If the weathermen don't get it right tomorrow and it doesn't snow 18 to 20 inches, the state of Oklahoma will never do the smart thing and close state offices ahead of time like they did today. I had already planned to bring my laptop home and telecommute if the weather was going to be so bad I wouldn't drive into town. But since the Govenor closed shop, I don't have to work. It's an administrative leave day.
I plan to read tomorrow and lay in bed like a lazy girl! I plan to do nothing important. I plan to annoy the beagle so much that he will begin hidding from me. I love snow days!
I, however, am living on the edge. I didn't not go to Walmart and buy 16 weeks of food and water. Nor did I go the gas station and fill up my already full car. Should I not be able to leave the house till Thursday, I think I should have enough food to make it, and enough gas to go no where. What could possibly drive me out of the house would be running out of coffee and I do think I am okay there too.
I was talking with a friend at another agency today and she was telling me that she was going to be stuck in the house ALL DAY with her husband tomorrow and someone would surely die! We laughed and I told her to dig out those snow shoes and send him on to work.
It's funny how when you can do anything you want, all you want to do is lay around the house but when you have to stay home because of blizzard, all you want to do is go out. What do you do when you get the rare snow day?
Enough for now...
Monday, January 31, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
01001000 01100101 01101100 01110000
Some days I just absolutely hate technology. I am just begining to perfect ASP files and I now need to learn new database driven program. I am not to happy about it all. I don't aspire to be a major developer just good enough to make my site run the way I envisioning it running. Without waiting for some geek to get around to my simple stuff.
I am being force over to Sharepoint 2010 or 10 (something like that) server and my old files are not compatable. I am trying to psych myself up for learning VB or PHP or whatever works on the new servers. Yippee! [She says with a highly sarcastic tone].
If I wait for our in-house IT, I will loose control of my on-line resource guide and I am not real comfortable with that. So, does anyone know the best language to learn? Let me rephrase that, does anyone know the easiest language to learn?
Enough for now...
I am being force over to Sharepoint 2010 or 10 (something like that) server and my old files are not compatable. I am trying to psych myself up for learning VB or PHP or whatever works on the new servers. Yippee! [She says with a highly sarcastic tone].
If I wait for our in-house IT, I will loose control of my on-line resource guide and I am not real comfortable with that. So, does anyone know the best language to learn? Let me rephrase that, does anyone know the easiest language to learn?
Enough for now...
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Obama: 62 minutes of empty rhetoric
President Obama gave his State of the Union speech tonight but I could not watch. His arrogance just oozes from him that total turns me off. It is not the Democrat/Republican side taking, he offends my sensibilities by talking down to us. He believes the American public is a bunch of idiots. I am also tired of his empty promises and rhetoric. I have had enough of hearing him say what people what to hear and then ramming his own agenda down our throats.
Now that he's trying to move to the middle, I find him totally hypocritical. After years of extremely liberal policies are we really supposed to believe that he's conservative Democrat? No way, he's lying to us AGAIN. Executive orders will begin shortly.
Spending!! What is wrong with him and Congress? Are they expecting China to keep its pocketbook open indefinitely? Dave Ramsey has a radio show and special trainings to teach Americans to manage their own finances responsibly. People can go to jail for passing bad checks or miss managing their money - what happens to a Country that mismanages it money? Its citizens suffer. We are headed steadfast to major suffering if they don't get spending under control. Even Dave Ramsey will not be able to get us out of this mess.
Enough for now...
Monday, January 24, 2011
George Moved In
I recently bought a George Foreman grill and I am learning how to cook meat. It's kind of cool but at the same time I still don't think I will ever be on Iron Chef America filleting an swordfish to marinating in peanut butter.
The thing that I am not liking to much is the smokey smell that lingers. I use the grill right under my vent hood on my stove but so that most of it goes outside.
I need to learn how how to prepare meat other than put meat on grill close lid. Does anyone know any good recipes?
The George grill is perfect for one or two. Little George is my new best friend.
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The thing that I am not liking to much is the smokey smell that lingers. I use the grill right under my vent hood on my stove but so that most of it goes outside.
