Monday, September 20, 2010

Stop Calling Me and My Friends Stupid!

We, Americans play by the rules. We go out, when we'd rather not, stand in line and do our civic duty and vote. Then when the ballots do not  shake out to your liking, you established politicians try to change the rules. Shame on you Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski from Alaska, shame on you Republican/Independent Charlie Crist from Florida, shame on you  Democrat/Republican/Democrat Arlen Specter from Pennsylvania!

In good faith we go to the polling place and cast our ballots and trust you to lose with dignity and grace. We trust you to obey your bosses and when they say your fired to accept who you work for and leave. This business about write in, running as an independent or flat out switching is of low character.

I am tired of the politician treating us, the American people, as if we are stupid and don't know who we want to send to Washington. Stop calling us stupid, as I am not. Every month, I balance my bank book, pay off credit cards and on a good month maybe gamble a little. Can Congress say that? The gambling, yeah. The balance budget - not even close!

Murkowski, you have insulted the constituents you claim to represent by announcing your write in ballot campaign and I pray that Alaskans rally around the true winner and show their children how politics is supposed to work. I hope the Republican party rallies to destroy you as an uncooperative and bad party member and ban you for life.

Even in little league sports we teach children to shake the hand of those who were victorious over us and say good game! I am appalled at the poor sportsmanship of the leaders of our country.

Woo hoo, I have now earned $2.71. Click on an ad to right and support my quest to become independently wealthy.

Enough for now...

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