Friday, November 11, 2011

Thank you to all our Veterans

I want to thank all the veterans who have fought and served so that I can speak my mind and live freely.

To my Father,
  Tommie Tallon, Veteran served during peacetime;

To a family friend,
  Lee DeGraffenried, Veteran served during peacetime;

To my uncles,
   Donald Griffith, Vietnam Veteran;
   John McMurtrie, Vietnam Veteran;

To my cousin,
  Roy (Trey) Moore, Veteran served during peacetime;

To my friend,
  Maggie Artime, Veteran served during peacetime;

To my nephews,
  Patrick Logan, future veteran serving us proudly now;
  Jason Logan, future veteran serving us proudlynow.

Because of you and those like you, I am able to say Thank You anyway I want. Thank you for my freedom.

Enough for now...

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

What's Next? Tsunami at Tenkiller?

I know that I have been noticeably absent from my handy dandy blog. Plain and simple, I have been burned out with technology. My Facebook activity has been lacking as well.  Since I began blogging years ago, I have always written in spurts and for that I apologize.

A couple of weeks ago I was hit with a respiratory infection of the massive kind and it really kicked my butt. Everyday I would think, I will be better and go to work tomorrow and each day I was too sick to go. When I miss a solid week of work, I am terribly ill. I kind of panic when I have to call in sick. I am paranoia that people won't believe I am sick and I end up working when I should be at home. I am currently nursing that lingering cough that makes everyone think I am still sick. Being sick also made very uninterested in being on the computer for any reason.

Now on to the bazaar, Oklahoma has earthquakes. What would Will Rogers say "If you don't like the weather wait ten minutes." I don't think he meant earthquakes!  I know what to do when the sky falls but when my earth moves I have admit I just freeze. When the 5.6 quake happened, I was in bed watching TV. I first thought that a car hit my house but when it kept moving I just laid there - wide eyed shocked. Then earthquake dawned on me and I turned the TV to the local news.

What in the world is going on here? First we are tornado alley, then we have extreme draughts, or we have massive snow storms, now this - earthquakes, really? What's next a quake under Lake Tenkiller causing a Tsunami?

Now the news is telling everyone what to do when we have an earthquake. You know what they don't tell us, what to do if you are driving when an earthquake happens?

Enough for now...

Thursday, September 22, 2011

It's football again

It's the good time for TV again, all the shows that I watch are coming out with new episodes. The problem I have is that I am really into my book. So this means that I watch TV all evening and read all night.  I am exhausted  all day long and the cycle continues. It's kind of the fish or cut bait delima but I choose to do both.

I am one book from being done with Raymond Fiest and series for a while and I am dying to finish it.

Technically I should be working, cleaning my house and doing some work on a free-lance project but I am thinking this weekend I want to revel in nothingness. I want to watch TV. I want to read. I want to be blah! I am thrilled it is now football season and we have OU (Boomer Sooner) games to veg out to.

Last week's game however did not give the "veg" out feeling. By the end of the game I was such a bundle of nerves that it took half the night to calm down. I am looking forward to Saturday's game against Missouri but it will be another nail biter.

Enough for now...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Pres needs an easy button

The thing that I am most concerned with is that the American Jewish community feels the way Jerry Springer feels in the above segment. Obama is against Israel and is pursuing a Palestinian state. This bothers me greatly. I believe that if we abandon Israel to the Middle East Muslim hatred, we know they will fall. So abandonment means we kill them by absence. I have a problem with that.

We are a Country built around freedom to practice any religion a person chooses and we need to support a country trying to practice its religion - a country persecuted because they are not Muslim.

Today, Obama went to the UN and decried that "Peace is hard." What? Peace is easy, "my missiles are trained on you, make a move and we will blast you!" Easy.

Enough for now...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I want to be a happy old person

My family is rocking on exhaustion right now. My 98 year old mean great aunt, fell last week at the assistive living home she lives at. The place she lived at was like Spanish Cove or the The Villages in Florida for the poor. It was really nice.

But when she fell, it meant that she needed more attention than she was getting at the assistive living home. So from when she fell Wednesday night, mom and dad went to work and found her a nursing home and move her in Saturday at dinner time.

Let me tell you, that's moving fast. They did the leg work and paper work on Thursday and Friday. On Saturday, we all went over to her new place and got it set up as best we could and then went to her old place and picked up the stuff that would go to the nursing home (which is not that much).

Dad and I took the stuff from the old place to the new one, while mom dallied around her old place with her. That way, Aunt Lorene didn't see us move things in and try to start demanding where things went or get upset that people are touching her stuff. Her nursing home room is very limited and we really only could put things in one or two areas. Another problem is that her sight is fading fast and her hearing is almost gone, we were stressed enough making the move we didn't need her trying to move things in weird places because she can't see the whole room.

Poor mom was stuck with her the majority of the time because we wanted to move her into a fully furnished room. She really left one place fit to live in and move to the new one fit to live in without seeing much of the move. I believe that made her more calm in the transition.

The crazy nasty woman was okay with the move because she didn't like the assistive living center. Ironically, I think she didn't like it because she doesn't know how to live well. It wasn't a deteriorating trailer, it was the nicest place she ever lived. It was brand new and she was the first person to live in her apartment. The common areas where very nice and there was a lot of activities she refused to participate in.

She told mom and dad after they said she was moving to a nursing home that it was okay because they (meaning mom and dad) moved her into the wrong place first. She thinks this move to a nursing home is her idea. When actually the assistive living home wanted her gone after she call 911 when she fell. What she should have done was press the "help I have fallen and can't get up" button that was supposed to be around her neck but wasn't because she wouldn't follow the rules.

All of a sudden at 11 pm an ambulance shows up at the home and they didn't know why, I am sure that did not make her popular with the administration. But that is who Lorene is, she call 911 in Atoka because she got mad at the nephew who she was staying with. She burns bridges every where she goes. She thinks she rules everyone and everything and if you won't be dominated or manipulated she is angry as all get out.