I need to learn how how to prepare meat other than put meat on grill close lid. Does anyone know any good recipes?
The George grill is perfect for one or two. Little George is my new best friend.
Enough for now...
Saturday, January 22, 2011
I Love Modern Day Housekeeping!!
Have you ever watched a Roomba work? I did tonight and its rather Schizophrenic in its pattern of vacuuming. Its also quit entertaining to watch the dogs, watch the Roomba.
Seamus lays on the couch and watches it with his ears perked and occasionally woofs real softly. Winston follows it around at a very safe distance and as soon as it turns towards him, he darts outside as fast as he can.
I follow it around marvelling at the fact that I am not pushing a sweeper. I also love the fact that I can vacuum every day now. I was amazed at how big the thing is? I expected something along the size of a dinner plate not a platter.
I did mention how cool it is? It's part of my Christmas and Birthday and let me tell you I am as excited as a five-year-old after Santa has dropped off all his goodies and ate the cookies!
Enough for now...
Seamus lays on the couch and watches it with his ears perked and occasionally woofs real softly. Winston follows it around at a very safe distance and as soon as it turns towards him, he darts outside as fast as he can.
I follow it around marvelling at the fact that I am not pushing a sweeper. I also love the fact that I can vacuum every day now. I was amazed at how big the thing is? I expected something along the size of a dinner plate not a platter.
I did mention how cool it is? It's part of my Christmas and Birthday and let me tell you I am as excited as a five-year-old after Santa has dropped off all his goodies and ate the cookies!
Enough for now...
Friday, January 21, 2011
Tax man - I cometh!
Secrets while often very necessary can get you in real trouble. I am in a situation that even though it's not a bad thing, it is a secret. The ironic thing is that I am a very open person and secrets are tough for me. I can keep someone else without any problems but my secrets rarely stay secret.
On a different note, I got my W-2 from work today and normally I submit my taxes on the same day. However, my accountant is out of town visiting my mom's sister. Okay, my Dad is my accountant. I rarely wait more than a week to do my taxes because I want the money and I am dying for him to come home!
This year, I have been rather bad with my money and buy whatever my little heart desires (my heart really desired shoes this year, lots of shoes). Now my credit card is running more than I can pay off each month. I usually buy things with money I have not money I will have.
It will feel so good to be free and clear but that will have to wait till Uncle Sam returns my money to me. The fact that I planning to buy a Kindle and Roomba in the next month or two means that I am not plan on stopping my spending any time soon. Any product reviews on either?
Enough for now...
Thursday, January 20, 2011
(Sigh) I am Bored
I am totally uninspired today. I am cold. I have been stuck in this house for two straight days. Even my dog is bored out of his mind. I spent all day in my home office on the computer and Winston laid in the pillows behind my desk and groaned, loudly and repeatedly.
I feel guilty enough being on the computer when Winston wants to play but when I have to work, do I really need sound effects behind me? When the weather isn't horrendous, he runs in and out periodically yelling at anyone who comes with in a mile of our yard. When he can't do that, he gets in the bay window and yells from there. The problem with today is that I had his doggy door closed off so that the cold wouldn't come in and the bay window was iced over to the point of not being able to see out.
Nothing is more pathetic than a bored beagle. I worry that he might go a little Iggy on me if he doesn't get out the house tomorrow. Here's a flash from the past Iggy Pop singing "I'm bored."
I feel guilty enough being on the computer when Winston wants to play but when I have to work, do I really need sound effects behind me? When the weather isn't horrendous, he runs in and out periodically yelling at anyone who comes with in a mile of our yard. When he can't do that, he gets in the bay window and yells from there. The problem with today is that I had his doggy door closed off so that the cold wouldn't come in and the bay window was iced over to the point of not being able to see out.
Nothing is more pathetic than a bored beagle. I worry that he might go a little Iggy on me if he doesn't get out the house tomorrow. Here's a flash from the past Iggy Pop singing "I'm bored."
Enough for now...
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Down time - fuel for the good time to come
Pablo Picasso painted a whole series of paintings called his Blue Period. Today is my Blue Period. When I work from home I get too much "me" time and often sink into this quiet mood that is not necessarily good nor bad. It is at these times that I dig in on projects and really loose myself.
