Thursday, September 22, 2011

It's football again

It's the good time for TV again, all the shows that I watch are coming out with new episodes. The problem I have is that I am really into my book. So this means that I watch TV all evening and read all night.  I am exhausted  all day long and the cycle continues. It's kind of the fish or cut bait delima but I choose to do both.

I am one book from being done with Raymond Fiest and series for a while and I am dying to finish it.

Technically I should be working, cleaning my house and doing some work on a free-lance project but I am thinking this weekend I want to revel in nothingness. I want to watch TV. I want to read. I want to be blah! I am thrilled it is now football season and we have OU (Boomer Sooner) games to veg out to.

Last week's game however did not give the "veg" out feeling. By the end of the game I was such a bundle of nerves that it took half the night to calm down. I am looking forward to Saturday's game against Missouri but it will be another nail biter.

Enough for now...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Pres needs an easy button

The thing that I am most concerned with is that the American Jewish community feels the way Jerry Springer feels in the above segment. Obama is against Israel and is pursuing a Palestinian state. This bothers me greatly. I believe that if we abandon Israel to the Middle East Muslim hatred, we know they will fall. So abandonment means we kill them by absence. I have a problem with that.

We are a Country built around freedom to practice any religion a person chooses and we need to support a country trying to practice its religion - a country persecuted because they are not Muslim.

Today, Obama went to the UN and decried that "Peace is hard." What? Peace is easy, "my missiles are trained on you, make a move and we will blast you!" Easy.

Enough for now...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I want to be a happy old person

My family is rocking on exhaustion right now. My 98 year old mean great aunt, fell last week at the assistive living home she lives at. The place she lived at was like Spanish Cove or the The Villages in Florida for the poor. It was really nice.

But when she fell, it meant that she needed more attention than she was getting at the assistive living home. So from when she fell Wednesday night, mom and dad went to work and found her a nursing home and move her in Saturday at dinner time.

Let me tell you, that's moving fast. They did the leg work and paper work on Thursday and Friday. On Saturday, we all went over to her new place and got it set up as best we could and then went to her old place and picked up the stuff that would go to the nursing home (which is not that much).

Dad and I took the stuff from the old place to the new one, while mom dallied around her old place with her. That way, Aunt Lorene didn't see us move things in and try to start demanding where things went or get upset that people are touching her stuff. Her nursing home room is very limited and we really only could put things in one or two areas. Another problem is that her sight is fading fast and her hearing is almost gone, we were stressed enough making the move we didn't need her trying to move things in weird places because she can't see the whole room.

Poor mom was stuck with her the majority of the time because we wanted to move her into a fully furnished room. She really left one place fit to live in and move to the new one fit to live in without seeing much of the move. I believe that made her more calm in the transition.

The crazy nasty woman was okay with the move because she didn't like the assistive living center. Ironically, I think she didn't like it because she doesn't know how to live well. It wasn't a deteriorating trailer, it was the nicest place she ever lived. It was brand new and she was the first person to live in her apartment. The common areas where very nice and there was a lot of activities she refused to participate in.

She told mom and dad after they said she was moving to a nursing home that it was okay because they (meaning mom and dad) moved her into the wrong place first. She thinks this move to a nursing home is her idea. When actually the assistive living home wanted her gone after she call 911 when she fell. What she should have done was press the "help I have fallen and can't get up" button that was supposed to be around her neck but wasn't because she wouldn't follow the rules.

All of a sudden at 11 pm an ambulance shows up at the home and they didn't know why, I am sure that did not make her popular with the administration. But that is who Lorene is, she call 911 in Atoka because she got mad at the nephew who she was staying with. She burns bridges every where she goes. She thinks she rules everyone and everything and if you won't be dominated or manipulated she is angry as all get out.

The sad thing is that she used to be my favorite aunt on my dad's side of the family and what it really was was Uncle Eude, her husband. He was funny and nice to us and a real talker. I don't think we knew her at all. All the kin folk in California warned dad about taking her, but we really had no choice. We were her only blood family in the state and we thought she was in crisis. She wasn't, she was just mad at her nephew and manipulating all of us.

When we learned how she operated it was too late. She was living with mom and dad waiting to be admitting to the assistive living home. I did learn one thing. Because of the level of cruelty and lies, she has dished out, will cause her to be ward of the state if anything were to happen and she out live dad (her power of attorney). I will not care for her. I will help my parents care for her because they are better people than me.

Her Oklahoma family ends with dad. I fear she will live to make the Willard Scott birthday shout out for being the oldest woman in the world.

Enough for now...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

This is not suiting me at all!

I hate this time of year. It is the time that my body violently mutinies against me. I have be dying with extremely itchy eyes, runny nose and a headache to top all headaches. I wake up every morning in so much pain and nauseated to the point of frustration (if I am going to feel like hurling then just do it and get it over with). I would have called in sick yesterday but it was Monday and I don't like to call in on Monday.

I would have called in sick today but I have an appointment  with a program that I am trying to get the staff happy again and I fear they would feel slighted if I rescheduled.

Why does this have to happen?  We have sent men to the moon and no one has found a cure for allergies? I don't buy it, the flu and sinus people want us buying all those drugs that don't work for beans. I bet there is a cure they are not telling us about!

The biggest problem with calling in sick is that until the weather changes there is no guarantee that I will feel better tomorrow.

On to brighter things (you can only gripe about allergies so long), the new fall season will start soon and this aimless clicking of the remote hoping to find something worthwhile on the TV will end. I am excited to see new shows coming out but hate the way the cable channels handle their seasons. Suits is a show that I absolutely love but after the season finale, the little announcer guy on the commercial said "see what happens next summer on Suits." Next summer?

Stargate Universe did that and by "next summer," I had a new routine and kept forgetting that it was on and I loved that show too. Shows should not end and have a return date of nine months later, that is ludicrous.  Come on cable step it up!

Enough for now...

Thursday, September 08, 2011

The games have begun

Tomorrow I head to Tulsa for an advocacy conference with Co-Worker Linda. Yeah, not only will the information be good but it will be nice to be able to catch up with Linda. This week has be insane and I don't feel like I have left my office for more than five minutes at a time.

I am looking forward to the trip because we always have fun on road trips. I only wish that this one didn't have to start at 6:45 a.m. That's real early.

On the new web work, I am starting to convert my work website to HTML 5 and I am very happy how it simplifies the code. I just now have to convert everything, yeah....

The President spoke tonight and I just couldn't watch. I am so tired of his empty rhetoric. When Charles Krauthammer says that this is nothing more that a "set up," I can't bare to listen. I am also exhausted with the Presidential debates/campaigns. Let just hurry up get Mitt nominated and join forces.

This election process won't be pretty this year.

Enough for now...

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Read the Book!

I should be rejoicing in this beautiful weather we are having, from 110 degrees to 80 over night is a glorious thing.  But I feel like crap. I think the radical weather change has my allergies on over drive and making me feel all around blah.

I should be well rested due to the fact that Mom and I watched 13 episodes of "To Serve Them All My Days" an show made from RF Delderfield's book. The book was much better and has me scratching my head at some spots, causing me to think that I need to re-read that book. Reading my post, in my book blog doesn't help much, but my title says a lot: Another Book I Couldn't Put Down!

The fact that show was shot in the early 80s probably didn't help much. Unfortunately, I cannot recommend the show as much as I do the book. Nor, do I recommend watching 13 episodes over a three day span.

Enough for now...