I have been getting to know Muskogee, Oklahoma this weekend and visiting with family. When I returned home, I had a $511 check in the mail, $114 from Google and $300 extra in my pay check. Wow, if only every weekend was so profitable.
The $511 is not extra money gained but from my mortgage escrow account. Last year, my home owner's insurance spiked and I didn't pay attention to my insurance declaration until I got my mortgage escrow adjustment notice. I quickly called my insurance guy to fix the insurance problem. My home owners insurance went back to a reasonable level and my agent told me that he doubted that they would readjust my mortgage payment. They didn't. So all last year I way over paid. I fully expected my mortgage payment to drop this year dramatically but instead the escrow company refunded $511 and dropped my payment by only $75.
The $300 extra in my pay is a longevity pay. Each year, the state gives a bonus for years of service. This is really nice because of the state's strange ways that won't allow for merit raises. Still even the worst employee gets longevity. I can work my butt off and do an outstanding job and we would get the same bonus. I am not going turn my nose to money but it does burn me that we are all treated the same. You know, maybe I have it all wrong, maybe I should lower my work quality and lower my attitude so that it won't bug me that crappy employees get the same bonus I get.
The $114 from Google is the most exciting as it is pure profit from this blog ad revenues. It took four months or so for mom to click on an ad for me every day to earn the 100 bucks. So I challenge everyone who reads this blog to click on an ad if you like what I write. I am dying to see if I can get my next payment faster than four months!
You'd think all this money would be the highlight of my weekend but nope, I was able to visit with cousins that I haven't seen in a couple of decades and met a very sweet friend of my aunt [who owes us a Roomin noodle cold slaw recipe!]. The highlight of the weekend - reconnection, family and friends.
Enough for now...
Monday, February 28, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
When You're Numb...dancing babies
To be perky and witty every day is not possible. So today, I leave it to the dancing/skating babies to do it for me.
Enough for now...
Enough for now...
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Unions Are Killing America
I hate unions. To understand my thinking on this, first you need to know that I am a daughter of retired Air Traffic Controller and second, I worked for Oklahoma City Public Schools for seven years.
The only thing I witnessed the unions do at the school district was to protect the horrible teachers thus endangering children's future and complain about how much a teacher makes. Before I hear too much on that front, lets find out how much teachers actually make per hour.
Take the average salary of lets say 40K divide by 9 months. That equals $4,445 per month. Now teachers are also only required to be at school for six hours per day so that approximately 120 hours per month, which means they make $37 per hour not to mention all benefits included. Not bad for part time work. If they want more money get a full time job!
Then add in step raises every year for no other reason than they were employed that year, merit raises are unheard of. So I received the exact same raise no matter how hard I worked and the crappy employee who would sleep at her/his desk same raise as me.
I learned from the Air Traffic Controllers Union - go back on your word. Controllers signed a piece of paper that said they would not strike as their jobs were too vital to public safety. They did anyway. They were also unbelievably greedy. The salary raises they asked for was unrealistic and unfair to taxpayers. The union led good men and women down a dangerous path that cost them their jobs. The union leaders were wrong and thought that they had the government over a barrel - thank goodness President Regan was strong as he was.
Without such leaders, our country will go under because the unions do not care about fiscal responsibility, only greed. Here's to Wisconsin's Governor Walker who is doing the right thing, the responsible thing and down with democrats who ran away from their jobs!
Enough for now...
The only thing I witnessed the unions do at the school district was to protect the horrible teachers thus endangering children's future and complain about how much a teacher makes. Before I hear too much on that front, lets find out how much teachers actually make per hour.
Take the average salary of lets say 40K divide by 9 months. That equals $4,445 per month. Now teachers are also only required to be at school for six hours per day so that approximately 120 hours per month, which means they make $37 per hour not to mention all benefits included. Not bad for part time work. If they want more money get a full time job!
Then add in step raises every year for no other reason than they were employed that year, merit raises are unheard of. So I received the exact same raise no matter how hard I worked and the crappy employee who would sleep at her/his desk same raise as me.