The sad thing is that she used to be my favorite aunt on my dad's side of the family and what it really was was Uncle Eude, her husband. He was funny and nice to us and a real talker. I don't think we knew her at all. All the kin folk in California warned dad about taking her, but we really had no choice. We were her only blood family in the state and we thought she was in crisis. She wasn't, she was just mad at her nephew and manipulating all of us.

When we learned how she operated it was too late. She was living with mom and dad waiting to be admitting to the assistive living home. I did learn one thing. Because of the level of cruelty and lies, she has dished out, will cause her to be ward of the state if anything were to happen and she out live dad (her power of attorney). I will not care for her. I will help my parents care for her because they are better people than me.

Her Oklahoma family ends with dad. I fear she will live to make the Willard Scott birthday shout out for being the oldest woman in the world.

Enough for now...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

This is not suiting me at all!

I hate this time of year. It is the time that my body violently mutinies against me. I have be dying with extremely itchy eyes, runny nose and a headache to top all headaches. I wake up every morning in so much pain and nauseated to the point of frustration (if I am going to feel like hurling then just do it and get it over with). I would have called in sick yesterday but it was Monday and I don't like to call in on Monday.

I would have called in sick today but I have an appointment  with a program that I am trying to get the staff happy again and I fear they would feel slighted if I rescheduled.

Why does this have to happen?  We have sent men to the moon and no one has found a cure for allergies? I don't buy it, the flu and sinus people want us buying all those drugs that don't work for beans. I bet there is a cure they are not telling us about!

The biggest problem with calling in sick is that until the weather changes there is no guarantee that I will feel better tomorrow.

On to brighter things (you can only gripe about allergies so long), the new fall season will start soon and this aimless clicking of the remote hoping to find something worthwhile on the TV will end. I am excited to see new shows coming out but hate the way the cable channels handle their seasons. Suits is a show that I absolutely love but after the season finale, the little announcer guy on the commercial said "see what happens next summer on Suits." Next summer?

Stargate Universe did that and by "next summer," I had a new routine and kept forgetting that it was on and I loved that show too. Shows should not end and have a return date of nine months later, that is ludicrous.  Come on cable step it up!

Enough for now...

Thursday, September 08, 2011

The games have begun

Tomorrow I head to Tulsa for an advocacy conference with Co-Worker Linda. Yeah, not only will the information be good but it will be nice to be able to catch up with Linda. This week has be insane and I don't feel like I have left my office for more than five minutes at a time.

I am looking forward to the trip because we always have fun on road trips. I only wish that this one didn't have to start at 6:45 a.m. That's real early.

On the new web work, I am starting to convert my work website to HTML 5 and I am very happy how it simplifies the code. I just now have to convert everything, yeah....

The President spoke tonight and I just couldn't watch. I am so tired of his empty rhetoric. When Charles Krauthammer says that this is nothing more that a "set up," I can't bare to listen. I am also exhausted with the Presidential debates/campaigns. Let just hurry up get Mitt nominated and join forces.

This election process won't be pretty this year.

Enough for now...

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Read the Book!

I should be rejoicing in this beautiful weather we are having, from 110 degrees to 80 over night is a glorious thing.  But I feel like crap. I think the radical weather change has my allergies on over drive and making me feel all around blah.

I should be well rested due to the fact that Mom and I watched 13 episodes of "To Serve Them All My Days" an show made from RF Delderfield's book. The book was much better and has me scratching my head at some spots, causing me to think that I need to re-read that book. Reading my post, in my book blog doesn't help much, but my title says a lot: Another Book I Couldn't Put Down!

The fact that show was shot in the early 80s probably didn't help much. Unfortunately, I cannot recommend the show as much as I do the book. Nor, do I recommend watching 13 episodes over a three day span.

Enough for now...

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Surprised Nine is Fine

I am now coding my websites with HTML5 and have upgraded from Internet Explorer 8  to Internet Explorer 9. Actually, I haven't cared much one way or the other about IE, I have just always had to use it because JAWS users must use it. I have to design for IE.

I am surprised that I really like it. It seems real fast and HTML5 components and CSS3 tend to behave the way they are supposed to.  What really amazes me, are the people who don't upgrade their browsers and some are still using IE 6. It was introduced in 2001, why would you still use a browser that old. People, your browsers are free, upgrade for every web designers sake.

What was difficult at first was that the tabs are on top of the browser above all the menus and kind of transparent. I keep having to hunt for them before I remember they are up there. I don't like that the favorites are in the right corner now, my mother will never find them on her computer (I may not upgrade her browser and ten years from now she will still be using IE 8).

Just for a little comedic relief, I thought I would add this Toyota commercial. I love her line "I am an only child, [dramatic pause] except for my sister." It just cracks me up!

Enough for now...

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Lost in the Abysis of Nothingness

The weekend goes well but the big dog is such a bed hog. I am sleeping with my legs curled up, Winston at the top of the bed and Seamus encompassing one third of the bottom of the bed. We have been very lazy and messy these last two days. We watched Jane Eyre and Pillars of the Earth Part II, now I am watch Losers.

I was disappointed with the new Jane Eyre. The second Jane Eyre movie was better. I think if I had not read the book and watched the other one, the new one would have confused me with all flashbacks. Plus, Mr. Rochester in the other movie was more like the Mr. Rochester of my imagining. The new Mr. Rochester didn't give the impression that he truly loved Jane, I didn't believe him.

The Pillars of the Earth was good and worthwhile but fours hours is a long time for a movie. I had to separate it watched a couple last night and a couple this morning.

I then threw in Losers. Jeffrey Dean Morgan is truly one of the most macho men out there in the movie world (if he has played anything less macho please do not tell me!). He is quite yummy!

