Monday, March 08, 2004

Let me start off saying thanks guys! How many of you (my friends) are college educated, yet none of you noticed that I spelled the title of my alternate blog and on all related links wrong! No one, not Friend Shana, former reporter/currently Law Association PR person; Ice, English Prof and computer trainer; Co-worker T, media spokes person; or Dawn, teacher/trainer mentioned the error to me! It's tomes not tombs!!!!!!!!! I was looking at that today and thought - something's wrong and it then it hit! Thanks guys. lol.

Do you ever have days that regrets hit you hard? When they come back out of the blue and you thought that you had put them behind you - its hard. BAM! There they are again. People, you truly wished you had never met. Things, you wished you had never done. Words, you wished you had never said. All these will haunt you forever. When my nice little box with that little red satin ribbon that I put them in, down deep inside my heart, comes untied - I just want to scream "Go Away!" but they never do. For some reason tonight I have spent the evening trying to get those darn things back in their box!

Nephew #2 won the Texas State Wrestling tournament for his weight in the TAWA Organization (it's a wrestling league outside high school sports). This was a fabulous feat since his high school season was ruined when he dislocated his elbow early in the season.

Army Nephew graduated with distinction from his tech school. He asked Dad to pin his medal on him during the ceremony. This was so touching, even Dad said that it was "Emotional" (that's all - he wouldn't elaborate). Army Nephew feels a bond with his grandpa with both of them being service men. He wouldn't tell or talk about what happened with his girlfriend. Nothing. Year long tour of duty can be a huge hurdle for the most mature people or relationships - too much for 18 year olds. But he hurts and this Aunt hurts for him. However, that boy is very goodlooking with a very charming personality. He will have another girl two weeks after reporting to the base in Korea - this I know.

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