.

I am currently working through lunch so that I can leave work an hour early to get home to the heating pad. I hate being weak. I hate hurting. Does anyone have a miracle homeopathic cure for a bad back? Don't want to live on Motrin my whole life - been there done that. Witch Hazel? Parsley? Basil? Anything?

So can it get worse? I have already stated in previous posts that it can and it usually does. Yes, it got worse. My period came a few days early! Really!?! Whoops, my dad just exited the house to do something in the garage, I said the P word. After living so long with all girls, his survival skills kicked it.

Well there's nothing better to tell you that you are still alive than pain. I am living every minute of this day! Look for a happier post in five days.

Enough for now...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dana Larae do you think that P thing should be discussed on your blog modesty modesty girl mom