Sunday, December 19, 2010

A Manly Pasey is Better!

Before there was Edward and Jacob, there was Dawson and Pasey! I was team Pasey and now, I am team Peter.

As all of you know, I love Sci-Fi. And Fringe is awesome. This year, however, I haven't been able to watch the show regularly. So I watched five episodes on the web and I am now ready for the rest.

The problem was that I discovered Hulu (warning, many hours will be lost watching shows that no longer exist). After catching up on all things "Fringe," I then watched the entire first season of "Journeyman" 13 shows!

I was a totally unproductive human being this weekend - I liked it! Plus, getting to watch a grown up Pasey ain't bad either.

Enough for now...

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