Saturday, April 30, 2011

Close the Museums Wearable Art!

We often think of the British as just like us but what I saw at the royal wedding was anything like us! The Prince's cousins were hot messes. How in the world can these girls think that those albatrosses on their heads are attractive? How?

While these were bad the cousins weren't the only ones, there were many others who left me wondering where their minds were. Evident it is hip to destroy a beautiful outfit with arbitrary objects on your head. Then I began to think about our own culture and the things we do.

I really can't think of anything as ridiculous as wearing those odd head ornaments in our culture in very formal situations. We do have the lunacy at football games. But that's not like a wedding or the opera, American girls dress nicely (unless they are from New Jersey and some of their hairstyles could rival the British hats) at formal events.

I would really love to know what we do that seems so over the top to the Brits.

I have to admit that I would wear the blue hair before you would ever catch me in such a silly hat! What would you do?

Enough for now...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Here's Hoping for the Fairy Tale

First of all, let me start by saying, no I am not getting up at 5 a.m. to watch Will and Kate get married. I do have to admit I did for Charles and Dianna's wedding. When they got married, we did not have the technology that we do today, so I had to crawl out of bed and go into the living room to watch it. I did not have a TV in my room and I was only 14 years old.

I know that the Prince and Soon-to-be Princess are royalty but spending millions at this economically depressed time is a little crass. Also, I think that with the couple being in their late 20s that so much pomp and circumstances seems a little bit much. I am a little bit on the conservative side for weddings when you get close to your thirties.

If for some weird reason I were to get married after all these years, I think an exchange of vows in my living room would be sufficient or an elopement to Las Vegas' most cheeky wedding chapel.

Elaborate weddings when the couple is older is  like old people on the dance floor - dancing like teenagers - painful to watch. I wouldn't want to be in front of 200 people in a mermaid dress. I think that demure and classy weddings are for the young at heart with advanced years.

I do, however, wish them all the best and hope that Will and Kate get the fairy tale that Diana did not.

Enough for now...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Sky Is Falling (or Is It?)

With one ring of the phone, your world can crash. Today, that happened. Mom always the optimist. Not Dad and I, we want to crawl into a corner either cry hysterically or shut down completely. But really where does that get us?

Fear is the problem here. Right now, I am afraid that the sky is falling but in reality it's not. It's all in my head and if I give into that fear I get nowhere.

When you hear of all the studies that talk about positive thinking and positive attitudes making people healthy even in the most dire of circumstances. Hey we can do that right?

Since we are not in dire circumstances, our positive thinking should make every thing fabulous. I am going to be an optimist and I am going to make dad be one too [this will require much help as it is not in his nature nor mine, poor mom has her work cut out for her].

So when you see me dancing in the sunshine, join me as I refuse to see the rain. If you can't dance, send a prayer or two our way.

Enough for now...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What Not to Wear!

It's spastic Tuesday! Spastic Tuesdays are usually better if you are not exhausted. It's amazing how creativity is connected to your energy levels. Have you ever noticed how when you "feel" blah absolutely nothing gets done until said blahness leaves? I am blah and my house is cluttered, bills unattended to, laundry waiting and blog entries are further apart.

OH MY STARS, how many of you hate that miniature mouse pad/finger track pad on your laptop? As I type my thumb drops down and touches the pad and poof! my cursor is someplace else. Who need drugs, just type and drop your thumb a couple of times! Dizzy!

What is going on in the Middle East? Is every country going to fall this year? Well add Dictator to list of dead end careers. The biggest problem with the influx of out of work Dictators is that it will cause all the incredibly bad clothe designers to go bankrupt to! You just don't know how things will work out in the end. Hey Dictators behave! Bad designers need work too.

Alas, I will never measure up to the fashion sense of Muammar Muhammad al-Gaddafi and for that I am very thankful. Does that purple outfit make him look constipated or is it just me?

Enough for now...