I have learned I need to be out in the public. I truly don't know how people with agoraphobia do it. I would buckle if I didn't get to get out a mingle with the outside world. My mood is always better when I been out and about some. Now, that being said, I love home. I do need to be home a lot too. The key to life is really balance.
If you want a haunting and yet, stirring song to match this Blue Period. Christina Perri nailed it with Jar of Hearts. I am hard to please especially with female vocalist but I like her sound. Even though it's a somewhat depressing song, it fits my mood today. Blah, that's how I would describe it, Blah. I am not depressed nor spastic silly happy just blah. When I really think about it, I am glad I have these blue days. Without them how would I know when I was having a great day. How could I really appreciate the great days?
I have learned I need to be out in the public. I truly don't know how people with agoraphobia do it. I would buckle if I didn't get to get out a mingle with the outside world. My mood is always better when I been out and about some. Now, that being said, I love home. I do need to be home a lot too. The key to life is really balance.
If you want a haunting and yet, stirring song to match this Blue Period. Christina Perri nailed it with Jar of Hearts. I am hard to please especially with female vocalist but I like her sound. Even though it's a somewhat depressing song, it fits my mood today. Blah, that's how I would describe it, Blah. I am not depressed nor spastic silly happy just blah. When I really think about it, I am glad I have these blue days. Without them how would I know when I was having a great day. How could I really appreciate the great days?
Enough for now...
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
....and I am feeling good
I read this article this morning that talked about being a worrier and allowing your mind run away with you. They call it "Monkey Mind." $#@! fire! I've got a monkey mind!
Really?!? They couldn't have called it something more, well less obnoxious? Monkey Mind... not something elegant like "Constant Brainage" or "Enduring Evaluator." No, they call it Monkey Mind! I am offended.
As if my insecurities weren't high enough, now I will be wandering around the rest of my days worried that people will be able to see that I have a Monkey Mind. $#@! fire!
According to Articlesbase:
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Really?!? They couldn't have called it something more, well less obnoxious? Monkey Mind... not something elegant like "Constant Brainage" or "Enduring Evaluator." No, they call it Monkey Mind! I am offended.
As if my insecurities weren't high enough, now I will be wandering around the rest of my days worried that people will be able to see that I have a Monkey Mind. $#@! fire!
According to Articlesbase:
One way to combat monkey mind is to think good thoughts [must think happy thoughts, must think happy thoughts, must think happy thoughts]. So I thought nothing would be more appropriate than to use my favorite singer, Nina Simone's song to be my new theme song for my life. It's either that or start swinging from the trees!The term “monkey mind” was originally coined by Zen Buddhist monks to describe the condition of your mind racing from one thought to the next, creating mental churn that saps you of vital life force energy. We here in the Western world experience it as that which keeps us in busywork mentality, feeling overwhelmed, susceptible to taking on too much and having really long, sleepless nights.
Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/self-improvement-articles/three-secrets-you-need-to-know-about-the-monkey-mind-328938.html#ixzz1BRa8asfO
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution
Enough for now...
Monday, January 17, 2011
Are there any Sci-Fi macho men out there?
Happy Government Holiday that only some people get and is basically useless since some are home and others are working.
I have been completely worthless today. I thought I would do laundry but opted for trying to develop a good address book for family members (so if you're family send me all your contact info). But really opted for watching the Farscape movie. Man, I miss that show. Sci-Fi will ruin all my opinions of men because I want the John Crichton type of macho man that really does not exist in the real world. The problem is that I like the Crichton type in my mind but end up dating Scarrans as pictured above holding Crichton prisoner.
I sat around all day in my jamies because it looked so icky and cold outside that when I went out for the first time at 5 pm to take out the trash, I was surprised at how warm it was. It's no wonder that people get sick with the weather bouncing all over the place.
I brought my work laptop home with me to attempt to get ahead for the week. There it sits right by my purse where I dropped it Friday night. I don't feel any qualms about it either. I will work my forty and get what gets done. I am getting to be a true state employee. Sucky!