I have been living on Apple Jacks, coke and cold spaghetti this weekend and I don't feel very good. I think getting back on a diet and eating right sounds good. Food is not really my friend, more often than not if I eat badly for an extended period of time, I end  up sick. I have reached that point.

I have all afternoon and this evening to be down right lazy (don't tell anyone, but I am kind of bored with it). I don't understand but sometimes I have a hard time turning off.  Don't get me wrong, I can waste time like everyone but I am usually busy wasting time. Just doing nothing, especially when I plan on it, gets old quickly.

Enough for now...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Boredom and Movie

This weekend I plan to do nothing of important. NOTHING. I need peace and calm. I need to be a drama-free as possible. I plan to get the new Jane Eyre movie. I may even pick up my book again. I will not make my bed, hang my clothes or put up my dishes. I will be a total complete bum.

Seamus will be with us all weekend, which I cannot wait. Since the vet has put him on thyroid medicine his fur is soft as velvet. I plan to have that boy on the couch right next to me, it is so amazing how great his coat feels.  I need to veg out!

Then I will surf the web on how to cleanse my aura, find the right zen spot and try to hypnosis to never get stressed, or care or cry again!

Bring on nothing! Feel free to send me any tips on what nothing to do.

Enough for now...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Zoom Zoom

Notice I have been absent lately? Well, I am not such a good blogger if I have to blog from my desk. I will ramble quite nicely from my couch but not so good from my really cool desk. That's a place for work and I really don't want this blog to be work. See I ramble... anyway, my wireless router died and I just got my replacement router. The new toy is fast! I am liking it.

My house had it appraiser test today and I am hopeful that it past. In order for me to get to refinance my baby the appraisal has to come in at the right price. I can't imagine that I wouldn't get credit for Travertine tile in the bathroom, new vinyl siding instead of wood, ceramic tile throughout the whole house, full kitchen renovation, oh please, oh please, nice appraiser lady give us an A.

It's really funny how much work we did in anticipation of the appraiser coming. She barely looked at the house, she measured, looked at appliances, the things we worried about I doubt she noticed. She did give me credit for having a three bedroom house even though my office doesn't look like a bedroom just a few renovations and it could be a bedroom again. Whew!

I have had a lot of stress this week and I am glad to this one thing over with. I have been living very neatly AND I AM A SLOB. It was hard picking up after myself everyday for a week. I made my bed everyday for a week and a half. Ironically, Mom said that they won't come on the same day they call. Well, yes, she did. She had a cancellation and came the same day she called. I really worked to my favor as I didn't have to leave work to met her, it was my telecommute day.

If anyone out there prays, send a little prayer my way. I need strength and courage to make need changes.

Enough for now...

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

This little piggy went wa wa wa all the way home

Lordy, lordy, lordy! I have to say I have worked my toes off or at least worked them numb. Me and my parents have been cleaning the house and making it look as pretty as it can before the appraiser comes to grade all our hard work. We worked all weekend making the place look great.

I am amazed that my ity bity house could be so hard to clean and get ready for scrutiny.

Friday night after work:
I was ready for a change so we  removed all the Harlequin and Poirot dolls and Mardi Gras masques from my bedroom and packed them up. I cannot give them away so I just put them away.  Mom and I packed the dolls and removed the shelves that held them. Dad Spackle all the holes and found a problem with my new window with the dry wall and caulking. Mom washed the windows in the bedroom and I dusted everything (three hours on only one room?!?).

I scrubbed my tub and shower walls. I Windexed my over-sized shower doors and cleaned the toilet and sink and hid all my toiletries in the linen closet (two hours of pain). I painted all the walls that had spackle and mom repainted the bay window where the dogs sit and watch the world go by.  Mom and I washed all the wood work in the bedrooms, hallway and bathroom. Mom dusted the guest bedroom and washed all the inside windows. I scanned all paperwork waiting on me while mom dusted the office and books. Dad touched up some grout in my bathroom shower and added about three feet of cedar in the top part of my bedroom closet.

By this point we are in so much pain that we can barely see straight. Earlier this spring I had cleaned all my baseboards in the living room so I only needed to dust the nick knacks.

Thankfully Dad and I reworked the kitchen wainscoting and touched all the paint then so we had to clean all the wood work then. The kitchen just needed company cleaning. Then we washed the windows on the outside. Dad re-caulked the shower. Dad edged and weed eated and mowed my yard.

While I was at work, Mom and Dad trimmed up all my dead monkey grass. Dad recaulked all my windows after the Champion Window guy came out and said to just re-caulk everything and so, Dad caulked and Mom taped all windows where he caulked and I touched up all the paint. Then Mom and I pruned all the trees that were growing saplings and suckers and weeded large gravel area out back.

We worked so hard that every night we were so exhausted and sore. Dad has bruises from crawling in the closet. Mom's legs and back hurt. I think I have to top them both; on my right foot-my pinkie toe and the one next to it have gone totally numb. This is a first for me. I probably have a pinched nerve but my back doesn't really hurt like it normally does.  I will keep you posted as to when I regain the feeling in my toes -- on day four.

Enough for now...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Rain, Rain, Don't Go Away

The glorious rain came today but why did it have to come the very minute I had an appointment across town and I had no umbrella. Somehow I didn't mind the drenching I got running to my car. I even didn't mind the ominous sky from my floor to ceiling windows in my office.  Spooky skies are kind of neat when you roll your chair right up to the edge.

I am also thrilled that it rained for longer than 15 minutes. I want to have a green yard again!

My appointment this morning was with my bank. I decided that I need to tend to my finances. I have two IRAs from my old job that I need to roll over into one or my current job's IRA. Then I need to try to refinance my house from 6% interest to 3.8% interest.

The appraisal is going to run me about $450 but if I can refinance then it will be money well spent. The whole deal will depend on whether or not my house will appraise for a certain price.

