Surfing the web, I was looking for a graphic to illustrate the agony I have been experiencing riding my exercise bike 14 miles per day an this popped up and all I can think is "my eyes! my eyes!"
Would you really want to be the person who gets on the bikes after these two? I don't think the disinfectant would be strong enough for me to want to go to this gym! I don't care how carefully they place their towels.
Not to mention, since I've notice at my gym only half the people cleaned the equipment when they get off of it.
Some days it was all I could to do to keep from yelling "hey, you idiot, get back here and kindly remove your stinking sweaty palm prints from that stair master." Instead I said nothing but watched them in total disgust as they moved from machine to machine leaving their gross DNA every where.
Thank goodness I don't have OCD or anything. Today I am totally uninspired to write and Winston is not interested in being the subject of my post. Call it one of mine Weird Wednesday, similar to my Tangent Tuesdays only on Wednesday. So the question of the day, would you ever go to a nudist gym?
If its not evident that I need to get out a little more. this post should do it! Click on an ad and help support a much needed vacation. The $7.15 I've earned so far might get me a bus ticket to Midwest City, who wants to go to Midwest City? Click people, click!
Enough for now...
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Why Do Trees Grow
The problem with a large yard with trees is that they keep growing! Every year we have to trim what equals a whole tree. I don't know what one bush/tree is but it keeps growing bigger and bigger. It grows off shoots from the bottom, which means that it was getting wider and thicker. It got so big that it was growing into the house and blocking access to the large gate we put in so that Dad, A.K.A. the lawn guy, could get his riding lawn mower out to the front yard.
So I started trimming the side of the monster bush tree. Originally, mom and I started with trimming so that it would grow away from the house. Then we decided that we really like what it was looking like on that side and decided to do it all the way around. A hour later and much cut out, I ended up with this beauty that blooms weird little white flowers a couple times a year. I think I will keep it now.
Dad and I trimmed my Hackberry tree that keeps trying to grow into my Redbud tree. What's really amazing to me is that when you trim out quite a bit, everything still looks good but you really can't tell a major difference because so much is hidden by growing into each other.
The biggest problem of all is that I guess I am so old that now I when I get ambitious and work vigorously in my yard, I have to pay for it severely that night. I was so sore that I could barely walk. Pitiful, just pitiful.
I have decide that before we tackle this again next year, I am going to buy that miniature wood chipper we saw at Lowe's. Bundling tree branches is for the birds, give me power tools!
Enough for now...
So I started trimming the side of the monster bush tree. Originally, mom and I started with trimming so that it would grow away from the house. Then we decided that we really like what it was looking like on that side and decided to do it all the way around. A hour later and much cut out, I ended up with this beauty that blooms weird little white flowers a couple times a year. I think I will keep it now.
Dad and I trimmed my Hackberry tree that keeps trying to grow into my Redbud tree. What's really amazing to me is that when you trim out quite a bit, everything still looks good but you really can't tell a major difference because so much is hidden by growing into each other.
The biggest problem of all is that I guess I am so old that now I when I get ambitious and work vigorously in my yard, I have to pay for it severely that night. I was so sore that I could barely walk. Pitiful, just pitiful.
I have decide that before we tackle this again next year, I am going to buy that miniature wood chipper we saw at Lowe's. Bundling tree branches is for the birds, give me power tools!
Enough for now...
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Embarrassing, Just Plain Embarrassing
Have our lawmakers in Washington, DC lost their freaking minds? Is the chairwoman of the House subcommittee on Immigration, Zoe Lofgren, delusional?
Stephen Colbert is funny acting like a newsman, but really? Wasting taxpayers time to have him come and give stupid testimony just proves that the wrong people are in positions of power!
When someone so crudely delivers his speech that includes a "Chilean giving him a Brazilian," I have to admit I'd rather our congress behave like the Asian governments and get in fist fights with each other rather that have embarrassing stunts such as what happened on Friday. Logfren made of mockery of herself and her government, shame on you. Kudos to John Conyers for recognizing how this was reducing his committee to the realm of the ridiculous. We can't blame Colbert for doing what he does - we blame Logfren for giving him the forum!
On occasion I call Winston, Porthos the Idiot, I am going to have stop calling him that as my dog is smarter than most of our Congressional leaders.
Proud to be an American but today thoroughly embarrassed!
Thanks for the support and clicking on my ads. As of today, I've earned $5.97 but the idiots in Washington will require $1.50 - taxes for stunts! I think I need to find an isolated island to buy!