Enough for now...
I have been completely worthless today. I thought I would do laundry but opted for trying to develop a good address book for family members (so if you're family send me all your contact info). But really opted for watching the Farscape movie. Man, I miss that show. Sci-Fi will ruin all my opinions of men because I want the John Crichton type of macho man that really does not exist in the real world. The problem is that I like the Crichton type in my mind but end up dating Scarrans as pictured above holding Crichton prisoner.
I sat around all day in my jamies because it looked so icky and cold outside that when I went out for the first time at 5 pm to take out the trash, I was surprised at how warm it was. It's no wonder that people get sick with the weather bouncing all over the place.
I brought my work laptop home with me to attempt to get ahead for the week. There it sits right by my purse where I dropped it Friday night. I don't feel any qualms about it either. I will work my forty and get what gets done. I am getting to be a true state employee. Sucky!
Enough for now...
Saturday, January 15, 2011
It is Saturday and I need some R&R
It's 7:30 p.m. and I am exhausted! Today started off with dismantling my old computer, I wanted to wipe the hard drive and throw the antique in the trash. By noon I could not find a way to wipe the drive without a floppy drive or a cd. I do not keep writable cds here, therefore, I could not download the program to securely wipe my hard drive. I finally became extremely annoyed and I tore in the stupid thing and ripped out the hard drive. I threw the tower away and the hard-drive will live forever in my junk drawer or until I get Dad to drill a few holes in it.
At 12:30 p.m., I picked up Dad and we went to lunch. Then off to our father / daughter ritual of shopping at Sam's Wholesale [see previous Sam's post from 2004]. Unfortunately, Dad has a cold and didn't feel good and didn't even want to go down the tool section.
After that, we went to Walmart in Mustang, which is way nicer and cleaner than the Walmart in Yukon. I will probably be going there from now on. By the time I get Dad home it is 4 pm.
I then spend the next three hours pulling out the old computer cords and putting the new computer in its place. Aren't Saturdays supposed to relaxing and fun? Grocery shopping is anything but fun. Getting a new computer is fun, getting rid of the old one is not.
I also discovered that while my new laptop can plug into my TV and play videos, I don't have the speakers that can plug into the computer so that was a little disappointing eventually maybe I will get a audio cable that will work with the laptop and the TV. I check into that later.
So now that you've read this are you too as exhausted as I am?
Enough for now...
At 12:30 p.m., I picked up Dad and we went to lunch. Then off to our father / daughter ritual of shopping at Sam's Wholesale [see previous Sam's post from 2004]. Unfortunately, Dad has a cold and didn't feel good and didn't even want to go down the tool section.
After that, we went to Walmart in Mustang, which is way nicer and cleaner than the Walmart in Yukon. I will probably be going there from now on. By the time I get Dad home it is 4 pm.
I then spend the next three hours pulling out the old computer cords and putting the new computer in its place. Aren't Saturdays supposed to relaxing and fun? Grocery shopping is anything but fun. Getting a new computer is fun, getting rid of the old one is not.
I also discovered that while my new laptop can plug into my TV and play videos, I don't have the speakers that can plug into the computer so that was a little disappointing eventually maybe I will get a audio cable that will work with the laptop and the TV. I check into that later.
So now that you've read this are you too as exhausted as I am?
Enough for now...
Friday, January 14, 2011
Psychedelic Rib Crib
Thank goodness this is a long weekend for me. I think I have reached delirium! Linda and Theresa and I went to lunch today and I really thought I ordered a salad but I ended up getting silly. At the restaurant, we laughed and were silly and didn't bother with any negative work stuff.
It really felt good and then when we went back to work, I guess Theresa was driving reckless or something because at a light, she noticed that the guy behind us was at least four or five car lengths away.
Linda and I turned and looked and it was hysterical. The cars behind him were probably wondering what he was doing. Did I mention we were on Northwest Expressway [really busy city street] ? We began giggling at this and I realized that either I was delirious or we had a really fun time at lunch.
If I didn't have these silly lunches, I truly think I would be insane. To all those on Northwest Expressway, Theresa always drives so GET OUT OF OUR WAY!