I feel so grown up!

The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Enough for now...

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

************ My next password will be "1diotsmkmehaveastupidpswrd"

 Today, I had to enter my employee account services where my payroll stubs go and my leave accrual reports go, the important things that you need but only occasionally. So I go to log in with this arbitrary ID number that I can never remember. Then I have to enter a password that changes every 90 days so I have to write it down, mainly because I rarely go to the account services.

When I entered the password it immediately took me to the password expired page. How secure is a site that requires you to change your password so frequently that you can't remember it? I have a dedicated file on my laptop of all my passwords.

I find it odd that in trying to make everything super secure they create a compromising scenario where us users must store their passwords in something quite insecure.

Why is it that my ATM pin has not changed in since it was issued to me and I have it in my head securely. I truly think it is more about creating a false sense of job security than it is about computer security. Why is it that major corporations like Visa, Master Card and Discover allow you to create a password for your credit cards and let it be for how long ?.... EVER, for-freaking-ever! But at work I have to key in a new password every 90 days, because you know someone may hack into my computer and download a couple of press releases!

The future of the computer police.
Now, I just add the next numeral and keep the same password. Since I began my job almost five years ago, I have had to change my password 28 or 29 times. That is just plain stupidity and not secure at all. 

Pretty soon information technicians will be roaming the halls with AK47s and segways gunning for anyone with a password shorter that 48 characters including at least one upper case letter and three special characters. 

Enough for now...

Monday, August 08, 2011

It's what's on the inside that counts

New outlet mall opened this weekend and from the looks of driving by the crowds were completely insane. Just what I need a name brand outlet mall for my sister to trek down from Dumas, TX and empty my wallet.

Every October, Kim comes for the Affair of the Hearts, Hobby Lobby, Garden Ridge, Kohl's and anything else we can go to without our feet giving out. Each year, I spend about a grand without even realizing it. Now there's an outlet mall...I am so screwed.

On a side note, did they try their hardest to make the exterior look as ridiculous as possible? It has to bee the ugliest mall I have ever seen.

There are 87 stores in this mall some sound promising others not so much. Kimber, you might want to add another day to the fall shopping fest and bring Rick's wallet to boot.

See the full list:

Auntie Anne’s,
Banana Republic,
Bella Pizza,
Bon Worth,
Brooks Brothers,
Carter’s Childrenswear,
Children’s Place,
Christopher & Banks,                  
City Bites,
Dazzle Nails and Spa,
Disney Store Outlet,
Dress Barn,
Easy Spirit,
Famous Footwear/
    Factory Brand Shoes,

Fragrance Outlet,
Gap Outlet,
Gold Toe,
Haggar, Hanes Brands,
J. Crew Factory,
Johnston & Murphy,                 
Jones New York,
Jos. A. Bank,
Kay Jewelers,
Kitchen Collection,
Lane Bryant,
Le Creuset,
Le Gourmet Chef,
Michael Kors,
Nine West,

Oakley Vault,
Orange Leaf Yogurt,
OshKosh B’Gosh,
Perry Ellis,
Polo Ralph Lauren,
RackRoom Shoes,
Rice Garden,
Rue 21,
Saks Avenue Off Fifth,
Sunglass Hut,
Tommy Hilfiger,
Ultra Diamonds,
Under Armour,
Uniform Outlet,
US Polo Assn.,
Van Heusen,
Vans Outlet,
Wilsons Leather,
Yankee Candle, and

Enough for now...

Saturday, August 06, 2011

The bliss of the mundane

I am quite proud of myself today. I got up and picked up the entire house by 9 a.m. Then I went to breakfast with the fokes and worked on the family's photo project. Now, I sitting back watching a movie.

I haven't had one of these weekends where I feel like my house is in order and I have time to rest. It feels good. Isn't it weird that just cleaning your house, weeding your planter and working on a project actually makes you feel good.

It's the kind of weird I will take any day over the bad weird. As my reward, God has sent a little rain this way. I am so thankful. I have two mature Maple trees that have more brown leaves then green. I am praying that they will come out of it when the rains come back.

Oddly, my baby Red buds are doing rather well. I really thought I had lost them last fall but then they came out of the winter with happy green leaves.

I feel calm... I like it.

Enough for now...

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Sleepy, but happy

The video below is how I wish I felt. Instead I am just plum tired. The minute I hit the bed I plan to be out cold. Half way through the video I start thinking, hey camera man please leave the room and let her sleep.

Enough for now...

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

The boondoogle I would want to see

If this clip does not scare you there is something wrong with you. First that crazy Russian Putin has no desire to be a friend of the United States and I do think he is crazy enough to wage war against us.

Second Biden is our Vice President and should be ever thankful the Secret Service keeps him alive. He's incredibly stupid and if he needed to save his own life - Bahner would move up the chain of command. Now we learn not only is he the dumbest VP in history, he's greedy! To have the government rent his propery so they can protect him is wrong on so many levels? [ Must not say dirty words, must not say dirty words. ]

Nudist taking over a Marine owned beach? Are they mental? Let the idiots go to their beach and let the Marines hone their amphibious assaults skills anyone stupid enough to be on their beach.  Have you noticed that nudist are always fat and ugly - come on people! That's just not right. A new slogan "Support our troops, keep you pants on!" Camp Pendleton Marines should receive hazard pay for having to endure the mind numbing site of ugly naked people. [ Mental picture ulgy nake people running like sissy girls when the Marines land. ]

Enough for now...

Monday, August 01, 2011

Friends Don't Let Friends Dance Old

My brain hurts today. It was a weird day spent with reading, reading and more reading. If I wasn't trying to learn the new HTML5, I was proofing one of the longest newsletters we had in a long while.

I think I looked at my computer maybe 45 minutes out of the entire day. It felt like I was back in college. That flashback I did not need.