I learned from the Air Traffic Controllers Union - go back on your word. Controllers signed a piece of paper that said they would not strike as their jobs were too vital to public safety. They did anyway. They were also unbelievably greedy. The salary raises they asked for was unrealistic and unfair to taxpayers. The union led good men and women down a dangerous path that cost them their jobs. The union leaders were wrong and thought that they had the government over a barrel - thank goodness President Regan was strong as he was.
Without such leaders, our country will go under because the unions do not care about fiscal responsibility, only greed. Here's to Wisconsin's Governor Walker who is doing the right thing, the responsible thing and down with democrats who ran away from their jobs!
Enough for now...
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Dance Baby Dance
I want to be this little guy! I remember being young and having way to much energy. If only we all could be happy like him and care less what other people think. Notice the grown ups watching - when did we become the grown ups only to watch the dancers. We need to be the dancers!
Enough for now...
Enough for now...
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
We need a healthy dose of healthy
Enough already! Dad has pneumonia. Seamus is licking his leg again. Mom is exhausted from caring for her sister. Aunt is ill. Friend Theresa is barking like a seal. Winston is needy.
I think I need a vacation but I don't think I could enjoy it for wondering how everyone was fairing. Dad is trying to say that he's not been sick that long and only gone to the doctor a couple of time prior to today. The man has been fighting a cough for more than six weeks. He's gone to the doctor's three times and never fully kicked this. So now he made sure to to get this but good. I don't envy Mom as Dad is male and not a good patient.
Seamus had stop licking his back legs bloody but when his Mom and Dad left him with me for five days that was just too much! My bed is not big enough for him and he has to curl his 118lb body in a ball at the bottom of my full-size bed. He has to compete with Winston for attention. And I am not his Mom. I am hopeful that once he gets back home in his normal routine he will stop the destructive behavior.
My Aunt has been in the hospital and family members have rallied around her. My Aunt's condition is private but I am proud of my mom and my cousin who have forgone their own personal cares or desires to be at her bedside. Pray for all three of them for the strength needed in the time ahead.
Friend Theresa is just like me with severe allergies (well, hers are meaner than mine). She has been coughing now for a couple of months and I think she need to see a doctor now. I always worry about a lingering cough.
Now that Seamus has gone home with his mom, Winston is wanting to lay on me, play with me or sit and stare at me until I give in and give him a carrot. It is hard to reassure a beagle that everything is okay.
I am amazed that I am not sick as I am always the first one sick. I think we've entered the sick season. I am not wanting any of it. Everyone take your vitamins! Below is the best commerical ever made, you know the writer was a woman!
Enough for now...
I think I need a vacation but I don't think I could enjoy it for wondering how everyone was fairing. Dad is trying to say that he's not been sick that long and only gone to the doctor a couple of time prior to today. The man has been fighting a cough for more than six weeks. He's gone to the doctor's three times and never fully kicked this. So now he made sure to to get this but good. I don't envy Mom as Dad is male and not a good patient.
Seamus had stop licking his back legs bloody but when his Mom and Dad left him with me for five days that was just too much! My bed is not big enough for him and he has to curl his 118lb body in a ball at the bottom of my full-size bed. He has to compete with Winston for attention. And I am not his Mom. I am hopeful that once he gets back home in his normal routine he will stop the destructive behavior.
My Aunt has been in the hospital and family members have rallied around her. My Aunt's condition is private but I am proud of my mom and my cousin who have forgone their own personal cares or desires to be at her bedside. Pray for all three of them for the strength needed in the time ahead.
Friend Theresa is just like me with severe allergies (well, hers are meaner than mine). She has been coughing now for a couple of months and I think she need to see a doctor now. I always worry about a lingering cough.
Now that Seamus has gone home with his mom, Winston is wanting to lay on me, play with me or sit and stare at me until I give in and give him a carrot. It is hard to reassure a beagle that everything is okay.
I am amazed that I am not sick as I am always the first one sick. I think we've entered the sick season. I am not wanting any of it. Everyone take your vitamins! Below is the best commerical ever made, you know the writer was a woman!
Enough for now...
