Wednesday, March 10, 2004

To blog or not to blog? I am having a spastically good mood going and don't want to reflect on the day....I wanna look forward. Maybe it's the over stuffed tummy, maybe it was the hour and a half soak in the tub or maybe I just feel good - who knows - who cares! FORWARD!

Poor Ice - I can totally relate to not wanting to substitute. I have never done it and quite honestly if the powers that be say I have to - they'd better be ready to produce the graduation programs themselves or hire a graphic artist real quick! Yesterday, I somehow got suckered into being the "celebrity" for National Breakfast Week at an elementary. Let me tell you, children can smell fear a mile away and I was less than 2 feet away! As I wondered around the cafeteria trying to chat with these foriegn little entities, they thought I was nuts! Some would chat and some only answered my questions with yes no answers - yeah, that helps carry a conversation! The older kids were totally intimidating! So I gravitated to the kindergarten to first graders - they are just sweet to everyone! I love kids but...ONE OR TWO AT A TIME NOT 60!

I am on page 500 ish of my Dederfield book and it's great (hince, my hour and a half soak in the tub). I am half way through and will review it when done. But I must say that I will be sad to see the end of this one!

FirstClass designer is exceptionally quirky! I have spent at least 3/4 of today trying to create a form (yes, I chose a very extinsive form to start with, which was real bright of me!). One, it closes itself randomly without warning. Two, since my form is so big it requires scroll bars that randomly disappear (meaning, I had to expand the form to full window then downsize again). Three, my form opens up as untitled while I have given it a name??? Four, the form doesn't want to hold the size I have given it therefore, scrunching the last four or five fields together. MUST THINK HAPPY THOUGHTS! MUST THINK HAPPY THOUGHTS! MUST THINK HAPPY THOUGHTS! This darn program will not beat me!

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