Enough for now...
Buy Dodge Charger.
Stephen Colbert is funny acting like a newsman, but really? Wasting taxpayers time to have him come and give stupid testimony just proves that the wrong people are in positions of power!
When someone so crudely delivers his speech that includes a "Chilean giving him a Brazilian," I have to admit I'd rather our congress behave like the Asian governments and get in fist fights with each other rather that have embarrassing stunts such as what happened on Friday. Logfren made of mockery of herself and her government, shame on you. Kudos to John Conyers for recognizing how this was reducing his committee to the realm of the ridiculous. We can't blame Colbert for doing what he does - we blame Logfren for giving him the forum!
On occasion I call Winston, Porthos the Idiot, I am going to have stop calling him that as my dog is smarter than most of our Congressional leaders.
Proud to be an American but today thoroughly embarrassed!
Thanks for the support and clicking on my ads. As of today, I've earned $5.97 but the idiots in Washington will require $1.50 - taxes for stunts! I think I need to find an isolated island to buy!
Enough for now...
Buy Dodge Charger.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
The Three Musketeers and the Idiot!
When I am totally uninspired to write, spastic nonsense usually abounds and Winston is usually the focus of that spastic nonsense. But today, he was having non of it.
There were strangers to watch and yell at, strangers on the other street he can see through my neighbor's front yard. Strangers nowhere near our house!
I like my little solders, they remind me of my favorite, favorite, favorite book, "The Three Musketeers." The problem with naming them the three musketeers means that Winston would play the role of D'Artagnan. He's my favorite musketeer and trust me Winston is no D'Artagnan! Porthos maybe with his loud personality but not D'Artagnan.
Enough for now...
There were strangers to watch and yell at, strangers on the other street he can see through my neighbor's front yard. Strangers nowhere near our house!
I like my little solders, they remind me of my favorite, favorite, favorite book, "The Three Musketeers." The problem with naming them the three musketeers means that Winston would play the role of D'Artagnan. He's my favorite musketeer and trust me Winston is no D'Artagnan! Porthos maybe with his loud personality but not D'Artagnan.
I got bored decided to make a movie.
$5.46, keep clicking! Ad revenue rising, help click my way to financial independence.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Should I fire the lawn guy?
The problem with firing my lawn guy is that I've known him my whole life and he does my yard for free - he's my Dad! But when your Dad scalps half your yard, you get to make fun of him publicly.
My new trees, well "almost trees," were delivered today. I bought two Oklahoma Red buds and one Oklahoma White buds. The evil electric company, OG&E, arrived one day this last Spring and announced that they were going to chop down all my pretty trees and leave me with a really ugly sun drenched yard.
Thanks to sun reaching my monkey grass like it never had before all the tips are burned this year. You don't yank out nine matured trees and the yard survive. So for the next few years my little back yard is going to look pretty weak. But at least I got the new trees in, oh I failed to mention, trees that only the property owner can remove. We were told that the state tree can only be removed by the property owner! Also, they don't grow real tall and should stay under the power lines.
Since I had Precur Nursery deliver and plant my little trees I spent a pretty penny. I need more than $250 to pay for this and my ad revenue is only up to $4.97. Click on an ad when you exit.
My "Almost Trees" in a couple of years they can be called trees |
Monday, September 20, 2010
Stop Calling Me and My Friends Stupid!
We, Americans play by the rules. We go out, when we'd rather not, stand in line and do our civic duty and vote. Then when the ballots do not shake out to your liking, you established politicians try to change the rules. Shame on you Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski from Alaska, shame on you Republican/Independent Charlie Crist from Florida, shame on you Democrat/Republican/Democrat Arlen Specter from Pennsylvania!
In good faith we go to the polling place and cast our ballots and trust you to lose with dignity and grace. We trust you to obey your bosses and when they say your fired to accept who you work for and leave. This business about write in, running as an independent or flat out switching is of low character.
I am tired of the politician treating us, the American people, as if we are stupid and don't know who we want to send to Washington. Stop calling us stupid, as I am not. Every month, I balance my bank book, pay off credit cards and on a good month maybe gamble a little. Can Congress say that? The gambling, yeah. The balance budget - not even close!
Murkowski, you have insulted the constituents you claim to represent by announcing your write in ballot campaign and I pray that Alaskans rally around the true winner and show their children how politics is supposed to work. I hope the Republican party rallies to destroy you as an uncooperative and bad party member and ban you for life.