It's odd, I don't like the fact that my life is flying by but I don't think I would want to repeat my 20s. I like the fact that I know my future now. I like the fact that I am independent and taking care of myself. My brain works better now, why is that 20 year figure wasted on a 20 year brain?

I do miss dancing. I wish 40s didn't mean you look funny dancing now. They need to open some 40s plus clubs where we could go get our grove on without being comedy relief for the 20s crowd.

The video below is living proof middle aged people need to think long and hard about dancing publicly. Do you really think these women would have ever convinced that dude to go out to the dance asphalt if he remotely thought he was being videoed? Dance all you want in the privacy of your own home!

Enough for now...

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ring, Ring

My cell phone is approximately three or four years old, you know the Razor that was so popular a while back. It's beginning to act up and I am thinking it's time for a new phone.

The problem I am seeing is that all the new cell phones are smart phones. I don't want a smart phone. I do not want the ability to blog or Facebook on the run. I need some distance from all those 1s and 0s to actually live my life.

So which cell phone do you buy now, if you want to use it only for - get this - a phone. I don't text, why text when I am holding the phone and I can call and speak actual words and get actual words spoken back to me. I think I will keep my phone for now.

If I have the ability to Facebook or snap a photo and blog about right then, I know I will. As a person who designs webs and writes for a living, yes, I must do that eight hours a day Monday through Friday - I don't want to do that in my off hours as well.  I don't think it's too healthy to be too linked to the web.

That's why I find the following commercial so apropos to what I am trying to do. I would rather have 19 friends and be active (probably not trail biking but maybe gambling, movies, reading). The key for me is to find a good balance to enjoy both worlds.

Enough for now...

Friday, July 29, 2011

My Easy button doesn't work

Friend Linda went on a retreat this week for work and came back energized and with an Easy button to boot.

My week was anything but easy, it was one of the hardest weeks I've had in a long time. Everything was a fight or a struggle. Everything I have coming up looks to be the same fight or struggle.

I am tired of the drama and I want boring. I want easy but that stupid Easy button didn't make it easier. It just made Linda laugh. She enjoyed pushing the button even though I was not amused. I honestly think she was laughing at me. Even after I broke a form everyone uses. Yet, she still pushed the stupid button and laughed.

Do yo think she drank the kool-aid at the retreat?  She told me I could waller today in all the crap happening but the crap had to be left at work and I am supposed to enjoy my weekend. I doubt that will happen, the crap is still there... waiting ...waiting, patiently for me to return and wreck my world.

If I had a button it would definitely be a "Make It Suck" button and it would be stuck on! As that the theme of my week. I took a long soak hoping to wash away all this ickyness, but it only succeeded in scaring Winston, afraid he was going to have to take a bath. I am still bummed.

Enough for now...

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Practice Makes Perfect

Well its takes mom about five months for mom to earn me enough clicks to get my Google AdSense email.

I am trying get to my ad revenue up to at least five clicks a day, so I can get an email from Google every month about a payment being issued.

I have yet to recruit enough ad clickers, but I shall continue to try. One of the things that adding the ads to the site it has encouraged me to write more constantly. When you write for a living, you tend to write about the same things and the subject matter gets old. This blog allows me the freedom to write anything I want  and in turn helps me keep my creative skills up.

Here I am limited only by my imagination, which means some days I will bore my three readers profusely. While on other occasions I will be quite imaginative. The sheer nature of a blog is to put down you own thoughts from the day or a particular subject. When I first began it was all about this new techie thing that I could actually publish.

Now, I enjoy the rants, the spastic Tuesdays, the stretching of my imagination. As I get stuck in the routine of work, this outlet helps to keep my desire to write strong and hopefully entertain my three readers.

To mom, I say thank you for diligently clicking on my ads earning me anywhere from 15 cents to S1.95 a day. If this revenue boosting doesn't work, beware I will just have to become an Arbonne dealer and I will pester you to buy all your make up from me (even though I think their hand creme stinks).

Here's to hoping for five clicks a day but realizing the daily exercise is worth much more than that. One of these days, Friend Shana and I will figure out how to write that novel together (she's an awesome writer with a killer imagination) and I won't need this blog anymore but until then I will keep practicing.

Enough for now...

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

When do I get recess?

I have been doing a little freelancing here and there and in doing so, I am actually increasing my skill set. I would love to do some changes to my "real" job's web but I seem to be too busy to get around to it. So my side jobs get some of my best work. In a way that's kind of good and yet, it is not.

My work site will get the benefit of HTML5 first, I think, mainly because I know that site inside and out. I am a little excited about this HTML5shiv that makes everything backwards compatible making even IE6 less of a booger.

Then I plan to learn for web forms and stuff and may stick my toes into mySQL. I don't know about that, SQL kind of scares me. So I think I have much learning to do in the near future.

What really scares me, is that I created a database driven resource guide with more than 3,000 entries and need to move it from the antiquated Front Page Database Interface that require Front Page Extensions and I am not sure how or what program to convert that database to. I want to maintain the ease of accessing the database via the web and yet I am just clueless as to where to start on that. So I will procrastinate on that.

The problem I always have when I work from home is that I get too deep into my work and tonight's entry is prime example of me still thinking about code when I should be relaxing. If you have any ideas of which way to start, I would love some input.

Enough for now...

Monday, July 25, 2011

Sign of the times

This photo, provided by Jodi Burr, shows the sign supporting their
sign's military service. The Burr family says their homeowner's
association is suing them for their refusal to take down the
banner from their front yard.  Read more: Fox News Story
 For all you who live in housing editions with homeowners association that won't allow American Flags or patriotic signs for our sons and daughter deployed to war zones - revolt now. I challenge everyone who pays dues to hang out the biggest flag you can get your hands on  or post signs and yellow ribbons for the safe return of our military and say "bite me, HA".

