Wednesday, June 27, 2007

High Desert Take Me Away

Dana sitting outside in the beautiful Logan, Utah

It's been a while since I last blogged mainly because I haven't been in town. One week ago, co-worker R and I flew out to Salt Lake City via Denver. Then we had an hour and a half shuttle ride to get to Logan, Utah for web accessibility training. BTW, this blog is not accessible - sorry JAWS users I will try to correct that with future entries. I learned a great deal and feel like I can do my job a little better now.

It was really nice in Logan - they are in a drought right now and are praying for rain. The sunshine, mountains and dry wind was soooo refreshing that I really didn't want to come home.

When I began packing I realized that I had not left Oklahoma since I bought my house, three years ago. So you can imagine that the funky airport security 3-1-1 rules were really odd to me. However, I was proud that I didn't get singled out for a private screening, which was nice.

Winston didn't miss me - he just kicked Seamus off mom and dad's bed and slept in his place. I don't know if I should be glad that he wasn't shook up or offended that he didn't notice?

Monday, June 11, 2007

No Lift, No Air, No Mas!

Well, today was a Monday if there ever was one. I get to work and the elevators aren't wanting to work right and I office on the fifth floor. NO...I do not opt for the stairs, I wait and wait and wait and the elevator finally comes. Then we lose the air conditioning and it got rather warm. Then a problem I have been researching for two weeks, I get the answer - it's not a real problem at all and I'm just not supposed to save my ASP file anywhere but the root web. An odd work around if I ever saw one. It was just a weird day!

We finished the recreation of my bookcase in the office and it looks fantastic! I also decided to remove all the book jackets on my books and made all the difference in the world. It really makes my office look like a private library. We are about to finish replacing the baseboards with my new really wide baseboards and all the home improvement projects will be complete with the exception of the bathroom which will require a lot of mula and a weeks vacation. I am a little scared about not having a hobby anymore.

We found baby's OU tee shirt which he loves to wear. The minute I had his jersy in hand Winston was standing on me saying "that's mine, give it to me." My little Boomer.

Enough for now...

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Pain, So Much Pain

Well here I sit, ready for work and I realize it's 6:37 a.m. ! I don't have to leave for work till 8:00 a.m. I think I got up at 6 not 7 thanks to day three of a stupid sinus headache. This does not bode well for today's prospects. Should I just strip off, go back to bed and call in sick? That probably would be the best idea.

Okay we started a new project -- I know, I know, but we can't just sit around and do nothing. We were pinging off the walls, so we decided to convert my office shelves for my books to look like a built-in and a piece of furniture. We have the painting done and we're waiting on dad to do the build. It's going to be great.

Work is going well but I am in ASP hell [yet, again]. Does anyone know how to change a web-bot in front page? I need to change that stupid web-bot to read [carat symblol]! - -include# virtual= instead of [carat symbol]!--include# file I can actually see the offender grayed out but cannot get to the original file to change it. It's maddening! I am currently dreaming about databases and ASP and servers and that may be why I got out of bed way too early.

Enough for now...