Thursday, May 27, 2010

Exhausted and Confused

Didn't I just take a vacation so that I would be rested and love work again? Well that didn't happen and seems to just drain you. I spend all day, watching the clock dying to leave! I really hate that but... it is what it is and I don't think anyone is happy a work any more. It's the new culture of work.

I need an attitude adjustment hence the vacation. I almost achieved Nirvana but then the boss felt it was okay to call me at home during my vacation and bring all that crap rushing back. I really resent that she fells its okay to call me on my days off!

Enough for now.


Anonymous said...

I totally feel your pain, Dana. It's the same over at my office...

Dana said...

You should come over here, we have a good shop (so to speak), just don't apply for any of the PR jobs and you'd be safe. lol