I guess I should actually blog every now and then versus just posting pictures of my adorable beagle. I've almost survived the commencement print productions nightmare I face every year - just two more programs to get printed. I thought I was going to make it this year without a major reprint and I just might but one school's was printed, sat in my office for a few days prior to the school picking them up and today at 4:24 the sponsor called to tell me that text had strange spaces. Their commencement is tomorrow at 8 p.m. I don't know how we can reprint, let dry enough to fold. I checked the printed programs as they came in but then it got busy and I didn't check their's - LOVELY!
I am walking around with a wonderful ear ache that is setting me on edge. The pain is running down my neck and I think I will die soon. I suspect I have this thanks to the sanding that I am doing on my porch colum that I want to repaint or stain. I am kicking around the idea of staining the colum "pickled oak" - kind of bleached wood look. I am not sure yet. I swear there has to be 15 layers of paint on this thing, which is wrecking havoc with my sinuses.
I gave up cheating on my diet for lent but I am afraid I am going to have to give up food altogether for GAS. While OKC hasn't hit $3 per gallon yet, it's still outrageous! When I moved into my house 2 years ago, I budgeted only $40 per month for gas. I now spend close to $90 per month. It hurts and I am thinking of asking Dawn if I can borrow her bike to get to work - only problem is I would be a Ford (Found On Road Dead) after the first half mile.
Everyone, give Friend Shana a hand for landing a new job in Big D, where she really likes everyone. Good luck girlie.
I posted a few new pics on my Green Door Blog of my new windows - they are beautiful.
Enough for now.
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