Alas another weekend comes and Dana is sick! I am getting really tired of having this weekend disease. This weekend it was that wonderful ringing in the ears and slight dizziness not to mention the everyday headache/allergies.
Why do I push all week long and fall a part on the weekend? The first one of you who says because I am old, I will just slap you upside the head. As I do not feel old, therefore I am not! I refuse to be ... OLD.
If I had not inherited my father's extremely low blood pressure, I would claim to have hyper-tension and that would be responsible for the ear ringing and maybe the dizziness. The odds are better that this crappyness is diabetes as that runs rampant in my mother's family and I fully expect to get it but not right now, please.
Work has been stressful and my teenage years migraines that I totally out grew in my twenties, have come back. When I launched the redesign on the agency website a couple of years ago, it was a migraine a day. Do I now add ear ringing and dizziness to list? Aaarrrggg.
Must think happy thoughts, must think happy thoughts, must think - hmmmpphh!
Okay, I know go to the doctor and find out what it is. I just don't want to! My doctor is great but I always get these things that one, we either monitor for a while and it goes away or the answer is basically "yeah, that happens as 'WE' age." I love it when they talk to us in the we terms.
I already have this weirdo thing where my voice just quits and I strain to talk and sound sick. The doc thought it could be allergies and put on Allegra every day - yeah, that didn't work as my sinus' were screaming mad over being dried out so much. I don't really want to experiment with meds to find out what this is or isn't.
I just want to feel good and I am a little whiny today!
Enough for now...
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