Enough for now...
It really felt good and then when we went back to work, I guess Theresa was driving reckless or something because at a light, she noticed that the guy behind us was at least four or five car lengths away.
Linda and I turned and looked and it was hysterical. The cars behind him were probably wondering what he was doing. Did I mention we were on Northwest Expressway [really busy city street] ? We began giggling at this and I realized that either I was delirious or we had a really fun time at lunch.
If I didn't have these silly lunches, I truly think I would be insane. To all those on Northwest Expressway, Theresa always drives so GET OUT OF OUR WAY!
Enough for now...
Thursday, January 13, 2011
I don't know who I am anymore
I have always been a hard core Capricorn, work-aholic, organized and now many years later they tell me I am a Sagittarius! I don't want to be a Sagittarius. I was to be a Capricorn.
I am not sure that I agree with this at all. If I am looking for so much freedom, why do I tend to stay home all the time. What is your sign now, does it change how you see yourself?
The New Zodiac schedule:
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SAGITTARIUS SUN : Short-tempered, spoils, reliable, rich, obstinate, respected by all, happy, popular, religious, wealthy, musician.
Freedom loving, idealist, unfettered by "small thinking"; inspiration; religion, philosophy, the law; awareness of your connections to the rest of the world; can be distant from others, afraid to give up freedom, reluctant to be tied down; on the other hand, aware of the value of the social contract; enthusiastic, gregarious, generous; loves abstract, theoretical ideas, sees the big picture, ignores the details; in love with an ideal; foreign travel, liberating experiences.
General character: Sagittarius (the archer) is optimistic and full of life. You are adventurous, energised and an extrovert. You continue to have a positive outlook even when your ideas are put down. You are always on the side of the underdog. You have good judgment and enjoy starting projects. You have a nagging need to feel free, which can get you into trouble. You also tend to be impatient. [According to http://www.zodiac-signs-meanings.com/sagittarius-zodiac-sign.html]
I am not sure that I agree with this at all. If I am looking for so much freedom, why do I tend to stay home all the time. What is your sign now, does it change how you see yourself?
The New Zodiac schedule:
Capricorn: Jan. 20 - Feb. 16
Aquarius: Feb. 16 - March 11
Pisces: March 11- April 18
Aries: April 18- May 13
Taurus: May 13- June 21
Gemini: June 21- July 20
Cancer: July 20- Aug. 10
Leo: Aug. 10- Sept. 16
Virgo: Sept. 16- Oct. 30
Libra: Oct. 30- Nov. 23
Scorpio: Nov. 23- Nov. 29
Ophiuchus: Nov. 29- Dec. 17
Sagittarius: Dec. 17- Jan. 20
Enough for now...
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Lincoln would be mortified!
Today was my telecommute day. When I work from home, I am really able to get a lot of work done. I was able to create / update about six web pages for an annual event and web registration forms loaded. All working and looking fine. I was also able to set up a bid for our annual report and send out as well as clean up my email inbox.
I am a state employee, and I think I probably broke some public employee union rules during this productive day. It feels good when I am able to tick off so many jobs especially since I have so much more to do. Talk about job security, when you have more work that you can finish, odds are good you'll have a job tomorrow.
As I watch the news, I am so thankful I live here in Oklahoma, even if it gets freaking cold. People who don't live here like to make fun of the place or put it down because our cost of living is so low or that we don't have extremely trendy clubs or shops. What we don't have are extremely stupid and vindictive politicians that vote in a 66 percent increase in state income tax. Illinois will be lucky if the state will survive such a cruel act that the out-going Democrats did to their constituents. I am sorry if you want to raise taxes you do it fairly and at a respectable pace. The state will be lucky if many businesses don't flee to surrounding states. It is flat out appalling and hateful.
Enough for now...
I am a state employee, and I think I probably broke some public employee union rules during this productive day. It feels good when I am able to tick off so many jobs especially since I have so much more to do. Talk about job security, when you have more work that you can finish, odds are good you'll have a job tomorrow.