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Take Me to the Clouds...

I have uploaded a lot of my music to Amazon's Cloud and my photos to Flickr. I fully expect in two or three years we will be buying computers with absolutely no storage capability because we will be storing stuff everywhere else. The horror of not being able to get to my files last week really made me think about all this.

With the music comes via the cloud, the super treat is not having to take it with you and yet you always have it. Anywhere I have an Internet connection I can get to my music. Also, it is so much cheaper to buy the album for download than to buy the CD. I just bought the album to Les Miserables two-disc for $7.40. Yippee!

Do I really need CDs everywhere? If Amazon promises not to lose my music, I will let them store it for me. I have wanted this CD for a long time and honestly, this is too easy! I think I will be buying most of my music this way from now on.

Here is one of the reasons I bought this album.

Enough for now...

Friday, April 22, 2011

Little things are hard

I slept in today! It was nice but I bet I pay the price tonight when I try to go to sleep. I am actually being extraordinarily lazy today. Since I am on vacation, I really don't care about doing anything but I have a lot of loose ends to finish on some projects I did this week.

I have one electrical cover to put on and haven't since Tuesday. Curtains to rehang and haven't since Tuesday. The little things can nag you to death too. Dad came over and we did a repair project to the kitchen wainscotting and repainted.  Why is it so tough to completely finish?

I then cleaned out my garage neater than it's been since I lived here, I think. Yet, instead of opening the attic and really sprucing it up... I stopped short. Then there an entire laundry basket full of doggie toys that need to be washed. Why again is it so tough to completely finish?

One project that did get done completely was the repainting and repairing of a bench that goes outside. Dad did all the sanding, repairing and painting. I helped to re-assemble it.

Once I got my computer back I did kind of clean off my desk but not really. I just stuffed bills into the drawer instead of scanning and shredding them, so another half project done.

There is one job that I really want to complete today and that is installing new batteries into everything need them. I swear every battery operated clock in my house has stopped.

Enough for now...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Money does grow on trees, right?

Oh my stars, I cannot begin to tell you how much money is flowing from my credit cards to this vendor or that one. First, my TV and computer died on the same day a couple of weeks ago. The TV was old and deserved to die. It had been a good friend for many years (ten or more) and I was kind of hoping it would die.  I was ready for something more attractive than that monstrosity on my dresser.

So now, I have a huge 32 inch up there. It's really nice but I didn't realize how large that is until you replace a 26 square with a 32 rectangle. I am enjoying it but three hundred bucks unexpectedly is tough.

My three month old computer was a cheap purchase off the Internet with no warranty or return policy, now in hindsight was not such a good idea. Something broke and required a new part, $139 repair with 50 dollars in antivirus cost me a smooth two hundred. Yeah. When this happen, it took me so unprepared that I didn't have my documents backed up. That scare caused me to go and buy an external hard drive today for another 60 bucks. I am so glad money grows on trees.

I am a little unnerved by all the surprises financially that when we learned of mom and dad's health issues, I want to run away and hide. Mom had cataract surgery today. Dad has a biopsy Monday.  I am ready for a whole bunch of boring!

Winston is currently on the couch pouting since he had his bath at the groomers. He seems to like the girl who does his grooming and she loves him but I think it stresses him out a little. This was his second time ever so hopefully the visits will be less and less stressful. I do have to admit they can make him feel so good, his coat is all fuzzy and soft.

Enough for now...

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Death is Expensive

I bought my last home today and while it was a good thing, it is kind of weird putting money down on a burial plot.

Three grand to rest in peace? For that kind of money, I should have a live band playing continuous so my after life has party music. I plan to dance for eternity. Oh, and that is just the plot, vault and head stone.

One of the things that is hardest of all is that I am having to do many grown up things like plan for my death or buy a house and I don't feel like a grown up. It is a surreal feeling, if I am not looking in the mirror, I feel too young to be doing these things.