Monday, February 21, 2011
Coffee, blood sugar, give me a break!
I have recently changed my diet to include more whole foods versus processed food and it's going okay. As I was reading up on this new way of eating, I learned I should not be drinking coffee. Oh lordy, lordy what shall I do? I mean coffee makes morning and work bareable. Coffee makes sure that I don't tear someone's head off. Coffee is why we live, isn't it?
With such a high occurance of diabetes in my family, I am living my life as if I have it. I am taking a proactive stance on this horrible condition so that I don't end up having to take another pill daily or give myself shots.
So I have given up coffee and found I really like hot green tea and because of this I thought I would try other teas. The experimenting began, on Saturday I tried Apple Cimamon Tea. Well, I am trying to figure out how to express the horror that spread itself all over my mouth and how that horror is burned in to my brain to this day! That was the nastiest tasting stuff I have ever put in my mouth. I kind of like it to one of those meals on Survivor where it's ground up beattle or something more horrible.
Morning came and quite honestly, I was afraid to continue the experiment. I have two more boxes of tea, Earl Grey and Constant Comment, to try. With Saturday's experience I was scared to death to try again, I have heard a lot about Earl Grey, so I attempted it next.
I got one cup down, eh, didn't knock me over. Later on, I thought I'd try again. Okay, I can drink this, it is stronger than Green Tea but it grows on you. Life without coffee, we will see if I can do this.
Enough for now...
With such a high occurance of diabetes in my family, I am living my life as if I have it. I am taking a proactive stance on this horrible condition so that I don't end up having to take another pill daily or give myself shots.
So I have given up coffee and found I really like hot green tea and because of this I thought I would try other teas. The experimenting began, on Saturday I tried Apple Cimamon Tea. Well, I am trying to figure out how to express the horror that spread itself all over my mouth and how that horror is burned in to my brain to this day! That was the nastiest tasting stuff I have ever put in my mouth. I kind of like it to one of those meals on Survivor where it's ground up beattle or something more horrible.
Morning came and quite honestly, I was afraid to continue the experiment. I have two more boxes of tea, Earl Grey and Constant Comment, to try. With Saturday's experience I was scared to death to try again, I have heard a lot about Earl Grey, so I attempted it next.
I got one cup down, eh, didn't knock me over. Later on, I thought I'd try again. Okay, I can drink this, it is stronger than Green Tea but it grows on you. Life without coffee, we will see if I can do this.
Enough for now...
Saturday, February 19, 2011
CMS Phooey
There are some geniuses out there who know how to create a good Content Management System (CMS) and then there are idiots. My friend, Theresa came over and I helped her update and clean up a website for the free PT clinic she volunteers for. I totally understand why they use a CMS as they are not web developers. But when you looked at the html, I was amazed at the junk the system in the code.
I truly feel so sorry for the people who use that particular CMS and want to make edits. When you would work in the "normal" window not the "html" window, you could change the font a million times but because it would not replace the old code just add to it, the font would never change. It was a nightmare.
I vote for a smart universal CMS code that only geniuses are allowed to write. Who is with me.
We did get the site cleaned up and looking nice. I don't know who was happier, Theresa for getting a project done or Seamus and Winston for having someone new to paw at, slobber over or jump on. I think both of them were quite smitten with her. She was great with them and loved all over them but when she returned home to her 110 lb lab, Harley, I think she might be in trouble.
Enough for now...
I truly feel so sorry for the people who use that particular CMS and want to make edits. When you would work in the "normal" window not the "html" window, you could change the font a million times but because it would not replace the old code just add to it, the font would never change. It was a nightmare.
I vote for a smart universal CMS code that only geniuses are allowed to write. Who is with me.
We did get the site cleaned up and looking nice. I don't know who was happier, Theresa for getting a project done or Seamus and Winston for having someone new to paw at, slobber over or jump on. I think both of them were quite smitten with her. She was great with them and loved all over them but when she returned home to her 110 lb lab, Harley, I think she might be in trouble.
Enough for now...
