It seems to be the norm for months to go by between blog entries. This is not my intention, it is more from my lack of inspiration. Work is blah and the last think I want to do in my off hours is the computer. I like the work I do and have some great friends at work but when disillusion sets in at work that not good it bleeds through into everything.
January 2, I got to go to Las Vegas with a friend from work who had to go for a conference. I went to play. I discovered that vacations are meant to be shared. I would go to various Casinos and site-see and gamble but it wasn't as much fun by myself. Friend Theresa didn't get out the conference till 5 or 6ish each night and we would do dinner and some site-seeing but there wasn't much time in the evenings. This trip opened my eyes, I often thought that if there was something I really wanted to see such as Ireland or Italy or Turkey I'd just have to go alone. Nope, while traveling alone isn't a big deal, it's just not fun.
Who out there has holiday hang-over? Man alive, my work celebrates Christmas with homemade cookies, candies and the like arriving daily! If I never eat anything sweet again, that would be okay with me.
Along with trying to survive the holidays, I managed to get a sinus infection that lasted from before the Oklahoma Blizzard to last weekend. I finally feel human again, yippee!
Crap so much to cover!!! Okay the video "District 9" disturb me [flash backs of "Children of Men" without the gorgeous Clive]. Michael Jackson dies, Johnson and Johnson heiress dies and Massachusetts elects a Republican - I am not sure but I think have step though a tear in the universe and landed in alternative reality.
More than enough for now!