Monday, August 16, 2010

Getting Ready for Liam

I had all but written this day off as one worst in a long time. Then I went shopping for my Army Nephew's new baby. Since they live in Germany and the baby is due in October, we had to get the gifts shipped pretty soon.

I have to say that if I had to go to a mall today, the shopping would have had to wait, I just wasn't up to being in public. But we have the glorious Mom and I sat down, ordered the gifts and poof we're done! I love technology.

My great nephew's name will be William but they plan to call him Liam. I like it. We won't get to meet the little one until July 2011, which means he'll be nine months old by then. That will be tough but it's life.

Enough for now as I am struggling to stay positive tonight.

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