Thursday, February 16, 2006

I Need Food!

My diet is going well, I have lost enough weight to fit into my "not-as-fat" clothes but still not quite into my "skinny" clothes yet. The problem is that I am bored with this diet, 1,000 calories a day, anyway I want just no more than that. Mentally, I am also bored with this diet, so I think I am about to starve. Whenever your head is not on straight the diet will fail and my head is all crooked right now. This has been the hardest week yet and I am six weeks into this endeavor. I fear that my resolve to be skinny again will faulter - I want MacDonald's, Taco Bell, Sonic, Wendy's and Pizza Hut.

enough for now


Anonymous said...

Yeah, but think about the crap you would be putting in your body if you were to succumb to their evil temptation! You wanna think fruits and veggies and healthy foods...your skin will look great, and you'll continue losing weight like you wanna! Keep up the fantastic work!!!

Kim said...

Don't do it! YOu will be so disappointed later. Hang in can do it.