Monday, April 26, 2004

Sleep. I need sleep. I didn't sleep at all last night over this house business and I am feel every waking moment from it. My normal routine is so off, I haven't had a chance to read my book and it's a bit better than the last one and I want to. Stress does strange things to me - I stop eating and I can't sit still. By May 21st, I may actually fit in my skinny clothes. Who knows?

Waldo has gone awol and it's boring at work. I have work to do but there's no one to chat with when I need a break. Boss is out so we could be silly and relax but nooo...Waldo's gone awol.

  1. Elastic: stretchy
  2. Intervention: help me
  3. Risk: buy a house
  4. Junk food: life
  5. Arrogance: Not me!
  6. Responsibility: a hassle
  7. X: Mutant
  8. Marshall: John
  9. Kill: Bill
  10. Brother: Big

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