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Music to no one's ears, but I did have fun
What song takes you back to your early childhood? I tend to hear "I can see clearly now the rain is gone" or "Delta Dawn what's that flower you have on..." but wait there's also "These boots are made for walking."
I really don't care for these songs but they remind me of being a little girl at home and just discovering that music has actual words. The truly scary thing is that I still think I could sing the entire song, "Delta Dawn," without to much prompting or cheating. Yeah, I memorized it.
I think one of the reasons that I loved that song so much is that I could really really really belt it out. "Delta Dawn" when you're seven or eight is just perfect for screaming. Now, think of these three song, do you really want to hear a child sing them? To make matters worse, I cannot sing one iota! When I sing dogs run for their lives.
Mom, Dad, Sis, I am sorry for the many hours I revelled in the ignorance that I could not carrying a tune. I did not know that my singing was awful until I was in 7th grade and Janice Dawson made me sing a short solo to determine if I was a alto or soprano. That was the first day of choir and I think I lip sync the entire year.
Enough for now...
I really don't care for these songs but they remind me of being a little girl at home and just discovering that music has actual words. The truly scary thing is that I still think I could sing the entire song, "Delta Dawn," without to much prompting or cheating. Yeah, I memorized it.
I think one of the reasons that I loved that song so much is that I could really really really belt it out. "Delta Dawn" when you're seven or eight is just perfect for screaming. Now, think of these three song, do you really want to hear a child sing them? To make matters worse, I cannot sing one iota! When I sing dogs run for their lives.
Mom, Dad, Sis, I am sorry for the many hours I revelled in the ignorance that I could not carrying a tune. I did not know that my singing was awful until I was in 7th grade and Janice Dawson made me sing a short solo to determine if I was a alto or soprano. That was the first day of choir and I think I lip sync the entire year.
Enough for now...
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Boggles the Mind
Survivor Redemption Island started and I have to admit I that do have a problem with Reality TV and Survivor is one of my worst addiction. Also, what is fun about that and Big Brother, I get to reconnect with old friend from my previous job who is just as addicted. We make fun of the players and sit stunned beyond relief, as we did tonight.
What is super cool now is that, instead of emailing back and forth the next day, we now sit on our couches and IM as the show develops. Now, ask me what is happening in Diane's life, I would have to go to her facebook page to find out as our messages consist of our Reality TV only.
This season's "I am a former Federal Agent" droopy brief dude, Phillip is so stupid that he gives the government a bad name! No wonder we a trillion dollar debt, illegals flooding through the border and a health care passed through Congress before they read it.
Utter, weirdness below.
Enough for now...
What is super cool now is that, instead of emailing back and forth the next day, we now sit on our couches and IM as the show develops. Now, ask me what is happening in Diane's life, I would have to go to her facebook page to find out as our messages consist of our Reality TV only.
This season's "I am a former Federal Agent" droopy brief dude, Phillip is so stupid that he gives the government a bad name! No wonder we a trillion dollar debt, illegals flooding through the border and a health care passed through Congress before they read it.
Utter, weirdness below.
Enough for now...
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Revolution Galore
For those of you who do not follow politics, the Middle East is imploding. I am amazed at the unrest and I am more amazed that I did not realize there were so many despot out there. Geeze, every country over there has a dictator of 30 years or more.
I fear for Egypt right now. If the Brotherhood of Islam gets control, a very modern Egypt will go by the way of Iran, after the fall of the Shaw. Women will be force into servitude and hijab. Men will lose the ability to think for themselves.
I really fear for those who live in Iran. Their protest will not be like that of Egypt's, the military is on the side of the evil mullahs and the dirty little yak (as Laura Ingraham calls him, which I totally love). President Ahmadinejad will execute willy nilly since he has no respect for human life. What makes him more frightening is that he see himself as some kind of Prophet or Messiah, I don't know which.
It is scary out there fokes! United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Saudi Arabia are also imploding. Ireland is looking like the new vacation hot spot.
Enough for now...
I fear for Egypt right now. If the Brotherhood of Islam gets control, a very modern Egypt will go by the way of Iran, after the fall of the Shaw. Women will be force into servitude and hijab. Men will lose the ability to think for themselves.
