Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Heroes Among Us

You know I have to say that I have lost faith in the men and women we've sent to Washington. I've felt hopeless, that I couldn't change the direction my country is headed. You see, I am a conservative and honestly, that used to mean "one who does not protest."

On Saturday, August 28th, the classiest protest known to man took place. It transcended Republican, Democrat and Independent - it was a protest to the lack of God in our politics, government and yes, our community.

In these times,  I, as a state employee, have to avoid certain phrases such as Merry Christmas and God Bless You. How did this happen? How did WE allow this to happen? We have to decide to be active or loud with our hearts and votes to change the path our country is on. I pledge to you (and hope you make your own pledge) to be front and center every time our voting booths are open. You have no right to complain, if you don't vote.

I am very proud that we have giants who can still move a country into action. I feel like America has a hero in Glen Beck who is willing to remind us of our roots, our constitution, our God.

I give all my problems to God and trust him to take of me.

Enough for now...

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