As I watch the news, I am so thankful I live here in Oklahoma, even if it gets freaking cold. People who don't live here like to make fun of the place or put it down because our cost of living is so low or that we don't have extremely trendy clubs or shops. What we don't have are extremely stupid and vindictive politicians that vote in a 66 percent increase in state income tax. Illinois will be lucky if the state will survive such a cruel act that the out-going Democrats did to their constituents. I am sorry if you want to raise taxes you do it fairly and at a respectable pace. The state will be lucky if many businesses don't flee to surrounding states. It is flat out appalling and hateful.
Enough for now...
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
I am in Fairyland
Can you hear me squealing like a sissy girl? I am, as I type, sitting on the couch while blogging!!! I love my new computer and wireless connection. I have spent the evening loading everything from my old computer and now I can play.
So far I have not had to wait for anything to load - silly girl happy dance. Oh, Oh, Oh, guess what else I am doing, as I type, I am watching NCIS Los Angeles. Life is good.
One great karma thing that happen was that the computer was delivered as well as my Microsoft Office and my Adobe Acrobat Pro, all being sent from different locations. It was as if the computer fairies wanted me to have my new computer today! Thank you computer fairies.
The problem with this fabulous gift is that it is 8:14 p.m. and I am still in my work clothes and boots. I have not eaten dinner. Winston is not talking to me at all.
I believe I will go eat something and try not play on the computer all night.
Enough for now...
So far I have not had to wait for anything to load - silly girl happy dance. Oh, Oh, Oh, guess what else I am doing, as I type, I am watching NCIS Los Angeles. Life is good.
One great karma thing that happen was that the computer was delivered as well as my Microsoft Office and my Adobe Acrobat Pro, all being sent from different locations. It was as if the computer fairies wanted me to have my new computer today! Thank you computer fairies.
The problem with this fabulous gift is that it is 8:14 p.m. and I am still in my work clothes and boots. I have not eaten dinner. Winston is not talking to me at all.
I believe I will go eat something and try not play on the computer all night.
Enough for now...
Monday, January 10, 2011
What has this world come to?
A true lunatic, goes to a grocery store and shoots innocent, citizens participating in democracy and the media blames the right, talk radio and Fox News?? On what planet do we now live? Where did unbiased and balanced journalism go?
I am growing more disgusted in the way media frames our news so that it fits their agenda. Their agenda is one of oppression and big taxes that strangles the life blood of the American spirit. I hate the media and I have a journalism degree...great.
It cracks me up that the debate now focuses on the second amendment. They are questioning how the lunatic was able to purchase a gun. If a lunatic can't shot to kill, he will use a knife, he will use a bomb or he will use a powder and the US Mail. Guys, it's not the guns that offends, it's the gun holder. If a person has evil intent, he will find a way to do evil.
Glen Beck nails it right on the head with this letter and challenge to America that starts off this way:
Maybe we ought to look at our laws and programs that help with mental illness. Maybe we should provide services that find people with problems or provides the public with ways of reporting frightening behavior. What this lunatic did in Tuson is his responsibility alone. Irked.
Enough for now...
I am growing more disgusted in the way media frames our news so that it fits their agenda. Their agenda is one of oppression and big taxes that strangles the life blood of the American spirit. I hate the media and I have a journalism degree...great.
It cracks me up that the debate now focuses on the second amendment. They are questioning how the lunatic was able to purchase a gun. If a lunatic can't shot to kill, he will use a knife, he will use a bomb or he will use a powder and the US Mail. Guys, it's not the guns that offends, it's the gun holder. If a person has evil intent, he will find a way to do evil.
Glen Beck nails it right on the head with this letter and challenge to America that starts off this way:
I challenge all Americans, left or right, regardless if you’re a politician, pundit, painter, priest, parishioner, poet or porn star to agree with all of the following.Read the entire challenge at Beck's website.
• I denounce violence, regardless of ideological motivation.
• I denounce anyone, from the Left, the Right or middle, who believes physical violence is the answer to whatever they feel is wrong with our country.
