Lordy, lordy, lordy! I have to say I have worked my toes off or at least worked them numb. Me and my parents have been cleaning the house and making it look as pretty as it can before the appraiser comes to grade all our hard work. We worked all weekend making the place look great.
I am amazed that my ity bity house could be so hard to clean and get ready for scrutiny.
Friday night after work:
I was ready for a change so we removed all the Harlequin and Poirot dolls and Mardi Gras masques from my bedroom and packed them up. I cannot give them away so I just put them away. Mom and I packed the dolls and removed the shelves that held them. Dad Spackle all the holes and found a problem with my new window with the dry wall and caulking. Mom washed the windows in the bedroom and I dusted everything (three hours on only one room?!?).
I scrubbed my tub and shower walls. I Windexed my over-sized shower doors and cleaned the toilet and sink and hid all my toiletries in the linen closet (two hours of pain). I painted all the walls that had spackle and mom repainted the bay window where the dogs sit and watch the world go by. Mom and I washed all the wood work in the bedrooms, hallway and bathroom. Mom dusted the guest bedroom and washed all the inside windows. I scanned all paperwork waiting on me while mom dusted the office and books. Dad touched up some grout in my bathroom shower and added about three feet of cedar in the top part of my bedroom closet.
By this point we are in so much pain that we can barely see straight. Earlier this spring I had cleaned all my baseboards in the living room so I only needed to dust the nick knacks.
Thankfully Dad and I reworked the kitchen wainscoting and touched all the paint then so we had to clean all the wood work then. The kitchen just needed company cleaning. Then we washed the windows on the outside. Dad re-caulked the shower. Dad edged and weed eated and mowed my yard.
While I was at work, Mom and Dad trimmed up all my dead monkey grass. Dad recaulked all my windows after the Champion Window guy came out and said to just re-caulk everything and so, Dad caulked and Mom taped all windows where he caulked and I touched up all the paint. Then Mom and I pruned all the trees that were growing saplings and suckers and weeded large gravel area out back.
We worked so hard that every night we were so exhausted and sore. Dad has bruises from crawling in the closet. Mom's legs and back hurt. I think I have to top them both; on my right foot-my pinkie toe and the one next to it have gone totally numb. This is a first for me. I probably have a pinched nerve but my back doesn't really hurt like it normally does. I will keep you posted as to when I regain the feeling in my toes -- on day four.
Enough for now...