It is nice to know that when something happens to me that the details will be taken care of.  It's hard to blog about death. I know I am going to die one day but I don't want to dwell on it either. While vampires make a good story, I don't believe that I will be bitten, made immortal and live forever. So I must buy a home for when I must leave my home.

I told mom that if we leave everything up to my nephew, I'd be lucky to get in the cemetery much less in a plot. My ashes might ride around in his trunk till he got around to releasing them to the wind or digging a hole somewhere. Nope, I will handle all the details and pick out a pretty urn and give him the name of the cemetery to call when I finally kick the bucket.

Enough for now...

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Feet Up and Oatmeal Cookies

My agency today, through the wonderful help of fantastic volunteers, was able to host our annual awareness day where we probably moved more than 500 people through the state capitol to visit legislators and the 64 exhibitors. Our door leaders were equated to the most awesome valets our exhibitors ever met.

I ran up and down the stairs a million times. It was so easy flying up the stairs at 7:30 a.m. and by noon
I was crawling up them. Now a few hours later, my thighs are starting to be sore. I know marble floors are really beautiful but why can't the Capitol be carpeted? It wouldn't kill your feet as much.

While I did get to see a lot of familiar friendly faces, there were so many I that did not get to talk to. Most  everyone wore green so we stood out.  I am so happy that this year's event lacked any negative drama and I actually had very little to do because everything went so smoothly.

We now have about three to four days of work to do the analysis on the event and feedback survey and after that, I don't want to plan or think about this event for at least eight or nine months.

Enough for now (my feet really really hurt)...

Sunday, April 03, 2011

It aint easy being green but it's kind of sassy

My house fairly clean, yippee dippee! I have be living rather pitifully lately, well actually dirty! I started with my guest bedroom that had more than a month's worth of dress clothes piled high, then I moved to the bathroom where I cleaned and rearrange, on to my bedroom and then all cleaning stopped for lunch. After lunch, I did a crash course on the kitchen and living room then off to play at the casino.

I did get a couple of treats this weekend my $6 lottery ticket yielded $8 in winnings - woohoo! -  the other treat was Tangled. Adorable little movie, I put it right up there with The Little Mermaid. I loved the chameleon and I really loved that it doesn't talk but has an adorable personality.

I have tried to be calm and relax this weekend but alas that has eluded me. I did settled down a great deal when the weather men took the chance of rain for Tuesday off the forecast - super duper! I do have to admit the one nice thing was starting of the weekend with a manicure and polish change for the toes, green tips on the fingers and solid green toes, I, for once, looked like I could be related to my sister (she brunette and tall and I am blond and not so tall). For those who know my sister, know about her affinity to chartreuse.

Enough for now...

Saturday, April 02, 2011

AWK! Don't make me do that again

Today was not fun. I went shopping with no make up on, messed up hair and this fat that I take everywhere. This means that every item I tried on, I looked bad.

First, I went to CATO expecting to run in and get something new and green. Well everything I tried on looked absolutely atrocious. So out I walked and went to Kohl's, I went into the dressing room with six or more shirts and two pairs of pants. I walked out with one possible shirt. Then I looked over all the store again and found another two pairs of pants and a sweater.  Back to the dressing room I go, success would not be what I would call but I left with a new outfit for Tuesday and along with a migraine. I got a sherbet green tunic with white embroidery and new black twill pants with new black wedges with a short heel.

Of course then I needed new earrings and bracelet to match but ended up with two bracelets and cute earrings that I might or might not wear but had to have.  The bronze bracelet won't go with the new outfit but will go nicely with other stuff on other days.

I hate being overweight and I hate shopping for an overweight body. Today totally sucked! While I am working on the weight, some days it feels so overwhelming and frustrating. The weight can come on fast but incredibly slow to go off.  I don't know if today was a wake up call to make me determined to lose or a surrender to be fat and okay with it.

Enough for now...