Maybe we ought to look at our laws and programs that help with mental illness. Maybe we should provide services that find people with problems or provides the public with ways of reporting frightening behavior. What this lunatic did in Tuson is his responsibility alone. Irked.
Enough for now...
Sunday, January 09, 2011
Just give me a roll of duct tape for my birthday
What happened to the glorious birthday's of old? The ones where you bounded out of bed and everyone was "Happy Birthday Dana, here's a present." Today, I struggled out of bed and proceeded to clean my house big time. Not just picking-up-a-shoe here and there type of cleaning, the take-everything-down-and-dust type of cleaning.
Then the next activity for my birthday, I figured the bills. Yeah, figured out that I am broke - what a birthday.
For my final birthday activity, I got to duct taped the dog! Idiot head keeps licking his legs till there are sores. Yes, there is less severe bandaging than duct tape, but I ran out.
Crap, am I an Okie or what? Duct taping the dog - good thing that no Yankees read this blog, I think all their sensibilities would be mortified. Also, when you scold Seamus, Winston becomes very protective, they both proceeded to lay on the couch and pout together.
I want the you are a Princess for the Day Birthday like everyone's 23rd birthday. Wait, everyone I knew forgot my 23rd birthday including my mom and dad, my boyfriend, my best friend. I do remember I got a ton phone calls and sucking up for forgetting.
Really I jest, even though today wasn't what one would think as a good birthday, it was as expected (with the exception of the duct taping the dog). Honestly, I am in favor of banning any more Dana Birthdays. They are too soon after the holidays and I have collected quite enough for my liking.
Enough for now...
Then the next activity for my birthday, I figured the bills. Yeah, figured out that I am broke - what a birthday.
For my final birthday activity, I got to duct taped the dog! Idiot head keeps licking his legs till there are sores. Yes, there is less severe bandaging than duct tape, but I ran out.
Crap, am I an Okie or what? Duct taping the dog - good thing that no Yankees read this blog, I think all their sensibilities would be mortified. Also, when you scold Seamus, Winston becomes very protective, they both proceeded to lay on the couch and pout together.
I want the you are a Princess for the Day Birthday like everyone's 23rd birthday. Wait, everyone I knew forgot my 23rd birthday including my mom and dad, my boyfriend, my best friend. I do remember I got a ton phone calls and sucking up for forgetting.
Really I jest, even though today wasn't what one would think as a good birthday, it was as expected (with the exception of the duct taping the dog). Honestly, I am in favor of banning any more Dana Birthdays. They are too soon after the holidays and I have collected quite enough for my liking.
Enough for now...
Thursday, January 06, 2011
I want a million bucks!
It seems that whatever I blog comes true, so I want a million bucks. A couple days ago I wrote about it could be worse and it got worse. Yesterday, I wrote about my cell phone going dead and how nice it was without it and today I left it at home all day (wasn't all that nice without it - rather pain in the rear). So I guess, I will begin blogging all my wishes and hearts desires, I want a million bucks!
Today, I had a hair appointment to "naturalize" my hair. This time it is really "natural" almost white blond. Do you think I will begin having more fun? I truly would like to have a few spastic, silly moments where you laugh so hard it hurts and you can't breathe - better than any colonic known to man.
Do you think I could begin an new self-help program? Laughter and downward facing dog, laughter and chakra cleaners, laughter and going to your happy place. I think I will get rich faster on waiting for everyone to click on an ad than my new self-help program.
Enough for now...
Today, I had a hair appointment to "naturalize" my hair. This time it is really "natural" almost white blond. Do you think I will begin having more fun? I truly would like to have a few spastic, silly moments where you laugh so hard it hurts and you can't breathe - better than any colonic known to man.
Do you think I could begin an new self-help program? Laughter and downward facing dog, laughter and chakra cleaners, laughter and going to your happy place. I think I will get rich faster on waiting for everyone to click on an ad than my new self-help program.
Enough for now...
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
An Oddity of Late
I was alone with my own thoughts this evening where no one I know could interrupt. I let my cell phone run down and it shut itself off. I had to run to the drug store, to get my nails done and then to grocery store, so "No Signal" I went. Oddly, it was nice. While I do love the instant access of everyone, it was kind of nice knowing that I was alone.