I am absolutely floored by the lengths that some of these associations will go to. Suing people to remove the flags and signs are beyond the pale.

When did we become so hung up on showing our patriotism? When did supporting our Country become passe?

Shame on you, homeowners association, that frown on such signs of patriotism.

Enough for now...

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Happy Birthday Dad

Today is my Dad's birthday. This photo is who my Dad is. His is quite and not easily excitable. He is also goofy on occasion and you never know when it is going to come out.

If you know Tommie then you know he has to have something on that head of his. Even if it's a McDonald's hat.

(P.S. dig the TV. The remote control was sitting on the rolling ottoman.)

Enough for now...

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Wasted Future

It is such a shame that with success and fame that a healthy dose of sanity doesn't accompany it. No matter how many tried to help Amy Winehouse, the drug's grip was stronger. I do feel sorry for her, drugs are evil and when they get a hold, it takes a great deal of will power to get healthy again. But the thing to remember is that before she ever took that first hit, she was sober. She chose to do drugs.

When you see these two photos of her, you wonder why anyone would do drugs. They make you ugly real fast. It's hard to believe that the photo on the right was take the night before her 25th birthday. She looks closer to 50 there. Now at the age of 27, Amy Winehouse ceased to age any more. She's dead.

The big question is,  who's the next celebrity to die a stupid death?

Enough for now...

Friday, July 22, 2011

You are diving me nuts!

This last month I have been working on a horrible project where I have been trying to get approximately 80 remote offices to provide me with information. At the beginning the majority of the people were super and sent their information in but the last 20 or so have been absolutely obstinate. I sent emails asking for information, they replied only giving half the information, I replied asking for clarification or all the information, they would reply again with partial. I was so frustrated with the mean people that my assistant  had to take over talking to a few.

It got to a point that I was almost ready to get in my car and drive two hours to a couple of offices and give them my can can of whoop a$$. But that would not have been profession of me now would it? The frustration though did manifest itself as laughing hysterically.

I told my friend, Linda, that the next time a project of this nature comes along, I am going to say "Don't ever do that to me again!" Like that freaky young girl on Toddlers and Tiaras. That show just freaks me out. If you haven't heard her before here is a snippet.

Enough for now...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

I am so busy I feel popular

Yesterday, I went to a professional organization reception where I laughed and got to know co-workers and others outside of work. It was fun.

Then today, we got a call from my nephew's wife, Stacey, and she asked if we wanted to go to dinner and meet Liam. Of course we said yes and the following are just a few of the highlights.

Enough for now...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Caution contents may be flammable

This would not have happened if the gas tank was on the same side.
Hey car manufacturers,

Would you do me a favor? All of you get on board and pick a side, I don't care which but please decide on either the right or left side for the gas tank. Why you ask, because every time I drive a state vehicle I have to pull into a parking space and get out and look for the gas cap before I can pull in to fill up.

Also it would be nice when you go into a busy gas station if all the cars could line up the same way. I have seen cars pull up to another car's nose because they each had gas tanks on different sides. Wait, am I being too logical? Would it be too much to know that when you got in a car, any car, that the gas tank was on the driver's side? HUH? I don't think that would be too much!

I don't like government regulations but since the government already owns Chevrolet why not demand that all cars from now on put the gas tank on the same side. I say its time for us to stand up for our rights to demand a universal side for gas tanks.

Okay, so now you've just heard one of my biggest pet peeves!

Enough for now...

Monday, July 18, 2011

Such a Disappointment

TGI Fridays used to be a regular haunt for me and my lunch buddies. Now that they have changed the menu and raised their prices it's just not worth it anymore. We would go for their super great salads. Now there are way less ingredients on the salad and cost two dollars more. I am sorry but there are few salads worth $10.89 or so. One that price is outrageous and two, is it unacceptable that there's so much less on it.

Before the TGI Friday's menu change
After the TGI Friday's menu change
To the right was the old Cobb Salad that was worth $8 bucks. It had diced cold chicken, crumbled bacon, diced tomatoes, boiled egg, diced avocado, black olives, cheese, and blue cheese crumbles

The new Cobb Salad has chicken breast drizzled with an ugly black vinaigrette, bacon strips, blue cheese crumbles, boiled egg, avocado and cherry tomatoes all for a meager $10.

This is rather insulting and really disappoints me. For $10 I don't think I should have to cut up my own bacon, I hate avocado so that goes to Theresa, and I am allergic to tomatoes. So what I get to eat now, is lettuce, bacon, blue cheese and chicken.

It's a shame too because my co-worker loves the fried green beans so we would go just for that but when the salad were good that was a bonus - now we won't go just for the appetizer.

I believe TGI Friday's needs to rethink their new menu, it wasn't an improvement and has lost me for a long time, if not forever. I don't see the need to be gouged at lunch.

No fried green beans for us anymore because TGI Fridays is no longer on our menu.

Enough for now...

Saturday, July 16, 2011

An expensive way to start the day

A couple of days ago, Theresa asked me what was wrong with my tire. I look at the part of the tire on the ground and it didn't look flat. So I said "Nothing." Then she pointed out the tread and said you've got nothing here. It's bald. "Really?" I said not really worried about it.

Well, that conversation nagged at me, so I went to Hibdon first thing this morning. The guy behind the counter went out to inspect my tire and came back in with a frown on his face. He comes over and said "that right front tire is separating and the back left is wha wha wha." Somehow I tuned him out on that back tire when I heard that the one was separating.

I have been driving in massive construction on I40 and a blow out there would have been disasterous. So my crappy little car with only three hubcaps has two new shoes and an alignment. Now, the loss of more than $250 bucks stings, especially when I thought I'd was just going in to get a rotation and maybe, maybe not, a new tire.

Sometimes it sucks to be a grown up. This is the second month in a row with an unexpectant $250 bill.

Enough for now...

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Take it the Limit - THEN STOP!