Even in little league sports we teach children to shake the hand of those who were victorious over us and say good game! I am appalled at the poor sportsmanship of the leaders of our country.
Woo hoo, I have now earned $2.71. Click on an ad to right and support my quest to become independently wealthy.
Enough for now...
In good faith we go to the polling place and cast our ballots and trust you to lose with dignity and grace. We trust you to obey your bosses and when they say your fired to accept who you work for and leave. This business about write in, running as an independent or flat out switching is of low character.
I am tired of the politician treating us, the American people, as if we are stupid and don't know who we want to send to Washington. Stop calling us stupid, as I am not. Every month, I balance my bank book, pay off credit cards and on a good month maybe gamble a little. Can Congress say that? The gambling, yeah. The balance budget - not even close!
Murkowski, you have insulted the constituents you claim to represent by announcing your write in ballot campaign and I pray that Alaskans rally around the true winner and show their children how politics is supposed to work. I hope the Republican party rallies to destroy you as an uncooperative and bad party member and ban you for life.
Even in little league sports we teach children to shake the hand of those who were victorious over us and say good game! I am appalled at the poor sportsmanship of the leaders of our country.
Woo hoo, I have now earned $2.71. Click on an ad to right and support my quest to become independently wealthy.
Enough for now...
Sunday, September 19, 2010
It's Boomer Season
Yes, even Winston likes football. He really likes his football jersey. Actually number 28 is very appropriate for him because if he ever gets loose, he does a very good impression of A. Peterson. Mom has even tackled him before - not pretty I won't go there.
I am very please OU won yesterday but did they really have to let Air Force get that last touch down? My nerves could have done without that!
I remember my student days when you would go to the first half of the game and it was such a blow out that at half time over to the parking lot of O'Connors. Now, [giggle] I am so spoiled that I don't want to go to the game because I want to see the replays and stats. I want to see every minute of the game.
It's good times again, go Sooners!
I am now up $2.39 in ad revenue, be sure to click on an when exiting.
Enough for now...
I am very please OU won yesterday but did they really have to let Air Force get that last touch down? My nerves could have done without that!
I remember my student days when you would go to the first half of the game and it was such a blow out that at half time over to the parking lot of O'Connors. Now, [giggle] I am so spoiled that I don't want to go to the game because I want to see the replays and stats. I want to see every minute of the game.
It's good times again, go Sooners!
I am now up $2.39 in ad revenue, be sure to click on an when exiting.
Enough for now...
Friday, September 17, 2010
I Predict Rain
The State Fair starts today so that means that rainy season begins. I am not a big fair person and probably haven't been since 1988 or so. The last time I went I went with college friends. Growing up going to the fair meant a new pair of moccasin, funnel cake and rodeo tickets.
I miss moccasins.
Now that I am old, my State Fair comes with the Friends of the Library book sale. My sister's State Fair is Affair of the Hearts craft show in October. Dad's State Fair is any gun show he happens to make. It's amazing how we've all grown out of the real state fair.
I have to admit that the wonder of the fair is not the quality of the work of afghans or quilts made or the pie contests or even the livestock pins - its the weirdos that go to the fair. Weirdos of the likes you didn't think that little ole Oklahoma had!
If I go to the fair ever again, it will be to see the strangest attraction of all - the people who visit the fair!
I have now earn $1.07 - click on an before you exit or I will be force to continue to work at the same crappy job forever!
Enough for now...
I miss moccasins.
Now that I am old, my State Fair comes with the Friends of the Library book sale. My sister's State Fair is Affair of the Hearts craft show in October. Dad's State Fair is any gun show he happens to make. It's amazing how we've all grown out of the real state fair.
I have to admit that the wonder of the fair is not the quality of the work of afghans or quilts made or the pie contests or even the livestock pins - its the weirdos that go to the fair. Weirdos of the likes you didn't think that little ole Oklahoma had!
If I go to the fair ever again, it will be to see the strangest attraction of all - the people who visit the fair!
I have now earn $1.07 - click on an before you exit or I will be force to continue to work at the same crappy job forever!
Enough for now...
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Mean People Suck!
It was a toss up for me on whether or not to feature this as my theme song for this day or go with "Mad, Mad World." Today I went with ... Shout, Shout, Shout, Let it All OUT, these are the things I could do without, COME ON, SHOUT IT ALL OUT!
