I feel like an icicle! Here ya go Ice Chick, your winter weather has arrived. I am not going to moan about it considering the wonderful weather we've had so far. The funny thing about this weather is watching Winston go out in it - he doesn't like his feet to get wet so he hoops to various places in the yard and when he must stop to investigate something he will hold one paw up until the other gets too cold then alternate.
I do have one complaint - has the world gone mad? I am living proof that tag doesn't kill you. As a little girl in school I loved running around the playground chasing my friends for no good reason. These idiots who believe tag is bad for the children are just stupid in my opinion. That brings me to my next point, the idiot who has filed suit over Curious George is just as stupid. I loved those books as child and still do! Why do idiots think that we should all do as they do? Why don't they just not play tag nor read Curious George and leave the rest of us alone!
enough for now.
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