You know, I am so sick and tired of the theatrics that goes on in Washington. This debt ceiling crap is so stupid. If you are running out of money, you have to stop spending. It's that simple. If you need the Republicans to give you money, stop spending Democrats! Who wants to approve raising the debt ceiling with a President who is mad with spending. I cannot blame the Republicans for digging in.

In reality it is insane, what they do with our tax dollars. And then they appear shocked when the public rises up and screams stop. You know, I don't believe anything that comes out the administration so I say, don't raise it. Let see what happens. Lets live within the outrageous budget you already have (note: I did say within).

Down with tax hikes on anyone. I feel every citizen of this country regardless of how many kids or home mortgage should pay the same percentage on their earnings. I think punishing people for being successful is a step closer to communism.

The one thing, I agree with on this video is that they are all acting like children. It's sad. We are supposed to one of the most brilliant countries when it comes to democracy and they are acting like fools. Who's going to be the first one to take off his or her shoe and pound it on the table.

Enough for now...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Doggone Tough Day

My little man went through a trauma today. First, he had a beauty appointment. All the groomers love him, but he really would rather not be cleaned. His report said the usual "Winston was a real good boy," or "He's a sweetie." Then she wrote next time recommend  the furminator. What is a furminator and do I really want them furminating my dog?

Then I worked later than I usually do, part of my freelancing. So I didn't pick up little man until  almost 7 pm. Needless to say, he's not moving further than inch away from me but he not looking me either. When Winston pouts he doesn't look at you.

So today, I will be content to hold and pet him until he is his usual self. At least, I don't the neurotic dog that mom and dad has. Seamus is the most nervous dog, we have ever had. He constantly licks is legs until he has bloody sores up and down them. He paces and cries when Mom and Dad go anywhere and he's been known to pee in my bed from nerves.

With all that being said Seamus is the sweetest 102 lb laptop dog, we've ever had. He needs his people especially sense he's trained us so well that we serve him faithfully.

Enough for now...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Turn Around!

When I first watch this video my very first thought was, "ARE YOU MENTAL?" Who in their right mind would drive right into that? I mean for all you know the Dark Lord Sauron has escaped Mordor and is storming through Arizona!

First of all, the driver of the car had to be a boy, for a girl would have pull over to the nearest mall and taken refuge! So this idiotic boy drives toward the rolling clouds of Orc mist (or maybe sand), and then he proceeds to enter the ominous cloud to the point it's pitch black.

If this boy was a loved one of mine after watching this video, he would have been wishing for that tower prison of Gandalf's for protection from me!

Before today's rain down pour I was beginning to wonder if a storm of this sort was next for us. While I truly appreciated the rain, what is wrong with a slow drizzle. A slow soaking rain for about five days straight and I might actually have a yard again. Hey, if you want to look to the upside of draught, at least the mosquitoes are all dead.

Enough for now...

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Where did the time go?

Paul Cezanne's Pierrot and Harlequin
 For some reason, I looked up exactly how long I have lived here and I was floored. It's been seven years! Winston will be seven in September and Seamus just turned ten or eleven. Wait a minute and let me catch up, world!

As we get older, it feels as though time speeds up. Do you remember counting your birthday by half the year and now, dang it, another one? Really? Do you remember once Sears published that giant Christmas (TOYS!) catalog and after all the special pages had been dog eared and marked up - the days would warp and life would move in slow motion? Now you blink and some stupid store is playing "White Christmas."

No wonder I am ready to put up my Pierrots and Harlequin Dolls and redesign my bedroom. It's been seven years! The real problem is that I love my house and the way it is decorated but not that crazy about my bedroom. It's blah, so I want something really "WOW" but its so small I don't know if I can get "WOW" in there. It's small and I have a large dresser that is a keeper and a huge bay window (that I love) but it takes away one wall in the design theme.

Anyone got a great idea on how to decorate this room? No, Kim, I don't think lime green would be an option for me!

Enough for now...

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Just a one roll of duct tape from white trash

Give me a couple of years, I will be driving a car just like this!
 Today, I came home to an open garage door and I didn't leave it that way. It is scary to thing that anyone could have come into my house or rummage through my garage. The only thing I can think of is that power went out and somehow kicked it on and made it go up.

But then it wouldn't lower, so I called dad and he came and unplugged it and replugged it in and it still wouldn't work. Then he unplugged it and plugged it and the stupid thing worked. Who knew unplugging and plugging in was a mechanical maneuver?

But then I had him check my front tire and I had only 13 lbs of air. Its supposed to be at least 28 to 32 lbs, and as Murphy would dictate my compressor is at his house. So Dad had to go home, pick up the compressor and come back.

And since I am already complaining, what's one more? Someone stole my hubcap to my crappy car and now I look like white trash driving drown the road. Maybe if I use duct tape on my wheel it will look like a hubcap. Yeah. I am faking my happy face.

Enough for now...

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!

Mother of the Year!
My friend and former boss, Ellen, would raise a hand in the air with all five fingers spread out wide and would say very earnestly "No! No! No!" whenever anyone of her employees or renters was doing something she did not approve of. That's exactly what I wanted to do when I heard of the Casey Anthony verdict.

There will be no justice for the little girl, Caylee. How can this be? How can the jury not see the guilt? How can another prosecutorial team allow this to happen? When we have such horrific crimes as this, the prosecution has got to be the best there is. Casey can never be brought to trial again because she has been found not guilty. I would have rather they not brought her to trial until they could have secured a conviction.

I do take comfort in that it should be hard to Casey to any semblance of a life. I wouldn't hire a baby killer to work in my place of employment. I wouldn't be friends with a baby killer. I wouldn't want anything to do with this horrible woman. Okay, now that I've ranted like a lunatic, I will state that I do believe in the judicial system. I just hate that one: incompetent prosecution lost another one or two: jurors didn't want to find her guilty regardless of the facts. I don't know but the system failed the baby.

