Friday, October 19, 2007

No Boom Today

Today was rather exciting, I sat through my very first bomb threat. For two hours our building was evacuated because of a suspicous package or more correctly a strange pvc pipe abandoned at the front door of the building. It turned to be just that pvc pipe no danger. Thankfully for that and a beautiful morning my first bomb threat went rather well.

This week has been kind of tough. On Monday Winston was having troubles with his ears and had to go to the vet. I am now having to put medicine in both ears twice a day. Needless to say, I have to have help. Mom has either come over or I have taken Winston over there. He does not like it at all. Then I learn the lardass has gain more weight and now weighs 33 lbs. He too is now on a diet. He no longer gets doggie biscuits instead its carrots. Little man is not happy!

Enough for now...

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Rabbit Food Here I Come

I am back on my diet after a couple months of pure gluttony - McDonalds, Subway, Taco Bell, all have been my best freinds of late. Now, it's lettuce, cucumber, and Lein Cuisinne. On September 1, I officially made it one year without smoking and my weight is proof. I have an extra 20 to 30 lbs that have moved in on me. Early in the summer, I went to the gym walked four miles a day and dieted and got NOTHING! So now I am just dieting and hoping to make it through the weekend. I think my weight gain has also rubbed off on little man. He is so heavy now that carrying him very far isn't as easy as it should be.

Enough for now.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Content, Yet Pissed - Go Figure

As I sit here pondering what in the world do I want to blog about, a little beagle is outside barking his head off and I have absolutely nothing pressing or a pending project and I think life is good. The problem with the good life it can be somewhat boring.

At least we have politics to entertain us. I am somewhat unhappy with our politicians who "know" everything and yet, do nothing. I am unhappy with our President for his spineless stand on illegal immigration and his offensive statements about those of us who oppose his position are uninformed. I know there are too many undocumented people living in our country and a fence will make it harder to enter. I know that if businesses are heavily fined illegals won't be hired. I know our congress will say exactly what I want to hear and yet, vote the other way. Would someone grow a pair and do the right thing?

Enough for now..

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Rest in Peace, Flower

Photo of Flower, super meerkat momma. I have to admit that I watched Meerkat Manner right up to the time where Shakespear got bit by a snake and I think died. I was so upset that I didn't watch the show any more. Life is cruel and I didn't want to see it. So last night, I started watching it again since nothing else was on AND FLOWER GOT KILLED BY A SNAKE. I can't believe it! I started to cry and doubt I'll ever be a able to watch it ever again. If you can handle it [I don't think I can], Meerkat Manner is a good show.

Enough for now or I'll start to cry again.

Monday, October 08, 2007

A New Leaf

Okay, here is dana attempting to be a better blogger. The problem is that I don't have much to say. Is it Tuesday? I feel a tangent coming on.

Why is Neil Boortz's Fair Tax so abhorant to Washington? Why is that we can't charge foriegn tourist taxes? Drug dealers? Illegal Aliens? Why not charge them for rescue service, hospitalization, or traffic lights? Why is it that only the employed [legally] support our government? Sales tax - if you buy anything then you pay taxes. Hard to find a loop hole in that. Hard to find an arguement but yet the congress does. Why????????????????????

Down with the IRS!

Enough for now...

Friday, October 05, 2007

Ode to Toby

My life is whizzing by and I am unable to seem to stop the train. Work has been crash course of learning one new technology after another. First streaming video, then various ways of capturing video from other websites, and finally video production for the web, I think my brain is mush!

Yesterday, I did a good thing. My boss is the ultimate rescuer of lost or abandoned pets and it is starting to rub off on her staff. When I arrived at work, my other co-worker, R, was following a little beagle around the parking lot. We managed to get a hold of the little guy and took him up to my office where we feed him crackers and some water. He was thoroughly exhausted and once I closed my door he went to sleep. I then made "Beagle Found" signs and co-worker S and I went and hung them up around the neighborhood. Finally, we went to the 7-11 about a mile away and there was a "Lost, our little beagle Toby" flyer in the window. I ran in and took the flyer off the window and called the owners. Toby's mom began to cry when I told her we had him. I am glad we were able to reunite Toby with his family but that little guy got to me in an instant. I miss Toby.

I had lunch with my old boss a week ago and learned how lucky I am that I found this new job of mine. From what I understand, the old place is not in good shape. Yippee, I am out of the weirdness.

Enough for sleepy.