I really fear for those who live in Iran. Their protest will not be like that of Egypt's, the military is on the side of the evil mullahs and the dirty little yak (as Laura Ingraham calls him, which I totally love). President Ahmadinejad will execute willy nilly since he has no respect for human life. What makes him more frightening is that he see himself as some kind of Prophet or Messiah, I don't know which.
It is scary out there fokes! United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Saudi Arabia are also imploding. Ireland is looking like the new vacation hot spot.
Enough for now...
Monday, February 14, 2011
I hate Mondays
What is with Mondays that make time pass so slowly? Time warps making every second two, every minute two and every hour an eternity. Making this Monday even longer is that I had to go to our commission meeting and take photos for employee recognition. If you have to attend boring commission meetings then the ones that have food and are mini parties are the best ones to attend.
I only had to spend an hour and a half down there, yet I didn't feel like I got anything accomplished. When I look back on the day, I did manage to get quite a bit done. It was just a lot of little items. When you complete a big project there's that relief and ego boost. Nothing of the sort today.
Today's jobs included sending reminder emails, to do list, time sheet, break down the photo backdrop, download photos and color corrected and cropped, nothing spectacular.
However, it did get better, kind of, I received my gigantic automatic dog feeder and my new electronic kettles. It's always wonderful when the Amazon.com gods send gifts. The problem was that Dana does not keep D size batteries in my home, so I had to get back in the car and get batteries.
I am somewhat floored at the size of feeder. Winston is somewhat afraid of the thing but will risk life and limb for a carrot.
[Special Monday Treat]
I agree with Bob Geldof's "I don't like Mondays" in searching for this video I did have a short dash down memory lane - I had such a crush on Bob, sigh (with eyebrows for all you Wall fans that totally freaked me out, I digress, that's a whole post on its own).
Enough for now...
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Good Coffee Coop!
Who out there watched David Lynch's "Twin Peaks"? Man do I miss that show, especially the early episodes. Here's the thing, I should not like that show. I hate comedies and stupidity but this show did it right. Whether it was Coop or the Log Lady, man o man, there hasn't been a show so addictive and so funny.
What I loved the most was when Lynch would actually guest star on the show. He kind reminds me of Dad on his bluetooth. While Dad isn't hard of hearing, he thinks he is when he answers the phone. The video below brought back all the laughter. Enjoy!
Enough for now...
What I loved the most was when Lynch would actually guest star on the show. He kind reminds me of Dad on his bluetooth. While Dad isn't hard of hearing, he thinks he is when he answers the phone. The video below brought back all the laughter. Enjoy!
Enough for now...
Friday, February 11, 2011
Little things excite me - hurry Mr. Fed Ex
If you haven't figured out by now that I am owned by my beagle, Winston. I have tried to convince him that I am the Queen and he is just the Prime Minister but he just cocks his head to the left then to right and runs outside.
So being that he rules, I get up every (and I mean every) morning anywhere from 5:30 to 5:45 a.m to feed the boy. When Winston had to go on a strict diet, I began feeding him right after work at 5:30 p.m. and exactly 12 hours later, which is 5:30 a.m. Then he was so hungry that I would do anything to make him feel better. Since we have added baby carrots and green beans to his diet to stave off the hunger pains. Now it is not as critical to feed on time as it once was.
Now, I am the one being tortured for the sake of stability. Last night I ordered the Petmate Le Bistro Portion-Control Automatic Pet Feeder from Amazon [I am so addicted to Amazon but that's another post altogether]. It can be programmed to to dispense up to three meals per day. Am I a crazy pet owner who will spend $50 on a dog food bowl or normal person who doesn't mind shelling out money for sleep?
Enough for now...
So being that he rules, I get up every (and I mean every) morning anywhere from 5:30 to 5:45 a.m to feed the boy. When Winston had to go on a strict diet, I began feeding him right after work at 5:30 p.m. and exactly 12 hours later, which is 5:30 a.m. Then he was so hungry that I would do anything to make him feel better. Since we have added baby carrots and green beans to his diet to stave off the hunger pains. Now it is not as critical to feed on time as it once was.