It's OJ all over again! Another sucky thing is that she will get a book deal and make millions and can party her butt off. Now she won't have a baby cramping her style. Wait until she has another baby, she will be freed soon and can destroy another life.

Enough for now...

Monday, July 04, 2011

Happy Birthday America!

Today is the 4th of July, as we say it in common speak, but I like the title Independence Day. On this day in 1776, brave men stood up to tyranny and said "NO!" They set up this country for endurance and freedom, especially with this second sentence in the Declaration of Independence.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
Would our politicians of today be able to stand up to King George and tell him off in the way these brave men did? Standing up to the King and explaining the grievances took was extremely courageous. Today's, politicians weighs the political ramifications, gather a focus group and do a survey prior to committing to an issue versus what they truly believe. The men who put their signatures on that piece of paper, had a death sentence waiting for them if we had lost the war. Would any of today's politicians have signed the Declaration of Independence?

While I am very thankful they declared our independence and created the foundation for this country. Many lives were lost then and since bringing and maintaining our rights for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and it's to you fallen patriot that I say thank you.

Enough for now...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

What Planet Am I On?

For a graphics employee not having a computer all day is rather maddening. I spent the entire day cleaning paper files, trashing files no longer needed, and scanned files I need to keep. I plan to no longer keep paper files, so I can get rid of that giant file cabinet for a little cabinet.

Today, Co-worker Linda was on the verge of ... something ... don't know what nor did I want to find out. Then we found out that today was an astrological wonder which I cannot find on the net but it's supposed to be a day of accidents, fights and all around badness. Yeah right, I am a skeptic but when the waiter knocks over my ranch dressing and it flies on the table and seat. I begin to wonder then I realize how very lucky we are as none of the dressing got on me or Linda.

I made it home without wrecking. Baby is fine so I am a saying "Phooey" on astronomical wonders messing with my day. I plan to have a great night!

Enough for now...

Monday, June 27, 2011

If I Must Fish, I Would Fish This Way

At least they don't have to bait the hook or cast out without getting snagged on anything. Just drive the boat down the river. On to the bigger question why would I ever being fishing because I absolutely hate meat out of the water.

Enough for now...

Saturday, June 25, 2011

I need a slap to the back of the head

I remember when Tim was chubby.
Is there such a thing as too much NCIS? When there is nothing on TV you've always got Jethro. It doesn't matter if I have seen it before or two or four times before, I can always set the TV to the NCIS channel. I only wish they would add NCIS LA to the line up and I would be in heaven with Mr. Callen and Special Agent Gibbs.

It's too hot to do anything productive today (that's my story and I am sticking to it). Since I got my house picked up, I choose not to clean as it almost feels clean. Even Baby won't venture out and has resigned himself to laying on the couch.

Some days you just need do-nothing days and today is one such day.  However, I do need to have a few uber motivated days to finish projects already in the works. I have the photo project going where I am scanning family photos and I am half way through. I have a web job in process that I can do a few things but I am waiting for content to really get going.  I have an Afghan half made. So too many do-nothing days can get me in trouble.

Mr. Callen is fine but Mr. Deeks is not too bad either.
Until I get motivated again I will be watching Jethro, Tony, Zeva, Tim, Abby and Ducky.

(Mom, no naked people in this post you can look at the pictures.)
Enough for now...

Friday, June 24, 2011

My Eyes! My Eyes!

This is way too funny! That little boy's face says it all! We live in a demented world when nobody but an innocent child notices that this dirty OLD man is gross! That boy will need therapy for a long time!

There is not enough brain bleach to wipe this picture from the wee one's mind. Hey ugly old people keep your clothes on!

Enough for now...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

You look Beautiful!

Before surgery....

After surgery...

We would tease Dad about beating Mom about the face but he'd just shrug and not find the humor in it. My Mom inherited lazy eye lids from her mother. So after she had cataract surgery last month, the doctors wanted to remove the access skin from above her eyes. We were very pleased about that because we've always talked about her getting it done. The doctor made the decision for her.

Now, I wonder if we will still be able to tell if she is tired. Mom's eyes would tell you how she felt, if she was tired her right eye would almost close shut. I would ask if she could see and she said yes but it really didn't look like it.

It's all done and she seems to be doing okay. I did have to laugh at her when I first saw the black eyes. Its amazing how if you know the person is okay or going to be okay it's alright to laugh at them. If you are a Facebook friend of hers, feel free to send your good vibrations her way.

Enough for now...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hit the Brakes! Hit the Brakes!

You know sometimes you can wollar around in your own self pity but when you watch the following video it just might make you think "my day wasn't so bad." There are days that I feel as though I am driving through life without a wheel. However, if I were in this guy's place I would have been wigging out completely! This dude was way to calm.

Enough for now...

Monday, June 20, 2011

Let the Sun Go Down!

Summer Solstice is tomorrow, June 21, 2011 at 12:16 PM in Oklahoma City. It will be the longest day of the year. The day with the most sunlight for the whole year. LIKE I NEED THE DAYS TO BE ANY LONGER!

If I could run away and start fresh, I would but all the crap that bugs me here would be were I ran away to. So running away is not an option, my mortgage also makes running away a non-starter.

You know, if we still had the pagan rituals of dancing naked around a bonfire while getting royally wasted maybe I would look forward to tomorrow. But at the same time I would probably be paralyzed at the thought of (one) dancing and (two) getting naked. Nobody wants to seen a middle aged woman dancing naked while drunk dialing some ex-boyfriend (Eeewww).  All I'd need to see it the two ugly boys such those in the picture and I would have to renounce my pagan ways. Yeah, I can't even be pagan. Crap.

So if I cannot run away or dance naked while getting totally blitzed, I guess I will just have to endure tomorrow. But I will not like it!
Enough for now...