For the first time in a long while I had a fun! Another division's administrator ask me to help brainstorm and create a new employee orientation video. While a professional crew is coming in tomorrow to video, she and her staff wanted something more than "torturing the new guy" with a lecture.
So last week, we plotted out that she would take the new employee on a virtual tour of the state office and each unit administrator would be introduced to the camera and then walking to the next office. It was fun brainstorming on what to do, then we took the camcorder and did some practice runs.
Once we were done filming, I went back to my office and edited the pieces together, added transitions, added titles and credits and then added music. I am tickled pink to say that it actually came out really cute and I promise you better than having the division administrator stand up in front of the camera and drone on for 10 minutes.
I need more days like these! Enough for now.
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