Sunday, February 29, 2004

Decisions, decisions, I shower now for work tomorrow or pack up all that crap take it over to mom and dad's and do it in the morning? Since nephew #2 did so well at his tournament - won 1st place - they couldn't leave New Mexico till 5 p.m. Being that, Seamus needs a babysitter for one more night because they can't make it back tonight...........aaaarrrrgggg! I love that dingbat but I hate packing up my life just because he's terrified of my apartment!

Okay, yes I got bored and changed the look of the blog again. The dark look was too... well, dark. Don't know if I like this one either but it gave me a challenge playing in HTML land.

The plant karma has gone from bad to worse....the peace ivy finds no peace in my house. It's so sad, if it lives out the month I'll be surprised! It's not all my fault, when you live in an apartment that is half underground there is not sufficient light to make my plants thrive. No more plants till I move into a more plant friendly place.

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