Things that I could do without:
1. Mean people,
2. Mean people,
3. Stupid, mean people!
Tears for Fears is definitely getting better with age! I love this mix and would give anything to see this concert. The orchestra just makes it totally awesome.
Tears for Fears is definitely getting better with age! I love this mix and would give anything to see this concert. The orchestra just makes it totally awesome.
I have officially earned .79 cents, click on an ad to the right when you exit, help get me out the world where mean people live!
Enough for now...
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Today many of things that I put my hopes in all fell apart. ALL FELL APART. It feels like I ran a marathon. Why does emotional stress exhaust you so much?
I am still trusting God to fix my world but for the life of me I don't see how. But all in all, that's not required - I don't have to "see it" for things to get better. I have one option left and its the best one yet - trust God.
Even though I do trust, it doesn't mean the tears won't come or fear won't creep in. Life sucks right now, so while I wait for everything to be fix - I implore each an everyone who reads this blog upon exiting please click on an ad in the left side bar. For every click I earn .25 cents, I am trying to escape my work hell with each entry.
Click me out of my horrible job!
Enough for now...
I am still trusting God to fix my world but for the life of me I don't see how. But all in all, that's not required - I don't have to "see it" for things to get better. I have one option left and its the best one yet - trust God.
Even though I do trust, it doesn't mean the tears won't come or fear won't creep in. Life sucks right now, so while I wait for everything to be fix - I implore each an everyone who reads this blog upon exiting please click on an ad in the left side bar. For every click I earn .25 cents, I am trying to escape my work hell with each entry.
Click me out of my horrible job!
Enough for now...
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Letting My Hair Down
Today was a good day. Every month the state's web manager's group meets and shares ideas and new stuff. This month's speaker was the state's CIO. Half of what he said went right over my head as I am not a developer. I am from the PR office and make things pretty. Sebolith and grouper...huh?
No matter, what I really liked was the exchange after he spoke and the fact that the meeting was over for more than an hour and I was still there chatting with other web nerds. Nothing is more comfortable than a community of like, strange minds. I will never ever forget the story Michael shared about getting beat up in Second Life. Yeah, he was probably not in the nicest of bars but still I am not sure his avatar deserved such abuse especially since it was a crazy girl avatar. Is a boy avatar allow to hit a girl avatar if your in Second Life?
Enough for now...
No matter, what I really liked was the exchange after he spoke and the fact that the meeting was over for more than an hour and I was still there chatting with other web nerds. Nothing is more comfortable than a community of like, strange minds. I will never ever forget the story Michael shared about getting beat up in Second Life. Yeah, he was probably not in the nicest of bars but still I am not sure his avatar deserved such abuse especially since it was a crazy girl avatar. Is a boy avatar allow to hit a girl avatar if your in Second Life?
Enough for now...
Monday, September 13, 2010
Do More than Click Like - Say Something!
To build the mosque or not to build? To burn the Koran or not to burn? Fly you flag on the profile. Click like if you agree... Are all these type of apps on Facebook an absurd way of getting out of our civic duty? If we fly the "No Mosque Flag" on our profile does that remove our need to write the Mayor Bloomberg and complain vehemently?
Facebook is great for keeping in touch with friends but we cannot let this stop us from actually raising our voice or writing our letters. As Oklahoman who suffered an attack, we should voice loudly that allowing an Islamic Monument to their victory is not right!
We now live in a global world with news from every corner of the world. Do you sit by and accept what is happening without so much as a shame on you?
Here is link to New York City's Mayor Bloomberg email. No he will not care, yes you will have done something proactive and it's time to start saying "NO" to insane and cruel ideas. More than 3,000 families lost precious members of their families and will have to walk past the Victory Monument to pay their respects? No, that is not right.
Yes, law is on the side of the mosque but human decency is on the side of the families. This is not an Islamaphobic idea either, it is just plain insensitive to the families.
Enough for now...
Facebook is great for keeping in touch with friends but we cannot let this stop us from actually raising our voice or writing our letters. As Oklahoman who suffered an attack, we should voice loudly that allowing an Islamic Monument to their victory is not right!
We now live in a global world with news from every corner of the world. Do you sit by and accept what is happening without so much as a shame on you?
Here is link to New York City's Mayor Bloomberg email. No he will not care, yes you will have done something proactive and it's time to start saying "NO" to insane and cruel ideas. More than 3,000 families lost precious members of their families and will have to walk past the Victory Monument to pay their respects? No, that is not right.
