Sunday, April 23, 2006

Winston Standing on Grandma

My new fence and rock garden

The tupip vine is causing that giant shadow that denied the grass much need sun causing the area to be a giant mudd pit.

Itty Bitty Butt Head and Biggy Biggy Butt Head

You try to get two dogs to stand still - Seamus wants to go out and Winston is standing on Dad's lap.

My Big Guy

Today, we managed to scare the snot out of Winston between the riding lawn mower and the repair to my desk. But it got better when I carried him out front (he loses his mind out front and runs away so he only gets to be carried).

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Invasion America

Okay, I am angry! Angry as can be! I am not against anyone moving to a different country to find prosperity but I am against anyone who comes here illegally and expects to have rights. Those protest a week or so ago made me realize that our country has been invaded and I am rather pissed at our Congress men and women are so impotent to correct the problem. It is very simple - follow the rules below and we might get some relief!

Build a freaking fence - we deserve to be protected against criminals and terrorist who would want to enter under a cloud of secrecy. With a fence, our border patrol won't be in as much danger and overwhelmed.

Fix our immigration policy - allow those who want to come in legally to do so without having to wait 12 to 15 years.

Punish our businesses - hiring illegals needs to be a crime punishable by jail time. They are reaping so much profit by exploiting the illegals that paying a just a fine won't be enough to stop the problem. If there are no jobs illegals will go home and wait till they can come over legally.

How did we end up with so many morons in Washington?

Enough for now.

Monday, April 03, 2006

My Summer of Leisure Begins

I have come to the conclusion that if I don't blog at work, which is probably a bad habit to start - I'll never blog again. Once I am home in my comfy jeans, sitting on the couch, watching tv - I am not going to actually get up walk 15 feet to the computer to blog. It just won't happen. I have become a sloth.

Well, Dad and I finished up the last of my outside make-over this Saturday. We dug a 10 foot trench added a drain to redirect pooling water. Smashed up the last of sidewalk to my backyard and hauled the concrete away. Added ten 40 lb bags of dirt, sod and created a path with flagstones. It would fabulous be if the new sod we added was green but grass isn't green anywhere.

I hope I really enjoy all this since I am flat broke until I can pay off the windows. No more new projects. I am not sure if I will be able to stand a whole year without some type of renovation but that's what it will have to be.

Friend Shana, are you out there? Who's turn is it to email?

enough for now.