It's amazing how we get so tethered to our computers and cell's and when that tether snaps for just a minute or two, the world doesn't come to an end or anything like that. We just do a little uninterrupted shopping.
For those weirdos who answer your cell in the bathroom, the caller can tell that you are in the bathroom and we don't like it. Stop it! It is gross. Okay, family is one thing but anyone else no, no, no! Cell phone etiquette do not talk and pee at the same time.
Enough for now...
It's amazing how we get so tethered to our computers and cell's and when that tether snaps for just a minute or two, the world doesn't come to an end or anything like that. We just do a little uninterrupted shopping.
For those weirdos who answer your cell in the bathroom, the caller can tell that you are in the bathroom and we don't like it. Stop it! It is gross. Okay, family is one thing but anyone else no, no, no! Cell phone etiquette do not talk and pee at the same time.
Enough for now...
Monday, January 03, 2011
Could be worse?
I would say that this the theme for my day but I fear it's my theme for 2011.
Enough for now...
Enough for now...
Saturday, January 01, 2011
Happy New Year!
I hope today is not indicative of how my year is going to be because it was a pain the rear. First mom, dad and I go to Cracker Barrel for lunch and get hit with a 35 minute wait. For Cracker Barrel, really? Well, it turned out to be only 20 minute wait, which was good.
Then off to buy a new computer at Best Buy. Nope, not gonna spend an arm and a leg to do my checkbook and Facebook. Plus, I like to buy disposable computers so I get the latest thing when it comes out without guilt. So off to Walmart [warning, avoid the crappy Walmart on Reno and MacArthur, not only is it gross - its employees could care less if they help you] only to find all the laptops on display with no prices. So we had to ask for help, which was slow in coming. Finally an associate came and I really was put off by then and discovered the prices of theirs was higher than a few I had seen on-line.
THEN we HAD to go to Kohl's because of their stupid Kohl's cash that had to be used by today or it would expire. Why the stupid time frame? If you are going to give the Kohl's cash let me hoard it until I want to shop and I might spend more money. I didn't feel good and was not going to spend any more than I absolutely had to.
What was supposed to be an easy and fun day was not! On the good news front, my new laptop should be shipped tomorrow! I love Amazon.com!!
I am somewhat conflicted on whether or not to make a resolution this year. When February rolls around and it becomes evident that your New Year resolution is broken - it's depressing. I don't think I am up for that. I thought about resolving to have a bad year and when I break that it would be a good thing. The only problem is that I am afraid that I would actually keep that resolution and it come true. I don't think I can fake my way through another sucky year...I want some good to come my way even if I have to force it.
What should I do? Make resolutions or not? What resolution should I make?
Enough for now...
Then off to buy a new computer at Best Buy. Nope, not gonna spend an arm and a leg to do my checkbook and Facebook. Plus, I like to buy disposable computers so I get the latest thing when it comes out without guilt. So off to Walmart [warning, avoid the crappy Walmart on Reno and MacArthur, not only is it gross - its employees could care less if they help you] only to find all the laptops on display with no prices. So we had to ask for help, which was slow in coming. Finally an associate came and I really was put off by then and discovered the prices of theirs was higher than a few I had seen on-line.
THEN we HAD to go to Kohl's because of their stupid Kohl's cash that had to be used by today or it would expire. Why the stupid time frame? If you are going to give the Kohl's cash let me hoard it until I want to shop and I might spend more money. I didn't feel good and was not going to spend any more than I absolutely had to.
What was supposed to be an easy and fun day was not! On the good news front, my new laptop should be shipped tomorrow! I love Amazon.com!!
I am somewhat conflicted on whether or not to make a resolution this year. When February rolls around and it becomes evident that your New Year resolution is broken - it's depressing. I don't think I am up for that. I thought about resolving to have a bad year and when I break that it would be a good thing. The only problem is that I am afraid that I would actually keep that resolution and it come true. I don't think I can fake my way through another sucky year...I want some good to come my way even if I have to force it.
What should I do? Make resolutions or not? What resolution should I make?
Enough for now...
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