Now, I am the one being tortured for the sake of stability. Last night I ordered the Petmate Le Bistro Portion-Control Automatic Pet Feeder from Amazon [I am so addicted to Amazon but that's another post altogether]. It can be programmed to to dispense up to three meals per day. Am I a crazy pet owner who will spend $50 on a dog food bowl or normal person who doesn't mind shelling out money for sleep?
Enough for now...
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Just Wondering
At what point in life do we totally become content with who we are? When do we sit down and say "Yep, I am done. This is the life I want?" What do I want to be when I grow up?
I guess the problem with my pondering is that being a state employee in a state where the economy is not working in my favor - I am a little worried. I like what I do and I want to keep doing it but what if?
There's a shell bill on the books to outsource all state Public Information. I think this will lead to trouble as many departments will not mess with strangers for its PR and when the media calls, directors or division heads will answers the calls, which is not always good or staffers will design their own brochures, which is rarely good. It won't work and in three to four years they will begin to rehire PR people but they often try to cut PR first. I hope someone sees that this is a bad idea but who knows?
So what do I want to be when I grow up? A political speech writer but that will never happen. I am to afraid to even consider working in the political realm, I am single and without a husband to support me should my politician not get reelected or term limits out makes a political career impossible for me.
So dream #2, world famous novelist - a blend between Jane Austin and Tolkien. Insecurities and exhaustion from my current job prevent me from attempting that venture.
Here I sit wondering what this legislative session brings and why I would wear red sneakers with a pink dress and white tights?
Enough for now...
I guess the problem with my pondering is that being a state employee in a state where the economy is not working in my favor - I am a little worried. I like what I do and I want to keep doing it but what if?
There's a shell bill on the books to outsource all state Public Information. I think this will lead to trouble as many departments will not mess with strangers for its PR and when the media calls, directors or division heads will answers the calls, which is not always good or staffers will design their own brochures, which is rarely good. It won't work and in three to four years they will begin to rehire PR people but they often try to cut PR first. I hope someone sees that this is a bad idea but who knows?
So what do I want to be when I grow up? A political speech writer but that will never happen. I am to afraid to even consider working in the political realm, I am single and without a husband to support me should my politician not get reelected or term limits out makes a political career impossible for me.
So dream #2, world famous novelist - a blend between Jane Austin and Tolkien. Insecurities and exhaustion from my current job prevent me from attempting that venture.
Here I sit wondering what this legislative session brings and why I would wear red sneakers with a pink dress and white tights?
Enough for now...
Wednesday, February 09, 2011
Horror at four o'clock
In my snow vegetative state, my TV channels were flipping between TNT and Fox News. I get news overload sometimes and others times I am hearing things for the first time and just about freak. Today was a freak day, on Glenn Beck's show he aired a montage of various speakers, leaders and political activitists talking about a "New World Order."
These people speak as if that is desirable outcome - NO, THAT WOULD BE BAD, VERY VERY BAD. No matter what format their "New World Order" should take, I like my Republic the way it is -- of the people, by the people, for the people. Where is the outrage from the general public that people speak thus.
Does our government always work? No, look at who our President is and we have live with the fact that people voted (wrong headed mind you) but voted none-the-less. I am praying that we are able to mitigate the damages and block the socialistic policies/regulations that the current administration tries to institutes. And vote better in 2012!
True Democrats and Republicans will be afraid of those who speak of "New World Order" let's just improve our Old American Order by returning to the spirit of the founding fathers and the constitution.
Enough for now...
These people speak as if that is desirable outcome - NO, THAT WOULD BE BAD, VERY VERY BAD. No matter what format their "New World Order" should take, I like my Republic the way it is -- of the people, by the people, for the people. Where is the outrage from the general public that people speak thus.
Does our government always work? No, look at who our President is and we have live with the fact that people voted (wrong headed mind you) but voted none-the-less. I am praying that we are able to mitigate the damages and block the socialistic policies/regulations that the current administration tries to institutes. And vote better in 2012!
