I am worn out! I have many tedious projects at work and swear the muscle between my shoulders just below my neck is made of immobile steel.
I have started telecommuting once a week and it really allows me to do the big projects that require concentration like captioning a 10 minute video. That would have been impossible without closing my office door. I really like telecommuting. It's cool to be able to crawl out of bed and hit the computer.
Well I am back on my quest to loose weight. The trick this is to stay off the scales. As long as I don't know I am not loosing any lbs, I am not depressed. It's been three weeks and I have not cheated once - send me your good vibes to keep at it. I am one Snicker bar away from diabetes [a family trait of mine].
Enough for now...I leave you with a Seamus' dancing debut, well not exactly.