Tuesday, March 30, 2004

I think I've waited to late to start this. I am tired so I'll apologize in advanced for the spastic nature in this posting. I am sitting here watching Greta (Can't Spell Her Last Name) on Fox and Henry Kissinger is on - I love that man but hells bells he's so hard to understand and I want to help spell out whatever he is saying! Okay, okay, I won't go onto the issues but he is my hero!

Sorry guys, but I have to do some blog slamming here. ICE IS NOTHING SCARED? Please, DD's pooping habits are no place for a blog! LMAO! I believe those over in the small building have entirely too much time on their hands. Next we will discussing "Tampons versus Pads."

For all you parents out there I think you can get a hoot out of this. My Friend Maggie (who's a fabulous writer even in emails) sent me this note. It had me rolling in the floor and very envious of her even her troubles with her two-year-old son.

She wrote: "Remember that garage sale I told you about? Well, I had a bunch of stuff sitting on the dining room table (including a permanent black magic marker) and while I was in the laundry room doing some laundry THE BOY somehow got the marker and decided that he was the next Picasso! I mean, in less than 5 minutes he had almost every wall on the first floor covered with permanent ink! And not just little scribbles, not my boy, he had to do BIG markings (at least a foot high by 1 to 4 feet in length) no kidding! I about had 10 cows! Permanent ink pretty much lives up to its name, too. The only thing that I found that even faded it a little was finger nail polish remover. Of course, that ate the paint off the walls! So, now we have to repaint the downstairs, and it was just completely painted 2 years ago!

Then, later on in the week, he slammed his hand in the front door! His thumb swelled up and I had to take him to the ER. 6 x-rays later the doctor tells me that it's not broken (a good thing) but it is severely sprained. So, they put a splint on it and told me to keep it on him for 3 days! A lifetime for a child -he had that thing off before I even got him back to the car! And to top it all off, C's new health insurance (which has zero deductible) doesn't start until April 1st. His old health insurance has a $500 deductible (of course) which started over at the beginning of the year and we which we hadn't met yet. So, we are probably going to end up paying for the ER visit, the x-rays, and the splint, the doctor's fee, etc. out of pocket which will meet the deductible I'm sure. A lot of good it will do us since we will be switching over to the new company on the 1st! Insurance companies ~ can't stand 'em!

Anyway, N is 2. In his short life he has made 5 trips to the ER! He has had stitches, staples, and now adds x-rays to his growing list of accomplishments.

Oh...we got the kids a trampoline this last weekend! We ARE gluttons for punishment."

Enough for now!

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