Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Didn't have a good day but didn't have a bad one either. As I was thinking about this blog, I find myself falling into the "poor me" episodes we all have. Yea, I have bad days but honestly, I am very content with my life. It is rather uncomplicated. If I am not going to find Mr. Right, well I can't think of a better way to live.

-I clean the house that I messed up when I want.
-I cook (badly) and throw away the carton - no dishes.
-I hog the covers.
-I don't shower on the weekends if I don't want to (however, I don't leave the house that day either).
-I usually agree with everything I say.
-I never irritate myself (almost never).
-It's not as offensive when I look in the mirror and say "you need to loose a little weight."
-I don't have a disapproving mother-in-law.

I have accepted my life and I am happy.

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