True Democrats and Republicans will be afraid of those who speak of "New World Order" let's just improve our Old American Order by returning to the spirit of the founding fathers and the constitution.
Enough for now...
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
Enough already, crazy panic shoppers leave some for me
I absolutely love this commercial! This is what I have been ranting about with everyone shopping as if it is the end of the world. Due to the fact that Walmart did not have hamburger meat, chicken breast or cucumbers on Saturday when I tried to do my normal weekly shopping, I had to go to the grocery store this evening.
I went to Homeland hoping to get my food stores for the week and low and behold they did not have any chicken. I will be struggling this week with only cow in my house. I am not a huge fan of a lot a cow. I prefer to eat chicken when I cook but alas it will be hamburgers and steak or eggs and bacon. Thanks crazy people who have to buy all the chicken in the store be cause its going to be a blizzard on Wednesday and a 55 DEGREE FREAKING HEAT WAVE ON SUNDAY!
Enough for now...
I went to Homeland hoping to get my food stores for the week and low and behold they did not have any chicken. I will be struggling this week with only cow in my house. I am not a huge fan of a lot a cow. I prefer to eat chicken when I cook but alas it will be hamburgers and steak or eggs and bacon. Thanks crazy people who have to buy all the chicken in the store be cause its going to be a blizzard on Wednesday and a 55 DEGREE FREAKING HEAT WAVE ON SUNDAY!
Enough for now...
Monday, February 07, 2011
You've got to be kidding me
Who thinks that this ridiculous outfit with an equally ridiculous name, Hoodie Footie, would ever be a good idea?!? I am sorry but I am amazed at what people think looks good and more amazed that other people will buy it. Could there be a more unflattering set of pajamas ever created? No, I think not!
Now that we've established the horrendous nature of the Hoodie Footie lets talk about the pain in the rear that must happen when nature calls? You would have to completely undress just to go to the little girls room. Ridiculous! If it has a flap in the back then it is even worse.
Picture this, the average woman is not as thin as the super models in the commercials, so think about a woman who is 5'2" or so, with 20 to 30 pounds to much. She'd look more like the stuffed teddy bear in the picture than the super model. Yeah, that's what I want to look like!
If I can pull a rant a kin to my cousin who is hating the new annoying Taco Bell steak commercial. The Hoodie Footie commercial is super duper annoying! Who writes this stuff? Who thinks that's the way women act when we are at home. Then that woman voice over makes it worse. Very, very annoying.
Men do not buy your woman a Hoodie Footie!
Enough for now...
Now that we've established the horrendous nature of the Hoodie Footie lets talk about the pain in the rear that must happen when nature calls? You would have to completely undress just to go to the little girls room. Ridiculous! If it has a flap in the back then it is even worse.
Picture this, the average woman is not as thin as the super models in the commercials, so think about a woman who is 5'2" or so, with 20 to 30 pounds to much. She'd look more like the stuffed teddy bear in the picture than the super model. Yeah, that's what I want to look like!
If I can pull a rant a kin to my cousin who is hating the new annoying Taco Bell steak commercial. The Hoodie Footie commercial is super duper annoying! Who writes this stuff? Who thinks that's the way women act when we are at home. Then that woman voice over makes it worse. Very, very annoying.
Men do not buy your woman a Hoodie Footie!
Enough for now...
Sunday, February 06, 2011
Mother of the Year?
First of all, if my rear was this big I would not bare-all in silver paint at any cost. I am not sure the Grand Canyon crack is that big. Second, if my mom was Kris Jenner, I'd have to be in therapy.
I oddly I watched E! this morning and ended up watching "Kim and Kourtney Take New York" in this episode, Kim took pictures for W magazine thinking that they would cover all the important parts with graphics like buildings / scenic things and when the magazine published, silver painted naked Kim is what they printed.
Furious she called her mother/manager, Kris Jenner, and wanted it corrected. She called it pornography and that she did want to do anymore nudity. I guess once you do Playboy (once your MOTHER could talk you into it). W magazine was not quit up to snuff.
