Thursday, February 12, 2004


I am a private political person. I love the intrigue and spin but I am not a debater. I don't discuss politics with anyone but my family. You see, I am right in my opinions - always. Therefore if someone disagrees with me and tries to change my opinion, it's annoying and sometimes uncomfortable. I have yet to meet someone who could change my political opinion. I am stubborn that way. I know this, so I stay out of political conversations.

But today I have to comment on the campaign of John Kerry. If one more person calls him a "war hero" I will scream! He is not a war hero, he forfeited that when he protested against the war when we still had military men engaged in the war. Two of my uncles fought in this war, both came home to a country that reject them. Uncle D was so disillusioned by what he experienced here that he re-enlisted in order to escape the protests. Uncle John endured horrendous statements on his homecoming. Those are America's heroes - the right men during the wrong war.

Yes, the Vietnam War was bad. Yes, Kerry had the right to protest. Freedom of Speech is just that Freedom of Speech, not freedom from my dislike because you opened your mouth. People may not like my politics or what I have said and may not like me in the future because of it. I respect their right to do so, simply put if you speak out be ready to be judged on what you say.....In my opinion John Kerry is no hero, he turned on the solders he fought beside.

Okay, I'll move on. I definitely need to get Friend Shana blogging. She is the most brilliant writer I know. Her ability to make words turn into pictures and emotions is uncanny. She wrote a great short story for an assignment in our English class in College and darn near made me want to run out the door so I wouldn't have to have my story in the stack with hers. I felt her lead character's pain as "she pressed her cheek against the cold car window wishing she was anywhere but there...." I will probably always remember thinking how does she do it? As soon as she begins blogging - her link will be there on my sidebar. Blogging will never replace the Pioneer Pies "bitch fests," but maybe bridge the gap from OKC to Dallas.

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