Yes, law is on the side of the mosque but human decency is on the side of the families. This is not an Islamaphobic idea either, it is just plain insensitive to the families.
Enough for now...
Thursday, September 09, 2010
La Femme Nikita, Which One

Which Nikita do you like? Anne, Bridget, Peta or the new one, Maggie Q?
Torn, let you know after tonight's show.
Enough for now...
Torn, let you know after tonight's show.
Enough for now...
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Miss Honeydew, Minnie Pearl and Nurse Goodbody
I am now one of those people who work in fear. The slightest mistake has me stressed to max. Today, was one of those days and I just knew that I was going to get ripped apart. I have now progressed (with God's help) from bawling at work over every attack to migraines and nausea on weekends.
Strangely, I'd rather have the nausea and headaches than tears. Girls like me, who cry - can't control the tears, so once you've made me cry then not only am I crying but I am also very, very angry (because of the situation and the fact that you made me cry) it's twice as bad.
Strangely, I'd rather have the nausea and headaches than tears. Girls like me, who cry - can't control the tears, so once you've made me cry then not only am I crying but I am also very, very angry (because of the situation and the fact that you made me cry) it's twice as bad.
I wish I could redirect that emotion into something more professional, such as swearing like a sailor and throwing my stapler, no I take the crap and cry!
This weekend every meal was proceeded with a wave of nausea. Did that stop me from plowing through my Mexican dinner or that pint of ice cream? Heck no, I ate anyway. Eventually, my work life will settle down and you hear me squealing like the sissy girl, I am!
Okay, so you want to know what's up with the picture? A couple of years ago, my sister had the brilliant idea of getting photos of the three of us, so we did. After we had taken enough photos to just be quite a bit silly, Mom thinks that we should take a picture using my new fence as a prop. I don't know why but Hee Haw came to mind and of course I had to share that with them. Not a single picture in front of the fence came out but hey, we did have a good laugh.
Okay, so you want to know what's up with the picture? A couple of years ago, my sister had the brilliant idea of getting photos of the three of us, so we did. After we had taken enough photos to just be quite a bit silly, Mom thinks that we should take a picture using my new fence as a prop. I don't know why but Hee Haw came to mind and of course I had to share that with them. Not a single picture in front of the fence came out but hey, we did have a good laugh.
I give all my problems to God and trust him to take of me.
Enough for now...
Friday, September 03, 2010
Just Because I Can Remember
I absolute laughed when I stumbled on this but.... it's still good! The world remembers "Dancing Queen" or "Knowing Me, Knowing You" as it's fav. I liked this one, "SOS" and "Fernando." I don't know who that Fernando dude was but you know when "there something in the air, my friend."
Enough for now...
Enough for now...
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Proof that White Boys Cannot Dance
Lordy, lordy, lordy these two boys cannot dance! I have to admit I have not laughed so hard in such a long time as I did when I watched these guys dance! Okay, the video below is from Big Brother and the head of household, Lane, incurred three punishments for the house and this one was flat out hysterical!
I love mindless reality shows. It's nice to know that there is proof out there that you are not the dumbest person in the world - he / she is on my TV. I can't wait to see how Jimmy Johnson of Dallas Cowboy fame fairs on Survivor.
Enough for now...
I love mindless reality shows. It's nice to know that there is proof out there that you are not the dumbest person in the world - he / she is on my TV. I can't wait to see how Jimmy Johnson of Dallas Cowboy fame fairs on Survivor.
Enough for now...
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Heroes Among Us
You know I have to say that I have lost faith in the men and women we've sent to Washington. I've felt hopeless, that I couldn't change the direction my country is headed. You see, I am a conservative and honestly, that used to mean "one who does not protest."
On Saturday, August 28th, the classiest protest known to man took place. It transcended Republican, Democrat and Independent - it was a protest to the lack of God in our politics, government and yes, our community.
In these times, I, as a state employee, have to avoid certain phrases such as Merry Christmas and God Bless You. How did this happen? How did WE allow this to happen? We have to decide to be active or loud with our hearts and votes to change the path our country is on. I pledge to you (and hope you make your own pledge) to be front and center every time our voting booths are open. You have no right to complain, if you don't vote.
I am very proud that we have giants who can still move a country into action. I feel like America has a hero in Glen Beck who is willing to remind us of our roots, our constitution, our God.
I give all my problems to God and trust him to take of me.
Enough for now...
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