I guess her mother (and I use that term lightly) checked on the mess up and called her back and said it had gone to print and that's it. But that she (Kim) looked great and should own it !??? What kind of mother exploits her own daughter to this level? I don't get it.
The following was printed in an article with Kim in Harper's Bazaar:
Enough for now, I am thoroughly disgusted...
I oddly I watched E! this morning and ended up watching "Kim and Kourtney Take New York" in this episode, Kim took pictures for W magazine thinking that they would cover all the important parts with graphics like buildings / scenic things and when the magazine published, silver painted naked Kim is what they printed.
Furious she called her mother/manager, Kris Jenner, and wanted it corrected. She called it pornography and that she did want to do anymore nudity. I guess once you do Playboy (once your MOTHER could talk you into it). W magazine was not quit up to snuff.
I guess her mother (and I use that term lightly) checked on the mess up and called her back and said it had gone to print and that's it. But that she (Kim) looked great and should own it !??? What kind of mother exploits her own daughter to this level? I don't get it.
The following was printed in an article with Kim in Harper's Bazaar:
And she didn't love her 2007 Playboy cover. "I'm sorry I did Playboy. I was uncomfortable," she remembers, though at the time she was excited. "Go for it," she recalls her mother saying. "They might never ask you again. Our show isn't on the air yet. No one knows who you are. Do it and you'll have these beautiful pictures to look at when you're my age."This is sad. A mother who repeatedly exploits her own daughter, first with Playboy now with W, versus protecting her from the evils of world. She acts like she is the epitome of parental goodness on the show, "Keeping up with the Kardashians," and really Kris Jenner is horrendous and child services should look into the treatment of her to young daughters in the home.
Enough for now, I am thoroughly disgusted...
Saturday, February 05, 2011
Who's Who

Enough for now...
Friday, February 04, 2011
Blizzards and Riots - Alternate Earth Dimension
I still hate Al Gore!!! Giant fluffy flakes are falling as I type - this has got to stop! I have had enough snow for a lifetime. Dana does not do winter well and to have it hit over and over again is too much for my sensibilities. I just shoveled the drive way and now it is filling it up again.
Complaining about the weather seems somewhat ridiculous with what is happening
in the Middle East, namely Egypt, but I really don't know how I feel about that. I don't like the fact that a despot can take over a country and I am very afraid of disposing such a despot will create a vacuum for radical Islam to fill.
I really don't understand the beating of the journalist, if you're a protester for it does not serve to get the story out. I do understand the government officials and supporters beating journalist - they don't want the story out.
I worry that entire region is destabilizing and I really worry that Iran is stirring the pot. These are scary times.
Read Fox News Reporter, Greg Palkot's account of horrific acts on the streets of Egypt.
Enough for now...
This I must declare vexes me greatly. A nice dusting to make every thing look pretty is about all I want this is absurd! I am sorely upset. This has got to stop.
Complaining about the weather seems somewhat ridiculous with what is happening

I really don't understand the beating of the journalist, if you're a protester for it does not serve to get the story out. I do understand the government officials and supporters beating journalist - they don't want the story out.
I worry that entire region is destabilizing and I really worry that Iran is stirring the pot. These are scary times.
Read Fox News Reporter, Greg Palkot's account of horrific acts on the streets of Egypt.
Enough for now...
Thursday, February 03, 2011
The house is closing in on me

The beagle is even bored with me. He sleeps all day and is ready for all that white stuff to go away. I did go outside and yesterday and scrapped my driveway. The problem is that the snow pile is so thick on the street that my car won't make it off the drive into the street.
I do want to extend a word of warning to anyone who makes fun of all those people who go to Walmart at the slightest hint of snow and buy six weeks worth of food - don't, they may not be all that silly. I am beginning to run low on food. At the beginning of the year, I started a high protein diet that is working but some of the things that make the diet bearable are bacon in the morning (out) and cottage cheese at lunch (will be out tomorrow). The thought of eating steak for breakfast, lunch and dinner is not good. So to all of you who stocked up on "snowed in" food, I salute you. I am about to have to resort to my neighbor's goat!
Enough for now...
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